Friday, December 31, 2010
What Happened To
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Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunfire Speaker Review
Very often in family disputes, separated parents in dispute about custody of children and, not infrequently, it is these that will suffer the worst consequences. The legislature has provided that the judge may order the child custody to one parent with a reasoned decision if it considers that the award is contrary to the other ' interests of the child (Article . 155 - a , cc).
First you should understand what is meant by the interest of the child 's sole custody certainly can not be adopted if there are disagreements between parents ( art. 155 c.c. ). La dottrina prevalente ritiene che nemmeno la realizzazione di fatti gravi possa condurre a tale soluzione, come la violazione, l’abuso, da parte del genitore, dei doveri che gli competono con gravi danni per il figlio, ovvero nel caso in cui siano posti in essere maltrattamenti ( art. 330 c.c. ).
Allo stesso modo, non si potrà ottenere l’affidamento condiviso, nelle ipotesi in cui la condotta del genitore non è tale da dare luogo alla pronuncia di decadenza prevista dall’articolo art. 330 c.c. ma appare comunque pregiudizievole al figlio, il giudice, secondo le circostanze, può adottare i provvedimenti convenienti e può anche disporre l’allontanamento him from the family home or the removal of a parent or partner who abuses or misuses of the child (Article . 333 cc).
sole custody may be required if it can not be guaranteed a 'balanced existence with the parent. Obviously, this situation should be ascertained by the judge in the case (1) . The Court considers that there be an interest contrary to the child when it is precisely this refusal to put a than the prospect of having a relationship with the parent, or if there are objective impossible (think of the idea in which the parent is held at a prison) (2) .
What distinguishes the shared custody than exclusive?
Analyzing ' art.155-bis , DC , there is no indication regarding the unique single-parent custody, however, careful doctrine considers that the institution in question will apply in the circumstances where, in deference to the interest of the child, the child is not positive joint custody or when one parent can not, is not suitable to deal with the care of the child (3) .
The difference between the two modes of custody, does not relate to the simple relocation of the child at the residence of either parent, but it relates to the power . Therefore, the court identified that there is, in practice, the need to apply sole custody to one parent, will give also to him the sole power (4) .
The judge will decide when to do so, must refer specifically to the exercise of authority, stating in the order the parent to whom it will be attributed exclusively, while others may only and exclusively, to agree le decisioni di maggiore rilievo del figlio ed avrà il dovere e il diritto di vigilare sull’educazione del minore (5) .
La Suprema Corte si è pronunciata recentemente in tal senso, indicando che il regime ordinario di affidamento è quello congiunto, in ossequio alle prescrizioni del nostro ordinamento, tuttavia, qualora sussista, in capo ad uno dei genitori, una situazione di palese insufficienza educativa, che comporti un serio pregiudizio per l’interesse minore, il giudice potrà, mediante provvedimento motivato, dichiarare l’affidamento esclusivo(6) .
(1) M. Sesta, Handbook of family law , Cedam, Padova, 2009, pg. 177
(2) M. Sesta, Handbook of family law , Cedam, Padova, 2009, pg. 177
(3) M. Sesta, Handbook of family law , Cedam, Padova, 2009, pg. 178
(4) Sixth M., Handbook of family law , Cedam, Padova, 2009, pg. 178
(5) Sixth M., Handbook of family law , Cedam, Padova, 2009, pg. 179
(6) Cass. Civ., sec. I, December 17, 2009, No 26587, in person and Damage , 2009, , with note G. RIGHTEOUS
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Best Espresso Machines Under 200
custody defamation and tort
In this historical moment, thanks to the enormous spread of the media, it happens very often that the goal to become associates, directly or indirectly, of attacks, moral assault and lynchings, that frustrate their honor.
not unusual, in fact, political figures, pop stars, actors, soccer players, (et cetera ) enter the eye of "Big Brother" , becoming the object of attention (a morbid level) by society, above all, the facts relating to honor, to confidentiality and privacy. Consequently, the legislature has provided various remedies, to prevent acts prejudicial to the rights of individuals.
The defamation is governed by the Criminal Code to ' art. cp 595, which states: " Anyone outside of the cases mentioned in the previous article, talking to more 'people, injures another's reputation, and' punished with imprisonment up to one year or a fine of up to € 1032. From a purely civil law such conduct involves an offense against the honor of the person as a subject, through news, puts illegal acts such as to damage the reputation of the victim. And 'well point out that in private law, unlike criminal law, intent is not required of the agent (representation, and volition), as you just blame ex art. 2043 cc (1) . However, tale situazione può comportare seri problemi, giacché gli operatori che esercitano la loro professione, mediante i mass media, debbono poter praticare, in maniera lecita, il loro diritto di cronaca. Occorre, pertanto, bilanciare due interessi contrapposti: da un lato la libertà di pensiero garantita dall’ art. 21 Cost. e dall’altro la dignità umana tutelata all’ art. 2 Cost. .
La giurisprudenza ha elaborato alcuni indici volti a delimitare le condotte che, se pur lesive della onorabilità del danneggiato, vengono scriminate allorquando sussistano circostanze idonee ad elidere l’antigiuridicità of such behavior. First it is necessary that these reports represent so likely the facts actually happened, that there is a public interest dissemination of themselves and the reports to be exposed as possible less damaging to the victim (2) .
a way, you can assume that even where the news is true , you can create a breach of the principle of neminem laedere , if it is intended to ridicule, humiliate or stigmatizing the individual (3) .
(1) P. Trimarchi, Private Law, Giuffrè, Milano, 2007, pg. 112
(2) Cass. Civ., sec. III, No. 6041 of 1997
(3) P. Trimarchi, Private Law, Giuffrè, Milano, 2007, pg. 113
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Behringer B1 Phantom Power
The figure of the criminologist in the civil trial
In this historical moment, increasingly, the mass media disclose information regarding criminal offenses that often contribute to solicit the attention, the morbidity , and the curiosity of the public. We recently witnessed the spectacle of reprehensible "terror tourism," or organized trips to Avetrana the mere purpose of visiting places where the gruesome murder of the poor is consumed Scazzi Sara (1) . In this context, it appears that criminology, or the science which concerns the study of the author the offense, the scene of crime and deviant behavior to social norms with respect (2) .
In this historical moment, increasingly, the mass media disclose information regarding criminal offenses that often contribute to solicit the attention, the morbidity , and the curiosity of the public. We recently witnessed the spectacle of reprehensible "terror tourism," or organized trips to Avetrana the mere purpose of visiting places where the gruesome murder of the poor is consumed Scazzi Sara (1) . In this context, it appears that criminology, or the science which concerns the study of the author the offense, the scene of crime and deviant behavior to social norms with respect (2) .
As is well known to all, criminology comes from the bio-anthropological studies of Cesare Lombroso, who with the publication of the text "Man delinquent" of 1876 suggested that individuals commit crimes, as criminals born, and they also, according to the forensic, would be endowed with unique biological characteristics (such as the occipital fossa of the skull found in the study of the bandit Villa). Lombroso believed that the offender was a person crazy, sick and dangerous to society, therefore had to be interned at specific institutions and kept (3) . The forensic came to differentiate the various types of criminal, born criminal, delinquent cars, thug passion for (4) .
Obviously these claims can not be successful, though, it is advisable to specify that Lombroso was the precursor to the study of criminology.
In the following decades, different approaches emerged which had as its objective the study of crime: the biological approach related to ereditaristiche and constitutional theories, the psychological approach and psychoanalytic study on the personality of the offender and finally the sociological shifted attention from the author of the crime to society.
Each of these factors on its own and is not intended to provide answers to ensure the arrangements for crime reduction. The criminologist must make use of such knowledge that can be provided by psychiatrists, psychologists, lawyers, sociologists, forensic scientists and enable them to overcome the limitations related to their individual discipline and reach a better understanding of criminal (5) .
