Comincio con questo post a delineare un quadro generale della storia e dell'attualità multietnica della Calabria.
Seguiranno poi una serie di articoli che tratteranno dei diversi popoli che hanno abitato e continuano ad abitare la nostra terra.
Seguiranno poi una serie di articoli che tratteranno dei diversi popoli che hanno abitato e continuano ad abitare la nostra terra.

Troviamo Anania , di chiara origine ebraica, e Diano , che ha la stessa origine.
Albanese e Bressi (Arbrèsh) indicano un'origine albanese.
Spano (beardless), Trichilia , Chidester and many others are of Greek origin. Arabic is
Morabito, and origin Occitan (Provençal) is Lombardo (first called Guardia Piemontese Guardia Lombarda, as "Lombardia" referred generically to northern Italy.
Calderaro Cavallaro and are often origin Roma (Gypsy).
Other names have origins more ambiguous: the seemingly clear Siciliano, Pugliese, Catalano and the like, as well as indicating the origin from an ancestor coming from their respective regions, can indicate a belonging Jewish Greek can also indicate Albanian origin (the arbresh were often called "Greek" or confusion or because it really came from many areas of Greece Albanian) or once Jewish, as there were Calabria many Jews from Greece; Armocida may be of Greek origin (from armogios , crusher) or Arabic (from the mujid , warrior).

succeeded ancient Sicilian and Tyrrhenian, Cones and Italy ( not forget that originally the word "Italy" means a territory roughly corresponding to the current province of Reggio ) Morgeti, Pelasgians, Enotri, Campani, Mamertini ( some people actually are legendary, but others are still missing the list ), to the great lineage of Bruzi (Brett), which gave name to the land until all'VII sec. AD.
These indigenous people overlapped the Greeks, whose culture profoundly influenced the colonies until the same language and religion, and Calabria was known as Magna Greece. Defeated them by Brett and then finally by the Romans, they came up to us, in the centuries before the Christian era, the Latin language and culture, but as early as the sixth century by Justinian, and then more strongly until the eleventh century, when they reached the Normans, the Greeks regained the upper hand, with their language and their religion orthodox until the sixteenth century there were still diocese of the Eastern Rite, and the Greek language prevailed long in the southern Calabria, falling more and more, to remain confined to some Aspromonte villages around Bova.
Calabria Further
Calabria Citeriore
In this double alternation of Greek and Latin is linked to the linguistic and cultural division in Calabria Citeriore (about the province of Cosenza) and again (the rest of Calabria), and until A few decades ago there was talk of Calabria is Calabrian.
In the first, the Latin influences are absolutely dominant, and indeed, in the extreme northern area are characteristics that are found only in the neighboring band Lucan, as well as in Sardinia: preservation of the quality of voice (while remaining in Calabria and in general in Italy , the amount had a marked influence, so here you have n U there and v O there, unlike in Italian O n ce and v O there, and the Calabrian n U there and v U there), and in the conjugation of the verb are preserved "s" and "t" Final you sing, he sings and you sing respectively sings s the , sings d the and cantà s the (From the Latin singing s , sings t and sings tis ). Further
In Calabria it has instead a strong element detection greek, both in vocabulary and in grammar and syntax: the almost complete absence of the compound tenses of the verb, a rarity in the infinite advantage of different types (I cannot are = vojju u cannot u ), and more.
Among the scholars is still on the debate whether we should speak of the Norman period after a Latinate a Greece that dates back to almost continuous Magna Grecia, or rilatinizzazione after Graecised succeeded the fall of the West.
My personal opinion is that, as it is determined at the time of Brett and the Greeks in Calabria there has been a continuous tradition of bilingualism, with successive contractions and expansions of the two languages, which in turn took turns as languages \u200b\u200bof the people and ducts.
addition to a large distinction between Greeks and Latins, were abundant and the presence of other influences, we'll see ...

In the first, the Latin influences are absolutely dominant, and indeed, in the extreme northern area are characteristics that are found only in the neighboring band Lucan, as well as in Sardinia: preservation of the quality of voice (while remaining in Calabria and in general in Italy , the amount had a marked influence, so here you have n U there and v O there, unlike in Italian O n ce and v O there, and the Calabrian n U there and v U there), and in the conjugation of the verb are preserved "s" and "t" Final you sing, he sings and you sing respectively sings s the , sings d the and cantà s the (From the Latin singing s , sings t and sings tis ). Further
In Calabria it has instead a strong element detection greek, both in vocabulary and in grammar and syntax: the almost complete absence of the compound tenses of the verb, a rarity in the infinite advantage of different types (I cannot are = vojju u cannot u ), and more.
Among the scholars is still on the debate whether we should speak of the Norman period after a Latinate a Greece that dates back to almost continuous Magna Grecia, or rilatinizzazione after Graecised succeeded the fall of the West.
My personal opinion is that, as it is determined at the time of Brett and the Greeks in Calabria there has been a continuous tradition of bilingualism, with successive contractions and expansions of the two languages, which in turn took turns as languages \u200b\u200bof the people and ducts.
addition to a large distinction between Greeks and Latins, were abundant and the presence of other influences, we'll see ...
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