Sunday, September 20, 2009

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The beauty of the paintings of Gustav Klimt Klimt

"That image of the world is safe is a certainty for the Austrian, in all his feelings, and this remarkable depth of thought of our well-known frivolousness, no one, from the baroque, the ' has never explained to us with such splendor and with such elegance as Klimt. Klimt painted a woman [...] like a jewel, it sparkles, but the ring of his hand seems to breathe, and live more than his hat her, her mouth opens, but does not think that it may also speak, and her dress seems to whisper. Or if you paint a sunflower, it seems the blink of an eye benign mature man. Again, however, he paints a tree that appears embossed in gold, and when apocalyptic shiver in front of the faces of his great paintings, it may be that in them he had simply wanted to play with colors. "

Hermann Bahr, 1903

Friday, September 18, 2009

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Gustav Klimt was born in Baumgarther in 1862. From now led to the painting of the decoration of theaters such as: Vienna, River, Reichenberg.
In 1987 Klimt was one of the most committed members of the Secession, in fact, he published the first number of the important magazine of the period: il Ver Sacrum. Continuò a lavorare nel campo della pittura e della decorazione fino alla sua morte, nel 1918.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

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Otto Wagner, Haus Majolika

O tto Koloman Wagner nasce a Penzig, sobborgo di Vienna, nel 1841 da famiglia agiata. Frequenta nell'adolescenza il ginnasio artistico per poi proseguire gli studi alla facoltosa Königliche Bauakademi, dove frequenta i corsi di architettura, lezione tenute dai più grandi architetti dell'epoca. In seguito diventa docente della classe speciale di architettura presso l'accademia della belle arti di Vienna. I suoi insegnamenti contribuirono fortemente allo svilupparsi dell'Art Nouveau anche nell'architettura, thanks to his faithful students.
One of his most famous buildings is the Majolika Haus (1899). Its name derives from the tile that has been coated with the home were designed by Otto Wagner directly so that, when combined, continue to take the idea of \u200b\u200bharmony and continuity. The design is floral and adherence to what are the principles of Art Nouveau.

Friday, September 11, 2009

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The architecture of JM Olbrich

One of the greatest exponents of the Art Nouveauté was Joseph Maria Olbrich, architect Austrian founder of what was called the Vienna Secession (revolution equivalente all'Art Nouveau). Egli infatti progettò uno dei più grandi edifici della Secessione,luogo di ritrovo per gli artisti, chiamato per l'appunto: il Padiglione della Secessione (1897-98) per far si che l'arte austriaca si sviluppasse di pari passo con quella europea.
La sua forma richiama in tutto e per tutto l'Art Nouveau e il suo richiamo alla natura. Un grande esempio è la cupola arborescente che sovrasta l'edificio e le decorazioni floreali sopra l'ingresso. Nel complesso quindi coesistono rigidità nella forma, per rendere monumentale l'edificio, ma allo stesso tempo una certa armonia e addolcimento reso attraverso le foglie e la cupola.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

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Walter Crane and illustrations

Uno 800 was of the greatest illustrators Walter Crane.
He illustrated children's books such as The Frog Prince , Beauty and the Beast , The Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood , Puss in Boots, Bluebeard , Jack and the Beanstalk , all made in Art Nouveau style. These are listed
illustration of the famous story of Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood meets the wolf

The wolf pretends to be Little and entered the house of the grandmother

The wolf disguises himself as a grandmother

Friday, August 28, 2009

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Giovanni Mario Mataloni

John Mataloni Mario is one of the few Italians who took an active part of what was the revolution in art ' Art Nouveau. Although there is little information about his life, his works remain in the art scene since he was one of the fathers of Italian poster of the time. Among his works we must remember the poster of the first art exhibition in Turin.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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"Jane Avril dancing" Heri de Toulouse-Lautrec Henri de

The work depicts Jane Avril, one of the most celebrated dancers in Paris, and Toulouse-Lautrec's lover, intent on dancing the cancan. The
unleashed dance Toulouse-Lautrec was fascinated by trying to follow the movements of the body drawing of the dancer, the occasion gave him the opportunity to further enliven his dynamic style, which had already been directed to a radical synthesis.
In fact, just look at the picture and you realize that the artist was not important to complete the composition, but set the clean lines that define the environment in which the ballet dancer, this, in turn, is placed in emphasize the face, so melancholy and sad, tracing briefly the rest of the body. Yet
are the arms and legs scurrying vigorous shaking her skirts and petticoat.
the background, in a stage just mentioned, is a caricature of a couple. Looking
Jane Avril dancing reminded of the wild dancers by Degas, surprised to try the dance steps: the harmonious and elegant than they were, the more agitated and they are vulgar. But unlike Degas, Toulouse-Lautrec was important to capture that special atmosphere Tabarin in Paris.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

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Alphonse Mucha was born in 1866 in Ivančice, Moravia (now Czech Republic). Mucha comes
from a large family of the petty bourgeoisie. The child draws a lot and soon get into the habit of doing a caricature of his companions. Good calligrapher and designer, was hired as chancellor in the court where his father was bailiff. A
19 years back to Vienna where he was hired by the home Kautsky-Brioche-Burghardt, specializing in theatrical decor, but continues to paint landscapes, portraits and realizes the inscriptions of tombstones. Count Kluen, the lord of the place, asked him to make the mural paintings in its castle and this work, which found success, he does receive from the local nobility.
Mucha is interested in Photography and illustrations for printing.
In 1894, un concorso di circostanze lo porta a realizzare la sua prima affiche per una pièce di Sarah Bernhardt ; « Gismonda », la sua affiche sarà un vero successo - presso il pubblico come presso l’attrice - e Mucha collaborerà con Sarah Bernhardt per 6 anni con un contratto esclusivo per il teatro.

L’attrice ha una fama internazionale ; i produttori di profumi, di champagne o di biciclette fanno allora la coda davanti alla porta di Mucha. Le sue opere sono ormai su tutti i muri e quotidianamente si incrociano le sue creazioni (sigarette Job, biscotti Lu, champagne Ruinart, etc.) e ciò lo porterà a partecipare all’Esposizione Universale 1900.
In 1908 he produced his last great work of Art Nouveau: the decoration of the German theater. In 1910, Mucha decided to dedicate the rest of his life painting twenty large paintings that are symbolic of an epic Slavic people since ancient times. All his energy is for the Slav Epic.
In 1939, aged 79, Mucha dies in Prague.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

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Alphonse Mucha Toulouse-Lautrec (works)

The famous painter and his works are gathered in this beautiful video.