The figure of criminologists, however, as evidenced by careful teaching, not only provide important contributions only at the criminal trial, but may also be of great help in the civil trial. It 'good to clear that, on the theme that there is a substantial gap between the two areas of law. Within the penal 'Article . 220 Code of Criminal Procedure provides that the expertise allowed where necessary to carry out investigations or acquire data or assessments that require specific technical skills, scientific or artistic works, while in the civil courts' art. Code of Civil Procedure 61 provides that when necessary, the court can be assisted to il compimento di singoli atti o per tutto il processo, da uno o più consulenti di particolare competenza tecnica.
La distinzione fondamentale è che nel processo penale il legislatore stabilisce che il giudice si avvale del perito ove sia necessario al fine di svolgere indagine che richiedano una particolare competenza tecnica; mentre invece in ambito civile il giudice “può” farlo, ovvero al magistrato viene data tale opportunità e costui potrà avvalersene se e solo se vorrà farlo, quindi la consulenza tecnica, in questo ultima ipotesi diventa una mera facoltà per il giudice (6) .
In tutti i processi in cui should assess the ability of discernment, mental or nurse may want to help the criminologist to reach a right decision, or as close as possible to the truth of the case to the absolute truth. Nevertheless, the criminologist, an expert in these areas, is relegated to a marginal role.
It is hoped that the case law in the coming years is aware of the importance that can have this figure in the civil trial.
(2) P. DI MARTINO, Criminology. Interdisciplinary analysis of the complexity of the crime, Legal Issues Simone, Napoli, 2009
(3) Fiandaca-moss, Criminal Law, General Section, Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 2009
(4) Fiandaca-moss, Criminal Law, General Section, Pearson Education, Inc., Bologna, 2009
(5) P. DI MARTINO, Criminology. Interdisciplinary analysis of the complexity of the crime, Legal Issues Simone, Napoli, 2009
(6) P. DI MARTINO, Criminology. Interdisciplinary analysis of the complexity of the crime, Legal Issues Simone, Napoli, 2009
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Los Hombres De Paco Full Watch Online
The buildings of worship of the Catholic and Jewish denominations: the Italian system of privilege and inequity
For several years our country has become a land of immigration, many people hope in the fact to improve their lives, or their economic conditions are trying their luck facing many difficulties, first of all integration.
Living with these populations has led to the need for a comparison between our culture and the "the other" . A leading role in this context is played dall'estrinsecazione of their religious faith. This phenomenon is a fundamental need of every man, the founding fathers seemed to pay attention to this need, in fact the ' art. 19 of the Constitution provides that everyone has the right to profess freely their religion in any form, individually or in combination, and to disseminate it in private or in public worship, provided that the rites are not contrary to morality (1) .
the light of Article. 19 of the Constitution it is easy to assume that assume major importance to the right of every religion to enjoy a suitable area extrinsic to their faith, be it a church, a mosque, a synagogue, et cetera ...
the legislature to ' art. 831 cc provides that the assets of ecclesiastical bodies are subject to the rules of common law, as otherwise provided by special laws that affect them. The rule in question relies on the regulation of such goods to the rules of civil law, however, the last part of it is expressly stated that there may be other provisions.
One of these is the LN 121 of 03.25.1985, Agreement (Villa Madama) that all ' art. 5, paragraph 1 and 3 provides that the buildings open for worship can not be seized, occupied, expropriated or demolished except for compelling reasons and in agreement with the competent ecclesiastical authority. In the second paragraph, that provision states that the civil authorities take into account the religious needs of the people, put forth by the competent ecclesiastical authority, as regards the construction of new buildings for Catholic worship and relevant works parrocchiali.Tali powers were granted to other denominations only after some time, and by virtue of ' art. 8, paragraph 3 of the Constitution
The peculiarity, however, which I think is referred to in the second paragraph of Article . 831 cc fact, the legislature says "The buildings for public use of the Catholic faith, even if privately owned, can not be taken away from their destination even for the alienation effect, until the destination itself did not cease in accordance with delle leggi che li riguardano”. Per edificio di culto si intende un luogo volto alla “regolare ufficiatura della chiesa” (2) , in cui vi sia l’afflusso di fedeli e dove sia consentito a chiunque di potervi entrare (3) .E’agevole desumere, dalla norma suddetta, che il legislatore del’42 abbia voluto garantire un privilegio alla confessione cattolica, giacché solo questi edifici, nonostante siano disciplinati dalle norme di diritto privato (e quindi alienati o usucapiti ), non possono essere mutatinella loro destinazione fino al momento della loro sconsacrazione.
Per porre be in such an act, it is necessary that the bishop of the diocese could also give rise to destination, by decree, when it can no longer be restored or used for worship under cann. 1212 and 1222, or when the building was largely destroyed or deputy to profane use. (Regarding the latter case several years ago he caused a sensation in the fact that a church in Abruzzo had been shot scenes of a porn movie ( 4) ). An equivalent privilege is also allowed to buildings Jewish worship within the meaning of ' art. No 15 of 1989 101 .
Article, 831, comma 2, cc is in linea con la politica del regime fascista, che da un lato cristallizzava norme repressive e razziste e dall’altro “strizzava l’occhio” alla Chiesa Cattolica Romana al mero fine di garantirsi un largo consenso da parte dei consociati.
La ratio sottesa alla norma era quella di favor verso le istituzioni cattoliche, al fine di ottenere un’ampia legittimazione, in un paese come l’Italia, in cui la religione giocava ( e gioca tuttora ) un ruolo fondamentale(5).
Secondo la mia modesta opinione, l’art. 831, comma 2, c.c., si pone in contrasto con il principio di laicità ( Articles. 2, 3, 7, 8, 19, 20 Constitution), and the principle of equality ( art. 3 of the Constitution) as it is allowed only two denominations (the Catholic and the Jewish ) to take advantage of the option to make permanent the target of religious buildings owned by them.
This rule appears in the present historical moment, as more unfair in respect of certain religions such as Islam, are placed in some areas of our country, strong opposition to building mosques or places of worship such as to enable the manifestation of religious faith, ie a basic human need which is a "supreme principle with rank higher than the Charter itself," (6) .
However, for the writer's opinion, the appropriate remedy to that question is' legislative action that, in light of the principle of secularism (Articles 2, 3, 7, 8, 19, 20 of the Constitution ), I reach for my art. 832, paragraph 2, Civil Code, the repeal of this rule, or extending the same privilege to all other religions.
(1) C. Const No 195, 1993
(2) E. VITAL - AG Chizzoni, Manual shortly. ecclesiastical law, Giuffrè, Milan, 2008, pg. 109
(3) Cass. Civ., February 12, 1953, No 359
(4) La Repubblica. It, porno movies filmed in the church . Nulli rites celebrated
(5) On the issue of legitimacy, see: R. Sacco, Anthropology legal Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, pg. 129
(6) E. VITAL - AG Chizzoni, Manual shortly. ecclesiastical law, Giuffrè, Milan, 2008, pg. 6
Fleece Tie Scarves No Sew
2011 Christmas Tree Ecological
This year Mirabella in Piazza Vespers, we do not see the traditional fir tree, we can admire a majestic Christmas tree made from recycled plastic bottles.
Our project was accepted by the municipality, although it has serious doubts about the real impact that might have this structure in the eyes of our fellow citizens. Despite everything, I bet in person to the newness and diversity of the tree.
Among several technical mishaps and unexpected, last night at 23:45 the tree has been completed. The Civil Protection Volunteers Association
Imakara, wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy 2011.
