Very often in family disputes, separated parents in dispute about custody of children and, not infrequently, it is these that will suffer the worst consequences. The legislature has provided that the judge may order the child custody to one parent with a reasoned decision if it considers that the award is contrary to the other ' interests of the child (Article . 155 - a , cc).
First you should understand what is meant by the interest of the child 's sole custody certainly can not be adopted if there are disagreements between parents ( art. 155 c.c. ). La dottrina prevalente ritiene che nemmeno la realizzazione di fatti gravi possa condurre a tale soluzione, come la violazione, l’abuso, da parte del genitore, dei doveri che gli competono con gravi danni per il figlio, ovvero nel caso in cui siano posti in essere maltrattamenti ( art. 330 c.c. ).
Allo stesso modo, non si potrà ottenere l’affidamento condiviso, nelle ipotesi in cui la condotta del genitore non è tale da dare luogo alla pronuncia di decadenza prevista dall’articolo art. 330 c.c. ma appare comunque pregiudizievole al figlio, il giudice, secondo le circostanze, può adottare i provvedimenti convenienti e può anche disporre l’allontanamento him from the family home or the removal of a parent or partner who abuses or misuses of the child (Article . 333 cc).
sole custody may be required if it can not be guaranteed a 'balanced existence with the parent. Obviously, this situation should be ascertained by the judge in the case (1) . The Court considers that there be an interest contrary to the child when it is precisely this refusal to put a than the prospect of having a relationship with the parent, or if there are objective impossible (think of the idea in which the parent is held at a prison) (2) .
What distinguishes the shared custody than exclusive?
Analyzing ' art.155-bis , DC , there is no indication regarding the unique single-parent custody, however, careful doctrine considers that the institution in question will apply in the circumstances where, in deference to the interest of the child, the child is not positive joint custody or when one parent can not, is not suitable to deal with the care of the child (3) .
The difference between the two modes of custody, does not relate to the simple relocation of the child at the residence of either parent, but it relates to the power . Therefore, the court identified that there is, in practice, the need to apply sole custody to one parent, will give also to him the sole power (4) .
The judge will decide when to do so, must refer specifically to the exercise of authority, stating in the order the parent to whom it will be attributed exclusively, while others may only and exclusively, to agree le decisioni di maggiore rilievo del figlio ed avrà il dovere e il diritto di vigilare sull’educazione del minore (5) .
La Suprema Corte si è pronunciata recentemente in tal senso, indicando che il regime ordinario di affidamento è quello congiunto, in ossequio alle prescrizioni del nostro ordinamento, tuttavia, qualora sussista, in capo ad uno dei genitori, una situazione di palese insufficienza educativa, che comporti un serio pregiudizio per l’interesse minore, il giudice potrà, mediante provvedimento motivato, dichiarare l’affidamento esclusivo(6) .
(1) M. Sesta, Handbook of family law , Cedam, Padova, 2009, pg. 177
(2) M. Sesta, Handbook of family law , Cedam, Padova, 2009, pg. 177
(3) M. Sesta, Handbook of family law , Cedam, Padova, 2009, pg. 178
(4) Sixth M., Handbook of family law , Cedam, Padova, 2009, pg. 178
(5) Sixth M., Handbook of family law , Cedam, Padova, 2009, pg. 179
(6) Cass. Civ., sec. I, December 17, 2009, No 26587, in person and Damage , 2009, , with note G. RIGHTEOUS
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