In this historical moment, thanks to the enormous spread of the media, it happens very often that the goal to become associates, directly or indirectly, of attacks, moral assault and lynchings, that frustrate their honor.
not unusual, in fact, political figures, pop stars, actors, soccer players, (et cetera ) enter the eye of "Big Brother" , becoming the object of attention (a morbid level) by society, above all, the facts relating to honor, to confidentiality and privacy. Consequently, the legislature has provided various remedies, to prevent acts prejudicial to the rights of individuals.
The defamation is governed by the Criminal Code to ' art. cp 595, which states: " Anyone outside of the cases mentioned in the previous article, talking to more 'people, injures another's reputation, and' punished with imprisonment up to one year or a fine of up to € 1032. From a purely civil law such conduct involves an offense against the honor of the person as a subject, through news, puts illegal acts such as to damage the reputation of the victim. And 'well point out that in private law, unlike criminal law, intent is not required of the agent (representation, and volition), as you just blame ex art. 2043 cc (1) . However, tale situazione può comportare seri problemi, giacché gli operatori che esercitano la loro professione, mediante i mass media, debbono poter praticare, in maniera lecita, il loro diritto di cronaca. Occorre, pertanto, bilanciare due interessi contrapposti: da un lato la libertà di pensiero garantita dall’ art. 21 Cost. e dall’altro la dignità umana tutelata all’ art. 2 Cost. .
La giurisprudenza ha elaborato alcuni indici volti a delimitare le condotte che, se pur lesive della onorabilità del danneggiato, vengono scriminate allorquando sussistano circostanze idonee ad elidere l’antigiuridicità of such behavior. First it is necessary that these reports represent so likely the facts actually happened, that there is a public interest dissemination of themselves and the reports to be exposed as possible less damaging to the victim (2) .
a way, you can assume that even where the news is true , you can create a breach of the principle of neminem laedere , if it is intended to ridicule, humiliate or stigmatizing the individual (3) .
(1) P. Trimarchi, Private Law, Giuffrè, Milano, 2007, pg. 112
(2) Cass. Civ., sec. III, No. 6041 of 1997
(3) P. Trimarchi, Private Law, Giuffrè, Milano, 2007, pg. 113
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