Pictures Custodio Muscarello
This year Mirabella in Piazza Vespers, we do not see the traditional fir tree, we can admire a majestic Christmas tree made from recycled plastic bottles.
Our project was accepted by the municipality, although it has serious doubts about the real impact that might have this structure in the eyes of our fellow citizens. Despite everything, I bet in person to the newness and diversity of the tree.
Among several technical mishaps and unexpected, last night at 23:45 the tree has been completed. The Civil Protection Volunteers Association
Imakara, wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy 2011.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Blaze Dtv 6.0 Numero De Serie
Today, Mirabella tests were carried out evacuation of schools to implement security plans to be implemented in a real emergency. The
AVPC Imakara in recent days had planned the simulation with the manager of the school including "E. De Amicis" asking for cooperation from the health point of view, the Italian Red Cross volunteers.
At 9:15 the alarm to evacuate the premises at the middle school.
Teachers, pupils and staff were brought outside the building using the appropriate outdoor areas. And 'was simulated with the alleged recovery of an injured head trauma.
11:00 am Evacuation elementary school and childhood. At the elementary school, was simulated recovery of a fracture with a wounded leg dell'Avpc run by volunteers who have made considerable effort to fence the limb with makeshift materials found inside the classroom, instead Red Cross volunteers have dedicated themselves to the recovery of another wounded in a state of unconsciousness.
Volunteers of the Red Cross, have also shown to teachers and students, how to perform cardio-pulmonary respiration. 11:45 pm
Asylum Biscari evacuation. Everything went smoothly as planned.
President dell'AVPC Imakara thanked for their cooperation, the head teacher Prof. Roberto Ferrera, il responsabile sicurezza dell'I.C. "De Amicis" Michele Barbuscia, i volontari della CRI, il Comandante della Polizia Municipale Sergio Tigano, il responsabile dell'ufficio comunale di protezione civile Ing. Adriano Di Francisca, oltre naturalmente come sempre, i volontari dell'AVPC Imakara.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Scholarships For Lazy Eye
Christmas Tree Fire Ecology
Un albero di Natale con le bottiglie di plastica in piazza Vespri. L’idea è dei ragazzi della locale Associazione Volontari Protezione Civile “Imakara”.
L’obiettivo è di dimostrare che si possono fare cose belle recuperando materiali riciclati, limitando al massimo le spese. Il tutto serve anche to launch an awareness about recycling, important in a time of great concern for the environment. To make the tree about five bottles are not crushed. "For this reason - says the president Cremona - in the coming days to seek the collaboration of all citizens and schools, believing that it is very important to bring new generations of environmental issues." The tree should be carried out after the feast of St. Lucia.
The City Council welcomes the initiative, we hope the Mayor Marchingiglio explains that it is welcomed by the city, as the traditional fir tree in Piazza Vespers will be replaced with plastic bottles.
Un albero di Natale con le bottiglie di plastica in piazza Vespri. L’idea è dei ragazzi della locale Associazione Volontari Protezione Civile “Imakara”.
L’obiettivo è di dimostrare che si possono fare cose belle recuperando materiali riciclati, limitando al massimo le spese. Il tutto serve anche to launch an awareness about recycling, important in a time of great concern for the environment. To make the tree about five bottles are not crushed. "For this reason - says the president Cremona - in the coming days to seek the collaboration of all citizens and schools, believing that it is very important to bring new generations of environmental issues." The tree should be carried out after the feast of St. Lucia.
The City Council welcomes the initiative, we hope the Mayor Marchingiglio explains that it is welcomed by the city, as the traditional fir tree in Piazza Vespers will be replaced with plastic bottles.
Friday, November 26, 2010
I Am Curious—yellow
L’ art. 27 Cost. stabilisce che tutti possono agire in giudizio per la tutela dei propri diritti e interessi legittimi, tale norma consente ad ogni cittadino di azione la macchina processuale al fine di ottenere la riparazione della lesione di un diritto privato.
Nel nostro ordinamento giuridico è presente una dicotomia diritto/obbligo di difesa, ovvero da un lato diritto di agire in sede processuale per ottenere la tutela di un bene giuridico a cui si aspira ( e che è in pericolo o è stato leso ) ed obbligo di stare in giudizio con il ministero o l’assistenza di un difensore ( tecnico ) ex art. 82 c.p.c..
Il legislature has expressly provided the possibility for the part of himself in court, they relate to cases before the justice of the peace that do not exceed € 516.46 under ' art. 82 cpc . Also there is the possibility of legal proceedings and for the part, before the magistrate, if he allows it, considering the magnitude of the case (Article . 82 CPC). The party may sue and be sued without the ministry of defense technical, in the process of work, at first instance in cases that do not exceed € 129.11 ( art. 417 cpc).
In our legal system The rule is applied by default is the principle of losing , the part that is losing has to pay the costs and honored the other ( art. 91 CPC). However, there are the paradigm in the mildest of the word, when in fact there are serious reasons or both parts would be unsuccessful, the court may compensate for part or all of the cost between the parties (Article . 92, paragraph 2, Code of Civil ) .
The rationale behind the rule is related to the function of litigation deflation, and also, not infrequently, courts sorry to see each challenge a decision so the compensation è volta ad evitare il proseguimento della controversia.
Il legislatore con la riforma contenuta nella l. 18 giugno 2009, n. 69 , ha voluto calcare ulteriormente la mano in questa direzione, giacché ha previsto che qualora il giudice accoglie la domanda in misura non superiore a quella prevista nella potenziale proposta conciliativa , condanna l’altra parte ( ovvero quella che ha rifiutato la proposta di conciliazione ) a rifondere le spese processuali e gli onorari della prima, salvo ricorra un giustificato motivo ( art. 91 c.p.c. ).
La scelta del nostro legislatore è stata quella di incentivare la conciliazione processuale e perseguire l’obiettivo della ragionevole durata del processo stabilito all’ art. 111, comma 2, Cost. , ovviamente, tale strumento è un potente disincentivo alla prosecuzione del contenzioso, tuttavia, su un altro fronte questo istituto potrebbe diventare eccessivamente repressivo per le parti.
In questa breve presentazione delle spese processuali, vorrei infine enucleare l’istituto della responsabilità aggravata disciplinata all’ art. 96 c.p.c. , la norma in parola, stabilisce che qualora la parte soccombente ha agito o resistito con malafede o colpa grave , il giudice, su istanza dell’altra parte, la condanna, as well as costs, compensation for damages (Article . 2043 cc) that clears its own motion, in the sentence.
The court may pronounce the sentence to compensation by way of equitable ( art. 96, comma 3, cpc ). It 'obvious that the demonstration element of the will, which led to the losing party to act or resist in court, it is extremely difficult to prove.
- MANDRIOLI, Civil Procedure Law, Vol I, Giappichelli, Torino, 2009
- MANDRIOLI, Civil Procedure Law, Vol I, Giappichelli, Torino, 2009
- LUIS, Civil Procedure Law, Vol I, Giuffrè, Milano, 2009.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Titan Ware Healthy To Use?
at John Deere
Today at 14:00 Ns. Association was alerted by the Municipal Police to a fire at the John Deere Company.
