the country, is so called because it is said that during the assault
in Guardia Piemontese, perpetrated by the troops of the Marquis spinel, the there blood flowed in streams
With the advent of the Spaniards in the Italian South, in the period of the Protestant Reformation, the events radically changed at the Waldensian colonies in Calabria, which until then had enjoyed the respect and protection of the local lords.
In 1532, the General Synod of Chanforan, in Val d'Angrogna, declared adherence to the Protestant Reformation of the Waldensian movement.
In Calabria, the colonies were encouraged by Waldensian Protestant pastors to embrace the public worship following the example of the members of the Piedmont valleys that some time had already decided not to hide their faith any more. The Waldenses Guard met and embraced, thanks to periodic visits from the shepherds of Valli, the new doctrine of Calvin. Driven by the enthusiasm
inviarono nel 1558, nonostante il divieto posto dal pastore Egidio Gilles, un certo Marco Uscegli a Ginevra per avere altri pastori. Da Ginevra fu mandato in Calabria un certo Gian Luigi Pascale accompagnato dallo stesso Uscegli e da altri fratelli. La predicazione di Pascale entusiasmò ancor di più i coloni fino al punto di attirare l'attenzione del Marchese Spinelli, il quale, informato degli eventi e temendo l'intervento del Sant'Uffizio, tentò dapprima di esortare Pascale e Uscegli ad abbandonare i luoghi delle loro predicazioni, quindi, resosi conto della loro assoluta determinazione nel perseguire l'opera di riforma, li fece arrestare.
Molti valdesi guardioli indignati per gli arresti accusarono il Marchese Spinelli di angherie nei loro respect to the Viceroy of Naples. It was at this point that Spinelli denounced as heretics, the gatehouse at the same Viceroy.
Pascale, Uscegli and other brothers were first transferred in the prisons of Cosenza, in Naples and then finally to Rome. Some monks tried in vain to convince Catholics Pascale and others to renounce their faith. Gian Luigi Pascale was hanged on the morning of September 16, 1560 in the square of Castel Sant'Angelo and his body was then burned. It is not known but the fate that had Uscegli.
Minutes of the death of Gian Luigi Pascale drawn up by the Brotherhood of St. John
off (the original is kept at the State Archives of Rome).
Sunday evening fifteenth day of September in about an hour at night were Sendo Giama went in Tor di Nona, where he was condemned to death Thu: Luigi Pascale Gunio of Piedmont, who had turned Lutheran treacherous nemmaj confess I hear Mass every nekando S ° ediuno precept and sacrament inquale ostinacia its sixteenth day of rest on Monday morning said he was brought to the bridge where he was abruciato feciero and the following costs. A
sachrestany factors cents and 45 p. a trip to Fachini baiocchi 15 p. a piece of wine 5 cents of that Ash Thu: Luigi Pascale ricolse not otherwise
The Viceroy of Naples, in agreement with the Grand Inquisitor, Cardinal Michele Dominican Ghislieri, the future Pope and St. Pius V, urged the governors of the provinces to "root out heresy."
The first colony to fall under the blows of the army was the viceroy of San Sisto. Many Waldenses fled but were tracked down in the woods. There were those who were executed on the spot, others were taken prisoner. The houses were destroyed and property confiscated. It was at this point that the Marquis Spinelli decided to take over the Guard, and to do so resorted to a stratagem.
is the description given by the Thomas Costa, Neapolitan and catholic:
So he tried himself master of the Guard troops without getting the puzzles. Do not have enough of its men of arms, resorted to a ruse, a trap. As lord of the places, he pretended to have to send in Sammarco fifty criminals and being sent on the day he asked them to stay in the Castle Guard and it got. The common point not be denied to the dominion of the Marquis, which is not intended to defend his life against waves of grain, knowing after the example of St. Sixtus was not to hope for mercy. Li alleged offenders were in arms Spinelli, and entered into Guard escorted by fifty kids, all under the guise of armed archibugetti wheel. Watch Those were simple people of good faith. The trick, however inorpellato, reached the goal. Fall deep night, those hundred men came out of prison and castle, rushed for homes, easily took over the place and he warned the predetermined signal Spinelli, lurking nearby with other armati.Così he would have been able to imprison the most notable of those townspeople, and give the place without opposition at the mercy of the troops.
( dell'Istoria Compendium of the Kingdom of Naples Collenuccio, Rose, and Cost. Naples, Gravier, III, 210)
was June 3, 1561. The only evidence of what happened in those days is contained in three letters written by people Montalto
In those days he set fire to the houses of Police beat the walls were cut vigne.Nei the first eleven days of the month well in June, 2000 people were killed, but not enough "we wanted to give a formal example." The prisoners were locked Guardioti piled inside a house. The morning of the 11th was the Executioner to fetch one by one the victims. Trattone what happened between his hand, tied a blindfold and menavolo in a spacious place not far from the house. You made him kneel down, with a knife cut his throat and threw him from the dead or dying was. Resumption of the bandage and then the knife, on the other repeating the same operation. In that eighty eight people were slaughtered.
(Archives, First Series, IX 163. Veggezzi propagated Letters - Ruscalla in his Cologne Piemontese in Calabria, Turin November 20, 1862)
In 1532, the General Synod of Chanforan, in Val d'Angrogna, declared adherence to the Protestant Reformation of the Waldensian movement.
