We are pleased to announce that online is the new blog ART
From today all the latest news, projects, new initiatives, in-depth articles, images and video related issues: - hospice palliative care
- support to the sick person and his loved ones
- training of volunteers to accompany and operators
- pain management and the fight against unnecessary pain
- public awareness on the topics of palliative care and hospice
- mourning
- aid to children and adolescents who face difficult emotions
- and much, much more
Updated weekly full of information, images, videos and links our blog will help you discover the world of hospice and palliative care!
The our new blog is dedicated :
- people who face serious or incurable disease, their family and friends and those who live la difficile esperienza del lutto.
- ai volontari ed operatori di cure palliative
- a chi vuole saperne di più sull'hospice
- ai medici, infermieri, operatori dell'assistenza, psicologi, fisioterapisti e volontari
- agli studenti univerisitari
- agli insegnanti, presidi, genitori e alunni
- e a tutti coloro che sono interessati a scoprire l'attività dell'A.R.T. e a sperne di più sui temi su cui siamo impegnati da più di 10 anni
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