Today at 14:00 Ns. Association was alerted by the Municipal Police to a fire at the John Deere Company.
promptly Ns. team went on site and with the help of some people in the place, with the help of 8 dry chemical, could reduce the flames that had enveloped half agriculture in the shed. At about 14:20 the firemen who intervened to clean up the fire.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Logitech Bluetooth Dongle
Challenge velox
Here's the email that a reader asked me for advice concerning a contravention of which he received:
"Good morning, a few days ago I received a fine of 155 € (plus 14 € of expenses) as exceeded the speed limit of 18 km orari.Tuttavia the sign was not visible even from the pole was detached and thrown to the ground. What can I do? "
As always in these cases, Board to use the expertise of a lawyer, despite this, I'll try to answer. In my opinion, could set the action as follows (there are many sites where you can find the material to make the application):
Al of Justice of the Peace Action ...
art. 23 Law 689/1981. The undersigned
... Born in the ... ... ... Resident
- that on ... and I 'was notified by registered mail a contravention, as the original (see Annex);
- which is in contravention of this Annex alleged infringement of Article. No 142 / 8 of the Highway Code;
- and that ' Failure to stop and the immediate challenge by the officer in charge, pursuant to art. 201, paragraph 1a points e) of Legislative Decree no. 285/92;
- that given the premises the equipment work probably outside the control of agents in, for I proceeded with my vehicle, in the historic center and if the staff member had been to guard the device would have ordered the immediate detention and challenge the violation art. No 142 / 8 of the Highway Code, which did not happen;
-that under the provisions of sect ruling with the Court of Cassation (n.1380 of 08.02.2000), sect. III Civil Court itself (n. 4010 of 03.04.2000), and also of the sez.civile (N.2494 of 21/02/2001) in case of infringement by major camera mod. 104 / C, allowing the immediate relief of the offending vehicle, must still proceed with the immediate pain of contestability 'of legitimacy' of the breach and resulting high annulment 'of the same;
- that the equipment was not reported in the appropriate mode provided for in art. 3 of Decree 117/2007, since the sign was located on land adjacent to the pole (see attached photo) and not on the above, this entails the disappearance of representability to know the legislative data, and also the guilt with the result falls because no one could have in that position identify the sign, that fact is also, 'in contrast with the same art. 3 of Decree 117/2007 in that it establishes "The checkpoints on the road network to detect the speed shall be reported in advance and clearly visible, resorting to the use of billboards and light signaling devices, in accordance with standards in the Implementing Regulations of this Code. Conditions of employment are established by decree of the Minister of Transport, in consultation with the Minister of the Interior ", a fact which has not been able to achieve for the reasons listed above;
- claimed to also ', the actual regularity calibration equipment;
- that part of the report on the returns of the offender was blocked, confirming the
not dispute - it argues, moreover, no allegation of the picture, showing the offense, to me, made
the suspension and cancellation of the said report and those subsequent measures it deems appropriate issue. Date and signature
PS: everyone is free to use this document at your own risk and peril, we can not guarantee that the application can be accepted by the magistrate is
Here's the email that a reader asked me for advice concerning a contravention of which he received:
"Good morning, a few days ago I received a fine of 155 € (plus 14 € of expenses) as exceeded the speed limit of 18 km orari.Tuttavia the sign was not visible even from the pole was detached and thrown to the ground. What can I do? "
As always in these cases, Board to use the expertise of a lawyer, despite this, I'll try to answer. In my opinion, could set the action as follows (there are many sites where you can find the material to make the application):
Al of Justice of the Peace Action ...
art. 23 Law 689/1981. The undersigned
... Born in the ... ... ... Resident
- that on ... and I 'was notified by registered mail a contravention, as the original (see Annex);
- which is in contravention of this Annex alleged infringement of Article. No 142 / 8 of the Highway Code;
- and that ' Failure to stop and the immediate challenge by the officer in charge, pursuant to art. 201, paragraph 1a points e) of Legislative Decree no. 285/92;
- that given the premises the equipment work probably outside the control of agents in, for I proceeded with my vehicle, in the historic center and if the staff member had been to guard the device would have ordered the immediate detention and challenge the violation art. No 142 / 8 of the Highway Code, which did not happen;
-that under the provisions of sect ruling with the Court of Cassation (n.1380 of 08.02.2000), sect. III Civil Court itself (n. 4010 of 03.04.2000), and also of the sez.civile (N.2494 of 21/02/2001) in case of infringement by major camera mod. 104 / C, allowing the immediate relief of the offending vehicle, must still proceed with the immediate pain of contestability 'of legitimacy' of the breach and resulting high annulment 'of the same;
- that the equipment was not reported in the appropriate mode provided for in art. 3 of Decree 117/2007, since the sign was located on land adjacent to the pole (see attached photo) and not on the above, this entails the disappearance of representability to know the legislative data, and also the guilt with the result falls because no one could have in that position identify the sign, that fact is also, 'in contrast with the same art. 3 of Decree 117/2007 in that it establishes "The checkpoints on the road network to detect the speed shall be reported in advance and clearly visible, resorting to the use of billboards and light signaling devices, in accordance with standards in the Implementing Regulations of this Code. Conditions of employment are established by decree of the Minister of Transport, in consultation with the Minister of the Interior ", a fact which has not been able to achieve for the reasons listed above;
- claimed to also ', the actual regularity calibration equipment;
- that part of the report on the returns of the offender was blocked, confirming the
not dispute - it argues, moreover, no allegation of the picture, showing the offense, to me, made
the suspension and cancellation of the said report and those subsequent measures it deems appropriate issue. Date and signature
PS: everyone is free to use this document at your own risk and peril, we can not guarantee that the application can be accepted by the magistrate is
Monday, September 13, 2010
Free Father Son Gay Incest
reasonable man
the elements that gave rise to the enormous development of Western societies, and therefore
to capitalism, are: the rational sustainable enterprise, rational accounting, rational technology, rational law the
, the 'rational attitude, a rationalization of life conduct, el' rational economic ethos (1) .
The consequence is that even in the context of civil liability, the legal system, in accordance with the theory in question, claimed that the man to take reasonable conduct, or conduct designed to prevent injury to himself and to other associates.
Consequently, if a person does not act in a reasonable manner the cost of the accident falls entirely on him, the reasonableness is the key to understanding how the allocation of costs in our legal system.
To act reasonably is not enough to do the best we could, perform the same attitude which a reasonable man in similar circumstances (2).
At this point one wonders what is meant by reasonable man? The doctrine has changed the situation of the Italian good father comparing it to the reasonable man , or a figure that fits the circumstances, that is reasonable motorist, pedestrian reasonable, reasonable representative, et cetera (3)
... If you look towards the Anglo-Saxon countries, the same criterion of the rational, is made in England to coincide with the expression Clapham Omnibus, or the shape, mold Romanistic, good family man, while in the U.S., the courts have called it "man carrying the newspapers at home and in the evening pushes the sleeves cut herbs shirt " (4).
However, as a result of these assumptions, you can raise some objections to the three theories mentioned above, In fact it seems that our legal system, that models common law does not consider the subject which has characteristics different from those of the ordinary man or reasonable, and that, consequently, if a person takes a different approach from those provided by the standard of care will have to bear the cost of the accident has caused, or the damage that was caused (5). Suppose, for
. es. danger that a pedestrian on the sidewalk and that they will give priority to the driver, however, the subject, last decided to cross the street and ends up under the wheels of the vehicle.
At first glance, we can consider that the pedestrian, as he held a different approach from that of the rational, should bear the cost of the damage that was caused.
If, however, assume that the pawn because of a disability physical, mental, or seniority, could not have been acting in a manner equal to that of the rational, the cost of the accident in any case will fall on him ?
The answer is not simple, as necessary, in the absence of agreement between the parties, the conduct of a civil trial in which the court must ascertain the intent or fault, the injustice of the damage and the causal link, only at this point as to who will determine allocare il costo del pregiudizio.
Proprio in tal senso, l’ analisi economica del diritto ci offre la possibilità di comprendere, in maniera più agevole, le conseguenze delle scelte adottate dal legislatore o dalla corte e suggerirci quali rimedi si possono applicare a questi problemi.
L’analisi economica del diritto è una disciplina che utilizza gli strumenti della microeconomia per valutare l’efficienza allocativa delle norme giuridiche; il suo obiettivo fondamentale è di valutare se le norme contribuiscano alla massimizzazione del benessere collettivo.