In Calabria, the colonies were encouraged by Waldensian Protestant pastors to embrace the public worship following the example of the members of the Piedmont valleys that some time had already decided not to hide their faith any more. The Waldenses Guard met and embraced, thanks to periodic visits from the shepherds of Valli, the new doctrine of Calvin. Driven by the enthusiasm
inviarono nel 1558, nonostante il divieto posto dal pastore Egidio Gilles, un certo Marco Uscegli a Ginevra per avere altri pastori. Da Ginevra fu mandato in Calabria un certo Gian Luigi Pascale accompagnato dallo stesso Uscegli e da altri fratelli. La predicazione di Pascale entusiasmò ancor di più i coloni fino al punto di attirare l'attenzione del Marchese Spinelli, il quale, informato degli eventi e temendo l'intervento del Sant'Uffizio, tentò dapprima di esortare Pascale e Uscegli ad abbandonare i luoghi delle loro predicazioni, quindi, resosi conto della loro assoluta determinazione nel perseguire l'opera di riforma, li fece arrestare.
Molti valdesi guardioli indignati per gli arresti accusarono il Marchese Spinelli di angherie nei loro respect to the Viceroy of Naples. It was at this point that Spinelli denounced as heretics, the gatehouse at the same Viceroy.
Pascale, Uscegli and other brothers were first transferred in the prisons of Cosenza, in Naples and then finally to Rome. Some monks tried in vain to convince Catholics Pascale and others to renounce their faith. Gian Luigi Pascale was hanged on the morning of September 16, 1560 in the square of Castel Sant'Angelo and his body was then burned. It is not known but the fate that had Uscegli.
Minutes of the death of Gian Luigi Pascale drawn up by the Brotherhood of St. John
off (the original is kept at the State Archives of Rome).

Sunday evening fifteenth day of September in about an hour at night were Sendo Giama went in Tor di Nona, where he was condemned to death Thu: Luigi Pascale Gunio of Piedmont, who had turned Lutheran treacherous nemmaj confess I hear Mass every nekando S ° ediuno precept and sacrament inquale ostinacia its sixteenth day of rest on Monday morning said he was brought to the bridge where he was abruciato feciero and the following costs. A
sachrestany factors cents and 45 p. a trip to Fachini baiocchi 15 p. a piece of wine 5 cents of that Ash Thu: Luigi Pascale ricolse not otherwise
The Viceroy of Naples, in agreement with the Grand Inquisitor, Cardinal Michele Dominican Ghislieri, the future Pope and St. Pius V, urged the governors of the provinces to "root out heresy."
The first colony to fall under the blows of the army was the viceroy of San Sisto. Many Waldenses fled but were tracked down in the woods. There were those who were executed on the spot, others were taken prisoner. The houses were destroyed and property confiscated. It was at this point that the Marquis Spinelli decided to take over the Guard, and to do so resorted to a stratagem.
is the description given by the Thomas Costa, Neapolitan and catholic:
So he tried himself master of the Guard troops without getting the puzzles. Do not have enough of its men of arms, resorted to a ruse, a trap. As lord of the places, he pretended to have to send in Sammarco fifty criminals and being sent on the day he asked them to stay in the Castle Guard and it got. The common point not be denied to the dominion of the Marquis, which is not intended to defend his life against waves of grain, knowing after the example of St. Sixtus was not to hope for mercy. Li alleged offenders were in arms Spinelli, and entered into Guard escorted by fifty kids, all under the guise of armed archibugetti wheel. Watch Those were simple people of good faith. The trick, however inorpellato, reached the goal. Fall deep night, those hundred men came out of prison and castle, rushed for homes, easily took over the place and he warned the predetermined signal Spinelli, lurking nearby with other armati.Così he would have been able to imprison the most notable of those townspeople, and give the place without opposition at the mercy of the troops.
( dell'Istoria Compendium of the Kingdom of Naples Collenuccio, Rose, and Cost. Naples, Gravier, III, 210)
was June 3, 1561. The only evidence of what happened in those days is contained in three letters written by people Montalto
In those days he set fire to the houses of Police beat the walls were cut vigne.Nei the first eleven days of the month well in June, 2000 people were killed, but not enough "we wanted to give a formal example." The prisoners were locked Guardioti piled inside a house. The morning of the 11th was the Executioner to fetch one by one the victims. Trattone what happened between his hand, tied a blindfold and menavolo in a spacious place not far from the house. You made him kneel down, with a knife cut his throat and threw him from the dead or dying was. Resumption of the bandage and then the knife, on the other repeating the same operation. In that eighty eight people were slaughtered.
(Archives, First Series, IX 163. Veggezzi propagated Letters - Ruscalla in his Cologne Piemontese in Calabria, Turin November 20, 1862)
The peepholes, still present on some doors,
were imposed by the Inquisition in order to monitor the early settlers
Of all Waldensian colonies in Calabria the only one to survive was to Guardia Piemontese, where they were gathered all pardoned in harsh conditions and under the control of the "faithful" Marquis Spinelli.
He was not allowed to marry each other, were placed on the doors of peepholes that were to remain open to allow supervisors to check that "not to abandon non-Catholic religious practices."
It was during this period to confirm its presence, the Bishop of Cosenza had built a church. The family Spinelli began building the Convent of the Dominicans and the Inquisition placed there permanently. "
were imposed by the Inquisition in order to monitor the early settlers

He was not allowed to marry each other, were placed on the doors of peepholes that were to remain open to allow supervisors to check that "not to abandon non-Catholic religious practices."
It was during this period to confirm its presence, the Bishop of Cosenza had built a church. The family Spinelli began building the Convent of the Dominicans and the Inquisition placed there permanently. "
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