Dal bel sito Vatra Arbëreshe , una breve presentazione storica dell'immigrazione degli albanesi nell'Italia meridionale e in Sicilia.

Secondo una tradizione di studi storici consolidata e anche secondo studi recenti sono almeno otto migratory movements of Albanians in the Italian peninsula, which should be added last recently begun in the early nineties of 1900.
Albanians generally not settled immediately in a fixed place, but moved several times within the Italian territory, and this would also explain their presence in many Italian cities and in almost all the South.

The second migration back to the years (1416 - 1442), when Alfonso I of Aragon used the services of Albanian noble leader Demetrius Reres, who brought with him a large following of men. The reward for his services consisted in giving, in 1448, certain areas of Calabria and his sons, Sicily, (countries of Carafe, Pellegorio, St. Nicholas and Carfizzi near Catanzaro and Piana degli Albanesi in Sicily.) .
(and still today the largest communities found in these two regions.).
The third migration dates back to the years (1461 - 1470), when Giorgio Castriota Skanderbeg, Albanian national hero who fought and rejected the Turkish invasion in 1443., Sent an expeditionary force led by the Albanian nephew who landed in Coiro Stress Barletta in 1461 to help Ferrante I of Aragon in the fight against John of Anjou, and the rebellious barons, he won a prize and received the Gargano, San Giovanni Rotondo and Trani. They rose so countries Italo-Albanian Chieuti, San Marco in Lamis, and Roccaforzata Martignano.
The fourth migration (1470 - 1478) coincided with an intensification of relations between the Kingdom of Naples and Albanian nobles, even after the wedding of a nephew of Skanderbeg and Sanseverino Prince of Bisignano and with the fall of Kruje in which 1478 came under the rule and brought about a new turkish migration to Italy, migration led by John Castriota, Scanderbeg's son, to the feuds of Soleto Galatina and the Salento peninsula. These people subsequently moved in Calabria and founded the community of San Demetrio, Macchia, San Cosmo, Vaccarizzo, San Giorgio, Santa Sofia, broken and almost all other communities in the province of Cosenza: 32 Italo-Albanian community.
In this same period there was a thriving Albanian colony in Venice and the territories subject to this.
The fifth migration (1533 - 1534) coincides with the fall of the Albanian stronghold of turkish Crowns under the control and was the last massive migration. The sixth
Migration (1664) coincides with the migration of the population of the town of Maida, rebelled against and defeated by the Turks, to Barile, already populated by Albanians before. The seventh
migration (1744) sees the inhabitants Chimaroti, from Pikernion not far from Saranda in southern Albania, take refuge in Villa Abbess (the province of Pescara) Abruzzo. The eighth
Migration (1774) sees a group of Albanians fled to Brindisi di Montagna, in Basilicata. The ninth
migration is taking place today.
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