A questo punto, tornando al caso del pedone, possiamo proporre il test di ragionevolezza proposto da Hand , ovvero si paragonano costi e benefici di un determinato comportamento con i costi e i benefici del comportarsi in maniera diversa, se nel realizzare il bilanciamento un comportamento viene ritenuto ragionevole, tale giudizio non muterà nel caso in cui si verificherà una conseguenza non voluta (6).
(1) M. Weber, Storia economica , Donzelli Editore, Roma, 2007, cit. pg 260 ss.
(2) G. Calabresi, Il dono dello spirito maligno , Giuffrè, 1996, cit. pg 36 ss
(3) P. G. Monateri, La responsabilità civile , Utet, 1998, in the Treaty of Civil Law, edited by Rodolfo Sacco, pg. 61 ff.
(4) G. Calabresi, The gift of the evil spirit , Giuffrè, 1996, cit. pg 37 ff.
(5) G. Calabresi, The gift of the evil spirit , Giuffrè, 1996, cit. pg 37 ff.
(6) G. Calabresi, The gift of the evil spirit , Giuffrè, 1996, cit. pg 69 ff.
the elements that gave rise to the enormous development of Western societies, and therefore
to capitalism, are: the rational sustainable enterprise, rational accounting, rational technology, rational law the
, the 'rational attitude, a rationalization of life conduct, el' rational economic ethos (1) .
The consequence is that even in the context of civil liability, the legal system, in accordance with the theory in question, claimed that the man to take reasonable conduct, or conduct designed to prevent injury to himself and to other associates.
Consequently, if a person does not act in a reasonable manner the cost of the accident falls entirely on him, the reasonableness is the key to understanding how the allocation of costs in our legal system.
To act reasonably is not enough to do the best we could, perform the same attitude which a reasonable man in similar circumstances (2).
At this point one wonders what is meant by reasonable man? The doctrine has changed the situation of the Italian good father comparing it to the reasonable man , or a figure that fits the circumstances, that is reasonable motorist, pedestrian reasonable, reasonable representative, et cetera (3)
... If you look towards the Anglo-Saxon countries, the same criterion of the rational, is made in England to coincide with the expression Clapham Omnibus, or the shape, mold Romanistic, good family man, while in the U.S., the courts have called it "man carrying the newspapers at home and in the evening pushes the sleeves cut herbs shirt " (4).
However, as a result of these assumptions, you can raise some objections to the three theories mentioned above, In fact it seems that our legal system, that models common law does not consider the subject which has characteristics different from those of the ordinary man or reasonable, and that, consequently, if a person takes a different approach from those provided by the standard of care will have to bear the cost of the accident has caused, or the damage that was caused (5). Suppose, for
. es. danger that a pedestrian on the sidewalk and that they will give priority to the driver, however, the subject, last decided to cross the street and ends up under the wheels of the vehicle.
At first glance, we can consider that the pedestrian, as he held a different approach from that of the rational, should bear the cost of the damage that was caused.
If, however, assume that the pawn because of a disability physical, mental, or seniority, could not have been acting in a manner equal to that of the rational, the cost of the accident in any case will fall on him ?
The answer is not simple, as necessary, in the absence of agreement between the parties, the conduct of a civil trial in which the court must ascertain the intent or fault, the injustice of the damage and the causal link, only at this point as to who will determine allocare il costo del pregiudizio.
Proprio in tal senso, l’ analisi economica del diritto ci offre la possibilità di comprendere, in maniera più agevole, le conseguenze delle scelte adottate dal legislatore o dalla corte e suggerirci quali rimedi si possono applicare a questi problemi.
L’analisi economica del diritto è una disciplina che utilizza gli strumenti della microeconomia per valutare l’efficienza allocativa delle norme giuridiche; il suo obiettivo fondamentale è di valutare se le norme contribuiscano alla massimizzazione del benessere collettivo.
A questo punto, tornando al caso del pedone, possiamo proporre il test di ragionevolezza proposto da Hand , ovvero si paragonano costi e benefici di un determinato comportamento con i costi e i benefici del comportarsi in maniera diversa, se nel realizzare il bilanciamento un comportamento viene ritenuto ragionevole, tale giudizio non muterà nel caso in cui si verificherà una conseguenza non voluta (6).
(1) M. Weber, Storia economica , Donzelli Editore, Roma, 2007, cit. pg 260 ss.
(2) G. Calabresi, Il dono dello spirito maligno , Giuffrè, 1996, cit. pg 36 ss
(3) P. G. Monateri, La responsabilità civile , Utet, 1998, in the Treaty of Civil Law, edited by Rodolfo Sacco, pg. 61 ff.
(4) G. Calabresi, The gift of the evil spirit , Giuffrè, 1996, cit. pg 37 ff.
(5) G. Calabresi, The gift of the evil spirit , Giuffrè, 1996, cit. pg 37 ff.
(6) G. Calabresi, The gift of the evil spirit , Giuffrè, 1996, cit. pg 69 ff.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Kerastase Is For Keratin
Oggi alle ore 11:55, la nostra Associazione veniva allertata dal Corpo di Polizia Municipale, per un incendio in Contrada Imbaccari Soprano. Alle ore 12:00 una nostra squadra si trovava già sul posto, e segnalava la situazione alla SORIS (SALA OPERATIVA REGIONALE INTEGRATA SICILIANA). Vista l'impossibilità nell'intervenire con il modulo antincendio, la squadra si è data da fare con dei flabelli, riuscendo a domare del tutto le fiamme alle ore 14:30.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Women Without Panties
E 'come the new Blog ARTICLE
Updated weekly full of information, images, videos and links our blog will help you discover the world of hospice and palliative care!
The our new blog is dedicated :

We are pleased to announce that online is the new blog ART
From today all the latest news, projects, new initiatives, in-depth articles, images and video related issues: - hospice palliative care
- support to the sick person and his loved ones
- training of volunteers to accompany and operators
- pain management and the fight against unnecessary pain
- public awareness on the topics of palliative care and hospice
- mourning
- aid to children and adolescents who face difficult emotions
- and much, much more
Updated weekly full of information, images, videos and links our blog will help you discover the world of hospice and palliative care!
The our new blog is dedicated :
- people who face serious or incurable disease, their family and friends and those who live la difficile esperienza del lutto.
- ai volontari ed operatori di cure palliative
- a chi vuole saperne di più sull'hospice
- ai medici, infermieri, operatori dell'assistenza, psicologi, fisioterapisti e volontari
- agli studenti univerisitari
- agli insegnanti, presidi, genitori e alunni
- e a tutti coloro che sono interessati a scoprire l'attività dell'A.R.T. e a sperne di più sui temi su cui siamo impegnati da più di 10 anni
Friday, September 3, 2010
Wax Before Shower Or Shower Before Wax
Fire Alert Fire hydrogeological risk
Ad appena 72 ore dalla conclusione del servizio antincendio, il Dipartimento di Protezione Civile ha emanato un avviso di avverse condizioni meteo su tutta la Sicilia. In particolare, con il più alto indice di rischio, vengono indicati ancora una volta i comuni del Messinese. Anche a Mirabella il maltempo ha provocato i primi disagi. Alle ore 20.20 circa, la nostra associazione viene allertata in quanto in un'abitazione di Via Castello ci sono abbondanti infiltrazioni di acqua. Viene subito effettuato un sopraluogo e viene accertato che le infiltrazioni di acqua provengono dal costone su cui è poggiata la parte posteriore dell'immobile. Quindi considerato che le condizioni meteorologiche non subiranno rilevanti variazioni nelle prossime 24 ore, viene contattata la locale Polizia Municipale per far evacuare l'immobile a scopo cautelativo. Alle ore 00.15 in Via Pascoli, a causa sempre delle abbondanti piogge, avviene un cedimento di calcinacci da un balcone. Promptly removed the remaining pieces are still in the balance, to avoid damage or injury.
