Waldenses in Calabria, through the reality of the 'Union of Waldensian and Methodist Churches.
Currently the Waldenses in Calabria there are five churches and two institutions.
The churches are those of Catanzaro, Cosenza, Dipignano (CS), Vincolise Magis (CZ) and Reggio Calabria.
The two institutions are the Casa Valdese in Guardia Piemontese (CZ) and the Bethel Gospel Center in Sila.
The churches are those of Catanzaro, Cosenza, Dipignano (CS), Vincolise Magis (CZ) and Reggio Calabria.
The two institutions are the Casa Valdese in Guardia Piemontese (CZ) and the Bethel Gospel Center in Sila.
The two communities of Catanzaro and Vincolise Magisano to act in close cooperation, and with a long common history. A Catanzaro originated by Antonio Greek hero of the Risorgimento, Garibaldi appointed pro-dictator for Calabria, then Member of Parliament of Italy.

Today the two communities are around a hundred of the faithful, and the Commonwealth of Catanzaro gave the world the popular evangelical pastor Sergio Rostagno.
Twins are also community of Dipignano e Cosenza , delle quali la prima, come quella di Vincolise, nasce ai primi del secolo scorso, ed anche qui c'è una storia di emigrazione e di ritorno.
Il primo evangelico fu Francesco Scornaienchi, convertito nel 1902 da un compagno di lavoro.
Dopo l'emigrazione in vari paesi, sia per motivi di lavoro che di evangelizzazione, torna a Dipignano, dove, con molte difficoltà converte prima i familiari e poi anche altri, iniziando a tenere il culto nella sua abitazione.
Intanto, intorno al 1930, il pastore metodista Alfredo Franco, fonda la chiesa di Cosenza, visitando anche la comunità di Dipignano.

in 1968 is finally built the first public building for worship, which until then was held in private homes, and in the 80s Dipignano became the seat of the community, from which "it depends" Cosenza, Guardia Piemontese and , where the Worship is held once a month.
On May 21, 2004 was inaugurated the new temple in Dipignano, the former church of S. Ippolito ( in the photo).
"twinned" with the Church of Messina, and served from the same dough, is instead to Reggio Calabria , on which unfortunately was not able to find no news of a historical nature, despite his great site.

rises in the Sila Piccola, at 1200 meters above sea level, between the villages Racise and Mancuso in the province of Catanzaro.
Open to all, wishes to express the relationship of evangelism with social reality of the world. In periods when there are no planned activities, the Centre is ready to welcome groups of self-administered under the conditions laid down

Casa Valdese
On 25 September 1983 in Guardia Piemontese Cultural Centre was inaugurated on "Gian Luigi Pascale", with an adjoining museum that is open throughout the year in 1985, was completed the " Casa Valdese "next to it, able to accommodate a dozen people in four apartments, especially in summer.
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