Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Scholarships For Lazy Eye

Christmas Tree Fire Ecology


Un albero di Natale con le bottiglie di plastica in piazza Vespri. L’idea è dei ragazzi della locale Associazione Volontari Protezione Civile “Imakara”.
L’obiettivo è di dimostrare che si possono fare cose belle recuperando materiali riciclati, limitando al massimo le spese. Il tutto serve anche to launch an awareness about recycling, important in a time of great concern for the environment. To make the tree about five bottles are not crushed. "For this reason - says the president Cremona - in the coming days to seek the collaboration of all citizens and schools, believing that it is very important to bring new generations of environmental issues." The tree should be carried out after the feast of St. Lucia.
The City Council welcomes the initiative, we hope the Mayor Marchingiglio explains that it is welcomed by the city, as the traditional fir tree in Piazza Vespers will be replaced with plastic bottles.


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