Ad appena 72 ore dalla conclusione del servizio antincendio, il Dipartimento di Protezione Civile ha emanato un avviso di avverse condizioni meteo su tutta la Sicilia. In particolare, con il più alto indice di rischio, vengono indicati ancora una volta i comuni del Messinese. Anche a Mirabella il maltempo ha provocato i primi disagi. Alle ore 20.20 circa, la nostra associazione viene allertata in quanto in un'abitazione di Via Castello ci sono abbondanti infiltrazioni di acqua. Viene subito effettuato un sopraluogo e viene accertato che le infiltrazioni di acqua provengono dal costone su cui è poggiata la parte posteriore dell'immobile. Quindi considerato che le condizioni meteorologiche non subiranno rilevanti variazioni nelle prossime 24 ore, viene contattata la locale Polizia Municipale per far evacuare l'immobile a scopo cautelativo. Alle ore 00.15 in Via Pascoli, a causa sempre delle abbondanti piogge, avviene un cedimento di calcinacci da un balcone. Promptly removed the remaining pieces are still in the balance, to avoid damage or injury.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Below The Knee Wedding Dress
Reflections on action for compensation for damages against their relatives, criticism of the compensation system
Litigation civile, nel nostro ordinamento giuridico, è in notevole aumento, sempre più spesso i consociati fanno ricorso alle corti, in tale contesto la responsabilità civile gioca un ruolo fondamentale, giacché la giurisprudenza, in maniera crescente, riconosce meritevoli di tutela interessi che fino a pochi decenni fa non lo erano.
(6) F. La Manno, "Il danno non patrimoniale ex art. 2059 c.c." - SEZIONI UNITE CIVILI Sentenza 24 giugno - 11 novembre 2008, n. 26972, Lex Aquilia de damno ,
Normalmente, nel linguaggio comune, si è soliti parlare di responsabilità civile, tuttavia con tale termine ci si riferisce alla responsabilità extracontrattuale ( o aquiliana), ossia all’istituto disciplinato all’ art. 2043 c.c. che dispone “ Qualunque fatto doloso o colposo, che cagiona ad altri un danno ingiusto, obbliga colui che ha commesso il fatto a risarcire il danno” .
Innanzi tutto, la norma in parola si discosta dalla responsabilità contrattuale ( art. 1218 c.c. ) in modo netto, le differenze sono le seguenti:
a) Onere della prova: nell’ambito dell’illecito aquiliano spetta alla vittima dimostrare, normalmente, the fault of the tortfeasor, while in contracting is for the debtor to prove that he is responsible.
b) formal notice: is not necessary within the non-contractual and may be in default.
c) damages: tort within the injurer will be obliged to compensate for any damage, even the unpredictable, while in the contract, in the absence of fraud, the damages shall be limited to the foreseeable damage.
d) Limitation of action: within the non-contractual damages shall expire, as a rule, in five years, while on the failure injury requires, as a rule, in ten years (1).
identified the main elements that distinguish the tort tort than a contract, should soffermarsi sulla natura di tale istituto, la giurisprudenza, sollecitata dalla dottrina, ha ritenuto che fosse atipica(2) , spetterà all’interprete di volta in volta stabilire quale sia l’interesse meritevole di tutela da parte dell’ordinamento giuridico, prevedendo in questo modo un sistema aperto, che meglio si adegua all’obiettivo sotteso alla norma, ovvero “di meccanismo sociale per la traslazione dei costi” (3) da un soggetto all’altro.
Per dimostrare, in sede giudiziaria, la responsabilità aquiliana, il danneggiato ( o chi per lui ) dovrà provare tre elementi:
a) the subjective intent and gross
b) objective one: the injustice of the damage
c) causation
Generally, for property damage means the injury can be assessed by the court in economic terms, this harm is distinguished in damage and loss of profits in the first case there is a reduction of capital, in the second "exclusion of a capital increase which would have occurred in the absence of damage " (5) .
With regard to non-pecuniary damage , our code states that "should be compensated only in cases determined by law" ex art. 2059 cc , first the claim will be met in cases where is a set of offense, or when it will be harmed or put at risk a legal right protected (4) , secondly, in accordance with what we have established SECTIONS UNITED CIVIL JUDGEMENT OF 24 JUNE - 11 November 2008 No 26972 , when there is a violation of an inviolable right of the person, the damages will be granted if it exceeded the level of tolerance, it is found that the severity of the offense and the seriousness of the injury, caused by the infringement of constitutional rights ( 6).
however, highlight some major characteristics of torts, in this home, I shall confine myself, to consider (in outline) that are required damage to their relatives. The phenomenon, in reality, there is no peculiarity in regard to the normal compensation claim, however, deserves, in my view, a particular reflection in the fact that you go before a judge to get a refreshment in respect of its own joint.
Nothing quaestio where the subject matter of the dispute are inviolable rights of the person guaranteed by the Constitution, or injuries or potential injuries to the protected legal interests, or prejudices substantial assets, the problem, in my view, arises when there are at stake damage bagatellari, ovvero un lieve nocumento patrimoniale; pertanto la mia riflessione si limiterà a queste ultime ipotesi.
Individuato il terreno di indagine, innanzitutto, risulta palese che vedere contrapposti due congiunti, in sede civile, per danni di rilievo esiguo, suscita fastidio, da un punto di vista morale ( anche se purtroppo accade non di rado ), in quanto si presume che il legame famigliare favorisca l’unione dei consociati, mentre sotto il profilo giuridico tale circostanza non fa altro che accrescere il contenzioso.
In primo luogo, citando Rodolfo Sacco ( caposcuola dei comparatisti italiani ), il diritto è an instrument to resolve conflicts (7) , so the real situation the interpreter must select the solution that succeeds in the best way to ensure harmony between the subsidiaries.
Very often, moving from a Eurocentric perspective, we usually criticize "traditional cultures" (8) (the populations of developing countries), considering them as uncivilized, primitive, et cetera ...
In anthropological perspective can say that, in resolving family conflicts, these populations have elaborato ( in taluni casi ) nel corso del tempo strumenti più idonei a garantire la pacifica convivenza tra i consociati.
Nella fattispecie, le popolazioni tribali africane non conoscono il giurista ( e talune nemmeno lo Stato ), per risolvere i propri conflitti si rivolgono allo sciamano ( o al capo famiglia/villaggio ), che applicando le consuetudini locali ( ricorrendo spesso al soprannaturale ), cerca la conciliazione, pertanto lo stregone ( o il capo famiglia/villaggio ) tenderà ad ottenere un accordo tra le due parti, evitando in questo modo lo scontro.
Evitando, in questa sede, un’analisi of their populations, you can find them in a lowest common denominator, that the hostility of these populations against the courts, preferring the conciliatory instrument adopted by the mediation of a local authority figure, and a fortiori in cases where the parties is bound by a bond of kinship.
It said that in countries like China is still rarely used in the courts (it is considered unfair), it is easy to say that, in civil litigation, it is always better to opt for an agreement, rather than experiencing actions which involve significant economic costs and uncertain outcomes, nella fattispecie è possibile, grazie alla antropologia giuridica, confrontare quali siano gli strumenti adottati dalle “culture tradizionali” per risolvere i conflitti ed applicarli anche alle nostre problematiche.
