Filippone by Hilary CalabriaOra - Sunday, September 28, 2008
The model Statues "through the story of Aziz, arrived in Afghanistan
sea He traveled alone after losing their parents. "All my family died of bomb 'in Crotone
reviewed the cousin Lucano
Mayor:" I'm not illegal, the 80 guests who received political asylum. And they are useful "
Aziz, seven years, Afghanistan has learned to mask the redness of embarrassment by bringing his hands to his face. He smiles. He messed: trial was put to write the initial of his name in lower case and the teacher corrected him. Does the second grade, sitting at the front row with Mohamed, nine years in Lebanon, and Ana, a young girl with dark skin who left Ethiopia with her brother, Thomas.
Aziz has no father or mother. Saw them die killed that day when a bomb destroyed the house. To say that is barely alive, mutilated few words in Italian: "I'm in Italy for Afghanistan problem. All my family died in the bomb, but I did not. To come here, I alone at sea, "he says.
When it landed in Calabria took him to the reception center in Crotone. There he revised his cousin, Sabiya, which for months had lost all trace. "Here he is called Sabiya, seven years old. Also from Afghanistan as me. " Sabiya and Aziz, appearance typical of the country of origin, now living in Riace. Attend the same class, the same house, same friends, same places.
"never moved away, but they have integrated well with the rest of the class," says the teacher.
Statues, a stone village that has endorsed a draft acceptance and support for immigrants prepared by the Ministry of the Interior, is well managed. The mayor, Domenico Lucano, early in the road are struggling with municipal employees. What is more substance than the form you see when you see it. No tie of order, just tired shirt and jeans, wearing as it happens it happens. Here they call him all Mimmo. And 'a man in hand, the easy smile, please remember to give him "you." But if
try asking for illegal immigrants, does not make you finish, you tow it now: "I'm not illegal, the eighty people who host requested and were granted political asylum. And 'people also useful to the local economy, thanks to them we have rediscovered the craft. In addition, with the thirty euro, the Interior Ministry gives us for each, we can ensure that all housing, food, education and legal assistance, "he explains in his office in which stand out poster of Che Guevara everywhere. Next to the mayor's
Cosimina Ierinò, a petite lady with glasses on his face healed. They know everyone in the country. Does the teacher has the task of teaching Italian to adults. Every night scorre ad alta voce le lettere dell’alfabeto con afgani, eritrei, libanesi ed etiopi. E’ di fretta, alle dieci in punto ha il corso di formazione che segue con grande attenzione. «E’ previsto dal progetto. Faccio l’alunna di giorno e l’insegnante di sera. Stamane quei signori ci spiegano l’asilo politico. Hanno deciso così: prima l’aspetto giuridico, poi ci diranno come interagire con loro». Cosimina non è la sola a prendersi cura degli immigrati.
Con lei lavora una ragazza, «un’altra operatrice del progetto» che vedi arrivare con delle buste cariche di cibo. Le è hanno affidato questa mansione. Ogni sera fa il giro delle case:«Mi lasciano la lista delle cose che gli need, so I do find them to him and the other the next day. They love our products, the Eritreans even really like the spicy, "he says. Even the few local merchants are doing their part. Still have to be welded, but have never denied food to the foreign community. "You know, by now everyone knows: the money from the ministry, even if no money safe, slow in coming. But sooner or later they cashed, never lost the public's money, "says Cosimina.
immigrants who populate Statues are fathers, mothers, sons, brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles. All have been granted refugee status. The Geneva Convention says that "the refugee is colui che temendo di essere perseguitato per motivi di razza, religione, nazionalità o appartenenza a un determinato gruppo sociale si trova fuori dal paese di cui è cittadino e non può o non vuole, a causa di questo timore, avvalersi della protezione di questo paese».
Così Lemhem, 26 anni, professione interprete, è una «rifugiata», una donna fuggita dal paese d’origine per mettersi in salvo. E’ venuta via dall’Etiopia il giorno in cui Addis Abeba decise di entrare in guerra con l’Eritrea per conservare il villaggio di Badme, un minuscolo fazzoletto di terra che non appare neppure sulla carta geografica ma che ha provocato 90 mila morti. E’ in Italia da anni, di Riace ha memorizzato every corner. Can communicate with Italian, Afghan, Lebanese, Eritrean, Ethiopian. In the last period is high on the birth of Brhane Feven, a child of color brought forth last month by his friend Negash. A mother and daughter have to find satellite television in the bedroom. "So they can learn about what is happening in Ethiopia," Lehmem ago, dark skin and slanted eyes.
tell in that country "are not passive" those of the foreign community. "Quite the contrary: socialize, read, inform, want to learn Italian." Working glass, ceramic, with the broom can produce rugs, backpacks. They work tirelessly, the desire for redemption drives many women to a double commitment, such as working and taking care of the family. How
Mohn, a woman in Lebanon that occurred this morning at the laboratory of embroidery along with his son two months, the Mahdi, which it intends to be a doctor. "He and his brothers, who are now in school, they were at sea with me and my husband," she says as you slowly move the rocking chair that supports the small Mahdi. In the stone hut in which everyone knows as the workshop of embroidery, Mohn works with Zaid and Abbheba, two black girls in Eritrea. Who have become friends have even told a journalist coming from Finland to a report on the status of immigrants. "I'm happy with them, I come to work with pleasure. Never coming to Lebanon, the war prefer Statues. "
The model Statues "through the story of Aziz, arrived in Afghanistan
sea He traveled alone after losing their parents. "All my family died of bomb 'in Crotone
reviewed the cousin Lucano
Mayor:" I'm not illegal, the 80 guests who received political asylum. And they are useful "

Aziz has no father or mother. Saw them die killed that day when a bomb destroyed the house. To say that is barely alive, mutilated few words in Italian: "I'm in Italy for Afghanistan problem. All my family died in the bomb, but I did not. To come here, I alone at sea, "he says.
