Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shaw Direct With Bell Dish

Italian dialogue, the argument goes, the Internet and the crisis in the social system of interpersonal relationships

Today's society is characterized by the constant development of new technologies, allows us to enjoy comfort that only half century ago could be considered pure folly, we think of as the iPod or the iPhone, or the DVD, et cetera
... The birth of capitalism was made possible thanks to several factors, Max Weber has enucleated rational sustainable enterprise, accounting rational in rational law, in attitude and in streamlining the rational conduct of life (1) .
In this historical moment, also called "age of technology" , the enormous technological progress also puts an end to "moral grand narratives", and realizes the crumbling of those gated communities where there is only one truth applies to all the subsidiaries, this phenomenon can be defined secularization (2).
Some authors in this regard, he suggested (by presenting a paradigm) to imagine that an evil spirit, the man appears and offers him a gift, in such a way as to guarantee to any earthly race well that will allow them to improve the quality of life, yet the entity in return, would have required the death of a thousand people (3). This paradigm is strongly rejected by the generality of the subsidiaries, however, in reality this situation is realized, since accepting the humanity to enjoy and dispose of the cars, allows thousands of people lost their lives in road accidents (4 ).
Among the many technological innovations, let me turn my attention to internet, the main means of mass communication, this instrument has revolutionized the way in an integral way of relating to changing inexorably human life.
Internet, of course, made it possible to facilitate the work of man, enabling online commerce transactions across the world by simply pressing a button on the mouse, the benefits of such an instrument, have been enormous and have made a real Copernican revolution, since it has come to talk about new economy .
The network, however, in addition to many benefits, has caused numerous adverse economic effects to humans, in fact often are made by computer fraud, hackers or experts able to access our database of important national and international bodies and appropriate Important information, however, here, I refer exclusively to the damage that the internet has made towards relationships.
The growing success of social network resulted from one side to allow affiliates, to communicate with the other end of the world, in real time, without any financial expenditure, on the other hand, however, has created a sort of virtual reality, where people meet, trust, love relationships, not very often translate in practice such situations in real life. " In the specific context
has crystallized a dichotomy real / virtual , where individuals tend increasingly on ignoring the "real" , and dating in virtual , the gap between the two worlds, a growing tendency to widen, reaching absurd situations, but unfortunately real, where people are at "chat" daily online and when you cross the street acting like two strangers.
This situation is reflected, inevitably, in the dryness that more and more often, you can understand talking to people, they, in their arguments, they realize the defense of cliché and rhetoric, showing a totally superficial about anything ( dalla politica, alla musica, ed anche allo sport ) affrontato ed inoltre, nell’ambito dei colloqui, vengono meno quelle che sono le normali regole dell’educazione, giacché nel momento di difficoltà si ricorre alla sistematica interruzione dell’interlocutore o all’uso dell’arroganza.
Altro punto significativo è quello che si riferisce alla lettura dei libri, in calo vertiginoso nel nostro paese, in tal guisa l’ignoranza ferina è, purtroppo, una presenza forte ed incontrastata, talvolta, mi è capitato di essere a disagio, giacché innanzi a soggetti privi del bagaglio minimo di cultura richiesto dal compimento degli studi obbligatori, previsti ex lege , sono was forced to desist from the conversation, to avoid injuries (or beating).
also love affairs were the subject of a revolution, since it is possible with the advent of social network, meet your soul mate via the network, not to mention the demonstrations of affection that you can send to the person concerned simply by choosing different ways under the different sites, however, again as before, along with manifold benefits conferred by the Internet are discernible also many problems, all the mammoth issue that relates to the difficulty, by the subsidiaries, to forge sentimental, and the consequence to isolate themselves.
In conclusion, I believe that the development of the internet, despite the enormous benefits conferred the "global village" , has brought with it numerous problems, just as huge (and I think unruly), the dichotomy real / virtual crystallized to work of the Social Network has tipped the scales overwhelmingly in favor of size "virtual", but the advent of the network should not be regarded as an absolute evil, the contrary is a Copernican revolution, linked to the common thread economy, which has brought immense benefits and needs, so imperative, in my avviso, di essere “domata” dall’uomo.


(1) M. Weber, Storia economica , Donzelli, Roma, 2007

(2) C. Tripolina, Il diritto nell’età della tecnica, il caso dell’eutanasia , Jovene, Napoli, 2004, cit. p. 3; H.T. Engelhardt, Manuale di bioetica , il Saggiatore, 1999, p 37

(3) G. Calabresi, Il dono dello spirito maligno , Giuffré, Milano, 1996

(4) G. Calabresi, Il dono dello spirito maligno , Giuffré, Milano, 1996


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