L’ideale giuspositivisto, che ha portato alla cristallizzazione delle norme di diritto comune ( e non solo ) all’interno di un solo codice, è a parere di taluno un atto di superbia (9) , ed oggi possiamo notare che tale circostanza è stata fallimentare, infatti lo stesso legislatore è continuamente alla ricerca di strumenti deflattivi del contenzioso, la prova è data dal decreto legislativo March 4, 2010, No 28 or mediation aimed at reconciling the , definition and prevention of civil and commercial disputes , strange that, after colonization (and exploited) certain populations considered barbaric and primitive, we strive for the same solutions they use.
Finally, citing Portalis the main editor of the Civil Code , "function of law is to fix a maximum broad general principles of law and to establish fruitful consequences, and not go into the details of issues that can arise on any matter " (10) , so in my opinion, accepting the guidance of the famous French giuscivilista, it would be advisable that action for damages, invoked against a spouse, minor damage to property resulting from, or prejudice bagatellari, can not at absence of fraud, be brought before a civil court, but must be held in mandatory conciliation, taking into account the economic conditions of the parties, whether the proximity of their relationship.
(1) P. Trimarchi, Istituzioni di diritto privato , Giuffrè, Milano, 2007, pg 359
(2) S. Rodotà, Il problema ; Trimarchi, Illecito
(3) P. G. Monateri, La responsabilità civile , Utet, 1998, in Trattato di diritto civile , diretto da Rodolfo Sacco, pg 2 ss.
(4) Fiandaca-Musco, Diritto penale, Parte generale , Zanichelli editore, Bologna, 2009
(5) P. Trimarchi, Istituzioni di diritto privato , Giuffrè, Milano, 2007,cit. pg 140 ss.
(6) F. La Manno, "Il danno non patrimoniale ex art. 2059 c.c." - SEZIONI UNITE CIVILI Sentenza 24 giugno - 11 novembre 2008, n. 26972, Lex Aquilia de damno ,
(7) R. Sacco, Anthropology legal Bologna, Il Mulino 2007
(8) R. Sacco, Legal Anthropology , Bologna, Il Mulino 2007
(9) P. Grossi, First lesson right , Laterza, Bari, 2010
(10) N. Rouland, Legal Anthropology , Giuffrè, Milan, 1992, cit. pg 368
What Color Ribbon Is For Throat Cancer
It was concluded yesterday, with the shutdown of four fires, patrol the dynamic in which our Association has been committed, upon activation of the Regional Department of Civil Protection. The final budget, comparing to last year, had a decrease of 10% of the fires. Were spotted and subsequently killed, a total of 114 fires in the towns of the territory falling Imbaccari Mirabella, San Michele di Ganzaria, Contrada San Cono and Gatta. Only about 4 fire was necessary to enable air shutdown.
It was concluded yesterday, with the shutdown of four fires, patrol the dynamic in which our Association has been committed, upon activation of the Regional Department of Civil Protection. The final budget, comparing to last year, had a decrease of 10% of the fires. Were spotted and subsequently killed, a total of 114 fires in the towns of the territory falling Imbaccari Mirabella, San Michele di Ganzaria, Contrada San Cono and Gatta. Only about 4 fire was necessary to enable air shutdown.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Marisa Miller Swimsuit
Our island burn
Often the news has to be on the front page when there are issues of urgency or emergency occurring phenomena that are often the result of lack of planning. I have asked so, personally, to make an initial report to the president of Mirabella AVCPI at the very time when our island burning everywhere, and here it seems to us that the phenomenon of the fires has the character of the second floor. In all, there's a program, and I that I have always appreciated the work of our volunteers, I wanted to highlight those who work daily to Mirabella not jumping on the altars of the news for unpleasant events, I will never cease to thank you guys, you're proud of all mirabellesi, prevention is fontamentale for certain results. Joseph Giustolisi .
Often the news has to be on the front page when there are issues of urgency or emergency occurring phenomena that are often the result of lack of planning. I have asked so, personally, to make an initial report to the president of Mirabella AVCPI at the very time when our island burning everywhere, and here it seems to us that the phenomenon of the fires has the character of the second floor. In all, there's a program, and I that I have always appreciated the work of our volunteers, I wanted to highlight those who work daily to Mirabella not jumping on the altars of the news for unpleasant events, I will never cease to thank you guys, you're proud of all mirabellesi, prevention is fontamentale for certain results. Joseph Giustolisi .
Our island burning everywhere.
Unfortunately the man's hand again this year destroyed hundreds of hectares of forest and maquis.
on our territory and the territories falling in the municipalities of San Michele di Ganzaria, San Cono and falling on the SP 65 in the town of Piazza Armerina, this year at the request of the Administration Municipal Imbaccari Mirabella, the Civil Protection Volunteers Association Imakara was triggered by the Regional Department of Civil Protection of Catania, from engaging in active struggle to fires, by patrolling dynamic.
To date, were spotted and subsequently killed, more than 90 fires.
The readiness and speed of our teams have avoided the flames devoured hundreds of olive trees, fruit and woods.
the more than 90 fires on only 2 was necessary to request air support for shutdown. This is a day of fire resulted in the August 16 bosco di Contrada Bubbonia, sul quale sono intervenuti 2 Aerei Fire Boss ed 1 Elicottero, e dell’incendio di giorno 20 Agosto su Contrada Elsa-Camemi sul quale e stato necessario l’intervento di un Elicottero.
Il Presidente dell’AVPC Imakara, Daniele Cremona : “anche quest’anno, grazie alla collaborazione tra il Comune di Mirabella Imbaccari ed il DRPC, abbiamo fatto del nostro meglio nella lotta agli incendi. Purtroppo ci siamo dati da fare con l’aiuto di flabelli, zappe e pale. Solamente su circa 20 incendi siamo riusciti ad intervenire utilizzando l’autocarro Daf su cui è installato il modulo antincendio, in quanto i terreni tortuosi presenti sul nostro territory, are not attainable with the means that we have been kindly loaned for use by the Town Council.
Our association hopes for next season, good sense of all political forces, and the DRPC, eligible for the award of a fire truck that can help and facilitate the operations of fire fighting .
The success of the project for which we have been enabled by DRPC, is the result of full cooperation of all the volunteers who, with enthusiasm, unselfishness, respect and protection of the territory have given their best. Thank you so, my fellow volunteers Joseph Martines e Lavaccara, la collega Concetta, i colleghi sammichelesi Adriana, Carmelo e Rosaria, i colleghi ed amici Salvatore, Mariacristina, Giuseppe Barbuscia, e Sharon, e senza offesa per nessuno, un ringraziamento particolare va al carissimo amico Filippo Nisi, nonché a mia moglie Marisa, che riesce a sopportarmi, condividendo anche lei le finalità associative.
Ricordando che fino al 15 settembre è VIETATO ACCENDERE FUOCHI, ai sensi della Legge 21 novembre 2000, n. 353, si confida nella collaborazione di tutti i cittadini nel segnalare eventuali incendi al 1515, al 115, al Corpo di Polizia Municipale allo 0933-991460, oppure contattando la nostra Associazione.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Shaw Direct With Bell Dish
Italian dialogue, the argument goes, the Internet and the crisis in the social system of interpersonal relationships
Today's society is characterized by the constant development of new technologies, allows us to enjoy comfort that only half century ago could be considered pure folly, we think of as the iPod or the iPhone, or the DVD, et cetera
... The birth of capitalism was made possible thanks to several factors, Max Weber has enucleated rational sustainable enterprise, accounting rational in rational law, in attitude and in streamlining the rational conduct of life (1) .
In this historical moment, also called "age of technology" , the enormous technological progress also puts an end to "moral grand narratives", and realizes the crumbling of those gated communities where there is only one truth applies to all the subsidiaries, this phenomenon can be defined secularization (2).
