Today, Mirabella tests were carried out evacuation of schools to implement security plans to be implemented in a real emergency. The
AVPC Imakara in recent days had planned the simulation with the manager of the school including "E. De Amicis" asking for cooperation from the health point of view, the Italian Red Cross volunteers.
At 9:15 the alarm to evacuate the premises at the middle school.
Teachers, pupils and staff were brought outside the building using the appropriate outdoor areas. And 'was simulated with the alleged recovery of an injured head trauma.
11:00 am Evacuation elementary school and childhood. At the elementary school, was simulated recovery of a fracture with a wounded leg dell'Avpc run by volunteers who have made considerable effort to fence the limb with makeshift materials found inside the classroom, instead Red Cross volunteers have dedicated themselves to the recovery of another wounded in a state of unconsciousness.
Volunteers of the Red Cross, have also shown to teachers and students, how to perform cardio-pulmonary respiration. 11:45 pm
Asylum Biscari evacuation. Everything went smoothly as planned.
President dell'AVPC Imakara thanked for their cooperation, the head teacher Prof. Roberto Ferrera, il responsabile sicurezza dell'I.C. "De Amicis" Michele Barbuscia, i volontari della CRI, il Comandante della Polizia Municipale Sergio Tigano, il responsabile dell'ufficio comunale di protezione civile Ing. Adriano Di Francisca, oltre naturalmente come sempre, i volontari dell'AVPC Imakara.
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