Friday, August 27, 2010

Marisa Miller Swimsuit

Our island burn


Often the news has to be on the front page when there are issues of urgency or emergency occurring phenomena that are often the result of lack of planning. I have asked so, personally, to make an initial report to the president of Mirabella AVCPI at the very time when our island burning everywhere, and here it seems to us that the phenomenon of the fires has the character of the second floor. In all, there's a program, and I that I have always appreciated the work of our volunteers, I wanted to highlight those who work daily to Mirabella not jumping on the altars of the news for unpleasant events, I will never cease to thank you guys, you're proud of all mirabellesi, prevention is fontamentale for certain results. Joseph Giustolisi .

Our island burning everywhere.
Unfortunately the man's hand again this year destroyed hundreds of hectares of forest and maquis.
on our territory and the territories falling in the municipalities of San Michele di Ganzaria, San Cono and falling on the SP 65 in the town of Piazza Armerina, this year at the request of the Administration Municipal Imbaccari Mirabella, the Civil Protection Volunteers Association Imakara was triggered by the Regional Department of Civil Protection of Catania, from engaging in active struggle to fires, by patrolling dynamic.
To date, were spotted and subsequently killed, more than 90 fires.
The readiness and speed of our teams have avoided the flames devoured hundreds of olive trees, fruit and woods.
the more than 90 fires on only 2 was necessary to request air support for shutdown. This is a day of fire resulted in the August 16 bosco di Contrada Bubbonia, sul quale sono intervenuti 2 Aerei Fire Boss ed 1 Elicottero, e dell’incendio di giorno 20 Agosto su Contrada Elsa-Camemi sul quale e stato necessario l’intervento di un Elicottero.
Il Presidente dell’AVPC Imakara, Daniele Cremona : “anche quest’anno, grazie alla collaborazione tra il Comune di Mirabella Imbaccari ed il DRPC, abbiamo fatto del nostro meglio nella lotta agli incendi. Purtroppo ci siamo dati da fare con l’aiuto di flabelli, zappe e pale. Solamente su circa 20 incendi siamo riusciti ad intervenire utilizzando l’autocarro Daf su cui è installato il modulo antincendio, in quanto i terreni tortuosi presenti sul nostro territory, are not attainable with the means that we have been kindly loaned for use by the Town Council.
Our association hopes for next season, good sense of all political forces, and the DRPC, eligible for the award of a fire truck that can help and facilitate the operations of fire fighting .
The success of the project for which we have been enabled by DRPC, is the result of full cooperation of all the volunteers who, with enthusiasm, unselfishness, respect and protection of the territory have given their best. Thank you so, my fellow volunteers Joseph Martines e Lavaccara, la collega Concetta, i colleghi sammichelesi Adriana, Carmelo e Rosaria, i colleghi ed amici Salvatore, Mariacristina, Giuseppe Barbuscia, e Sharon, e senza offesa per nessuno, un ringraziamento particolare va al carissimo amico Filippo Nisi, nonché a mia moglie Marisa, che riesce a sopportarmi, condividendo anche lei le finalità associative.
Ricordando che fino al 15 settembre è VIETATO ACCENDERE FUOCHI, ai sensi della Legge 21 novembre 2000, n. 353, si confida nella collaborazione di tutti i cittadini nel segnalare eventuali incendi al 1515, al 115, al Corpo di Polizia Municipale allo 0933-991460, oppure contattando la nostra Associazione.


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