Some authors in this regard, he suggested (by presenting a paradigm) to imagine that an evil spirit, the man appears and offers him a gift, in such a way as to guarantee to any earthly race well that will allow them to improve the quality of life, yet the entity in return, would have required the death of a thousand people (3). This paradigm is strongly rejected by the generality of the subsidiaries, however, in reality this situation is realized, since accepting the humanity to enjoy and dispose of the cars, allows thousands of people lost their lives in road accidents (4 ).
Among the many technological innovations, let me turn my attention to internet, the main means of mass communication, this instrument has revolutionized the way in an integral way of relating to changing inexorably human life.
Internet, of course, made it possible to facilitate the work of man, enabling online commerce transactions across the world by simply pressing a button on the mouse, the benefits of such an instrument, have been enormous and have made a real Copernican revolution, since it has come to talk about new economy .
The network, however, in addition to many benefits, has caused numerous adverse economic effects to humans, in fact often are made by computer fraud, hackers or experts able to access our database of important national and international bodies and appropriate Important information, however, here, I refer exclusively to the damage that the internet has made towards relationships.
The growing success of social network resulted from one side to allow affiliates, to communicate with the other end of the world, in real time, without any financial expenditure, on the other hand, however, has created a sort of virtual reality, where people meet, trust, love relationships, not very often translate in practice such situations in real life. " In the specific context
has crystallized a dichotomy real / virtual , where individuals tend increasingly on ignoring the "real" , and dating in virtual , the gap between the two worlds, a growing tendency to widen, reaching absurd situations, but unfortunately real, where people are at "chat" daily online and when you cross the street acting like two strangers.
This situation is reflected, inevitably, in the dryness that more and more often, you can understand talking to people, they, in their arguments, they realize the defense of cliché and rhetoric, showing a totally superficial about anything ( dalla politica, alla musica, ed anche allo sport ) affrontato ed inoltre, nell’ambito dei colloqui, vengono meno quelle che sono le normali regole dell’educazione, giacché nel momento di difficoltà si ricorre alla sistematica interruzione dell’interlocutore o all’uso dell’arroganza.
Altro punto significativo è quello che si riferisce alla lettura dei libri, in calo vertiginoso nel nostro paese, in tal guisa l’ignoranza ferina è, purtroppo, una presenza forte ed incontrastata, talvolta, mi è capitato di essere a disagio, giacché innanzi a soggetti privi del bagaglio minimo di cultura richiesto dal compimento degli studi obbligatori, previsti ex lege , sono was forced to desist from the conversation, to avoid injuries (or beating).
also love affairs were the subject of a revolution, since it is possible with the advent of social network, meet your soul mate via the network, not to mention the demonstrations of affection that you can send to the person concerned simply by choosing different ways under the different sites, however, again as before, along with manifold benefits conferred by the Internet are discernible also many problems, all the mammoth issue that relates to the difficulty, by the subsidiaries, to forge sentimental, and the consequence to isolate themselves.
In conclusion, I believe that the development of the internet, despite the enormous benefits conferred the "global village" , has brought with it numerous problems, just as huge (and I think unruly), the dichotomy real / virtual crystallized to work of the Social Network has tipped the scales overwhelmingly in favor of size "virtual", but the advent of the network should not be regarded as an absolute evil, the contrary is a Copernican revolution, linked to the common thread economy, which has brought immense benefits and needs, so imperative, in my avviso, di essere “domata” dall’uomo.
(1) M. Weber, Storia economica , Donzelli, Roma, 2007
(2) C. Tripolina, Il diritto nell’età della tecnica, il caso dell’eutanasia , Jovene, Napoli, 2004, cit. p. 3; H.T. Engelhardt, Manuale di bioetica , il Saggiatore, 1999, p 37
(3) G. Calabresi, Il dono dello spirito maligno , Giuffré, Milano, 1996
(4) G. Calabresi, Il dono dello spirito maligno , Giuffré, Milano, 1996
... The birth of capitalism was made possible thanks to several factors, Max Weber has enucleated rational sustainable enterprise, accounting rational in rational law, in attitude and in streamlining the rational conduct of life (1) .
In this historical moment, also called "age of technology" , the enormous technological progress also puts an end to "moral grand narratives", and realizes the crumbling of those gated communities where there is only one truth applies to all the subsidiaries, this phenomenon can be defined secularization (2).
Some authors in this regard, he suggested (by presenting a paradigm) to imagine that an evil spirit, the man appears and offers him a gift, in such a way as to guarantee to any earthly race well that will allow them to improve the quality of life, yet the entity in return, would have required the death of a thousand people (3). This paradigm is strongly rejected by the generality of the subsidiaries, however, in reality this situation is realized, since accepting the humanity to enjoy and dispose of the cars, allows thousands of people lost their lives in road accidents (4 ).
Among the many technological innovations, let me turn my attention to internet, the main means of mass communication, this instrument has revolutionized the way in an integral way of relating to changing inexorably human life.
Internet, of course, made it possible to facilitate the work of man, enabling online commerce transactions across the world by simply pressing a button on the mouse, the benefits of such an instrument, have been enormous and have made a real Copernican revolution, since it has come to talk about new economy .
The network, however, in addition to many benefits, has caused numerous adverse economic effects to humans, in fact often are made by computer fraud, hackers or experts able to access our database of important national and international bodies and appropriate Important information, however, here, I refer exclusively to the damage that the internet has made towards relationships.
The growing success of social network resulted from one side to allow affiliates, to communicate with the other end of the world, in real time, without any financial expenditure, on the other hand, however, has created a sort of virtual reality, where people meet, trust, love relationships, not very often translate in practice such situations in real life. " In the specific context
has crystallized a dichotomy real / virtual , where individuals tend increasingly on ignoring the "real" , and dating in virtual , the gap between the two worlds, a growing tendency to widen, reaching absurd situations, but unfortunately real, where people are at "chat" daily online and when you cross the street acting like two strangers.
This situation is reflected, inevitably, in the dryness that more and more often, you can understand talking to people, they, in their arguments, they realize the defense of cliché and rhetoric, showing a totally superficial about anything ( dalla politica, alla musica, ed anche allo sport ) affrontato ed inoltre, nell’ambito dei colloqui, vengono meno quelle che sono le normali regole dell’educazione, giacché nel momento di difficoltà si ricorre alla sistematica interruzione dell’interlocutore o all’uso dell’arroganza.
Altro punto significativo è quello che si riferisce alla lettura dei libri, in calo vertiginoso nel nostro paese, in tal guisa l’ignoranza ferina è, purtroppo, una presenza forte ed incontrastata, talvolta, mi è capitato di essere a disagio, giacché innanzi a soggetti privi del bagaglio minimo di cultura richiesto dal compimento degli studi obbligatori, previsti ex lege , sono was forced to desist from the conversation, to avoid injuries (or beating).
also love affairs were the subject of a revolution, since it is possible with the advent of social network, meet your soul mate via the network, not to mention the demonstrations of affection that you can send to the person concerned simply by choosing different ways under the different sites, however, again as before, along with manifold benefits conferred by the Internet are discernible also many problems, all the mammoth issue that relates to the difficulty, by the subsidiaries, to forge sentimental, and the consequence to isolate themselves.
In conclusion, I believe that the development of the internet, despite the enormous benefits conferred the "global village" , has brought with it numerous problems, just as huge (and I think unruly), the dichotomy real / virtual crystallized to work of the Social Network has tipped the scales overwhelmingly in favor of size "virtual", but the advent of the network should not be regarded as an absolute evil, the contrary is a Copernican revolution, linked to the common thread economy, which has brought immense benefits and needs, so imperative, in my avviso, di essere “domata” dall’uomo.
(1) M. Weber, Storia economica , Donzelli, Roma, 2007
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