When it landed in Calabria took him to the reception center in Crotone. There he revised his cousin, Sabiya, which for months had lost all trace. "Here he is called Sabiya, seven years old. Also from Afghanistan as me. " Sabiya and Aziz, appearance typical of the country of origin, now living in Riace. Attend the same class, the same house, same friends, same places.
"never moved away, but they have integrated well with the rest of the class," says the teacher.
Statues, a stone village that has endorsed a draft acceptance and support for immigrants prepared by the Ministry of the Interior, is well managed. The mayor, Domenico Lucano, early in the road are struggling with municipal employees. What is more substance than the form you see when you see it. No tie of order, just tired shirt and jeans, wearing as it happens it happens. Here they call him all Mimmo. And 'a man in hand, the easy smile, please remember to give him "you." But if
try asking for illegal immigrants, does not make you finish, you tow it now: "I'm not illegal, the eighty people who host requested and were granted political asylum. And 'people also useful to the local economy, thanks to them we have rediscovered the craft. In addition, with the thirty euro, the Interior Ministry gives us for each, we can ensure that all housing, food, education and legal assistance, "he explains in his office in which stand out poster of Che Guevara everywhere. Next to the mayor's
Cosimina Ierinò, a petite lady with glasses on his face healed. They know everyone in the country. Does the teacher has the task of teaching Italian to adults. Every night scorre ad alta voce le lettere dell’alfabeto con afgani, eritrei, libanesi ed etiopi. E’ di fretta, alle dieci in punto ha il corso di formazione che segue con grande attenzione. «E’ previsto dal progetto. Faccio l’alunna di giorno e l’insegnante di sera. Stamane quei signori ci spiegano l’asilo politico. Hanno deciso così: prima l’aspetto giuridico, poi ci diranno come interagire con loro». Cosimina non è la sola a prendersi cura degli immigrati.
Con lei lavora una ragazza, «un’altra operatrice del progetto» che vedi arrivare con delle buste cariche di cibo. Le è hanno affidato questa mansione. Ogni sera fa il giro delle case:«Mi lasciano la lista delle cose che gli need, so I do find them to him and the other the next day. They love our products, the Eritreans even really like the spicy, "he says. Even the few local merchants are doing their part. Still have to be welded, but have never denied food to the foreign community. "You know, by now everyone knows: the money from the ministry, even if no money safe, slow in coming. But sooner or later they cashed, never lost the public's money, "says Cosimina.
immigrants who populate Statues are fathers, mothers, sons, brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles. All have been granted refugee status. The Geneva Convention says that "the refugee is colui che temendo di essere perseguitato per motivi di razza, religione, nazionalità o appartenenza a un determinato gruppo sociale si trova fuori dal paese di cui è cittadino e non può o non vuole, a causa di questo timore, avvalersi della protezione di questo paese».
Così Lemhem, 26 anni, professione interprete, è una «rifugiata», una donna fuggita dal paese d’origine per mettersi in salvo. E’ venuta via dall’Etiopia il giorno in cui Addis Abeba decise di entrare in guerra con l’Eritrea per conservare il villaggio di Badme, un minuscolo fazzoletto di terra che non appare neppure sulla carta geografica ma che ha provocato 90 mila morti. E’ in Italia da anni, di Riace ha memorizzato every corner. Can communicate with Italian, Afghan, Lebanese, Eritrean, Ethiopian. In the last period is high on the birth of Brhane Feven, a child of color brought forth last month by his friend Negash. A mother and daughter have to find satellite television in the bedroom. "So they can learn about what is happening in Ethiopia," Lehmem ago, dark skin and slanted eyes.
tell in that country "are not passive" those of the foreign community. "Quite the contrary: socialize, read, inform, want to learn Italian." Working glass, ceramic, with the broom can produce rugs, backpacks. They work tirelessly, the desire for redemption drives many women to a double commitment, such as working and taking care of the family. How
Mohn, a woman in Lebanon that occurred this morning at the laboratory of embroidery along with his son two months, the Mahdi, which it intends to be a doctor. "He and his brothers, who are now in school, they were at sea with me and my husband," she says as you slowly move the rocking chair that supports the small Mahdi. In the stone hut in which everyone knows as the workshop of embroidery, Mohn works with Zaid and Abbheba, two black girls in Eritrea. Who have become friends have even told a journalist coming from Finland to a report on the status of immigrants. "I'm happy with them, I come to work with pleasure. Never coming to Lebanon, the war prefer Statues. "
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