share with you a reflection on bereavement drawn by Dr. Amanda Castle, founder of 'ART The abstract was presented at several conferences on the subject organized by the artist at Piacenza and its province.

All of us, one day or another, we face difficult and painful experience of losing a loved one. Too often, we have to live alone suffered the consequences of the absence. We feel so lost, misunderstood, abandoned ... No one has ever prepared specifically event and the death sentences of banal and discounted cost are not helpful.
After the death
First we must understand the grief. Develop their own bereavement takes time and energy, and when possible, a competent guide. It is unreasonable to impose regole, tempi o metodologie standard. Si può soltanto ascoltare, accogliere, condividere, accompagnare e poi, quando ci sembrerà il momento, proporre delle linee-guida. Vorremmo offrire agli operatori, e a chiunque si avvicini alla situazione del lutto, alcuni punti di riferimento per essere in grado di riconoscere una normale elaborazione ed individuare i segni che preludono all'installazione di una situazione di lutto cronico o patologico.
Il lutto normale: è spesso considerato dagli autori che su di esso hanno riflettuto come avente una certa similitudine con la melanconia. Nel 1911, Karl Abraham lo definì una "emorragia interna" e spinse Freud a lavorare sul problema. Per Freud, quello che viene definito il lavoro di lutto, è indispensabile per riacquistare un equilibrio, ma può solo iniziare dopo la fine delle fasi del rifiuto e della collera che avvengono successivamente al decesso. Il processo del lutto segue delle tappe che obbediscono a vari fattori. Le reali tappe del lutto e le sue espressioni sono però legate alla presa di coscienza della perdita che avviene dopo il rifiuto, la ricerca dell'oggetto perso, l'agitazione, l'apatia...
Risulta necessario vincere lo stato di schok. Depending on the case, you notice a sudden worsening health. The first signs always occur at the somatic level, then the effects of the inability adapt to the new dimension of life occur on an intellectual level. The same
is an emotional and. Acceptance is the final step that allows a reconstruction of ego. It 's the time when you can pick up the pieces of the puzzle to piece together scattered and the structure of your personality.
Actor Mauro Mozzani in the show "The Echo of the Rain" produced by
Manicomics Theatre specially for ART
Complications of mourning: mourning and pathological mourning chronic
Mourning is not a disease, but it can become. It is not always clear identification of signs that warn of the transformation of a normal process in the disease process. The manifestations of normal grief sharpen and become chronic and, if they are not understood in time and treated, can become pathological mourning: apathy, absenteeism, indifference total insensitivity to stimuli, including pain ... Grief can manifest itself in situations of acute sudden death (accident) or violent (terrorist attacks, crime, suicide or natural disasters ...), where phase of rejection easily lasts for no apparent way output. On a psychic level, there are many signs not be underestimated.
Several factors contribute to the development of the mourning process, those related to gender, age and health status or conditions of death. The complications of bereavement, are of particular importance sociocultural and psychological factors, the cultural and religious background, the type of family and friendships ... Condolences came from cum-ache, that 'suffer with'. Listening, the discreet are the first step. Is essential to understand the person in mourning his reactions are normal. It 's important not to surrender to the refusal of assistance the person in mourning. The presence of those who accompanied be respectful and fraternal, sympathetic and discreet, but real and effective.
remember that every mourning, as each death is unique and so must be considered and respected. At Similarly, following a time that is proper. Accompaniment adapted to the time of person, not imposing it. Grief, like death, is a new birth, always painful and not always successful . Any sign that exceeds the apparent "normality" should be reported to the doctor (which should be formed to diseases of mourning). The comparison with the grief remains one of the last barriers to be removed to regain a healthy relationship with death and dying.
What to do?
In the case of illness or old age, mourning is not a "job" to begin after death. Must begin earlier, at the stage where the awareness of the disease dell'inguaribilità replacing mental attitude of the struggle for healing. to mourn for oneself is a difficult task and unfortunately often underestimated by the GP and family. We often complained of the damage he is responsible for the infamous "conspiracy of silence" that leads only to isolation of the dying person, incommunicableness between family members, the irrecoverable loss of precious moments to live between the one who goes away and those that remain, and fosters a sense of guilt which may persist for a long time, a source of psychological and somatic problems. 
After the death
First we must understand the grief. Develop their own bereavement takes time and energy, and when possible, a competent guide. It is unreasonable to impose regole, tempi o metodologie standard. Si può soltanto ascoltare, accogliere, condividere, accompagnare e poi, quando ci sembrerà il momento, proporre delle linee-guida. Vorremmo offrire agli operatori, e a chiunque si avvicini alla situazione del lutto, alcuni punti di riferimento per essere in grado di riconoscere una normale elaborazione ed individuare i segni che preludono all'installazione di una situazione di lutto cronico o patologico.

Il lutto normale: è spesso considerato dagli autori che su di esso hanno riflettuto come avente una certa similitudine con la melanconia. Nel 1911, Karl Abraham lo definì una "emorragia interna" e spinse Freud a lavorare sul problema. Per Freud, quello che viene definito il lavoro di lutto, è indispensabile per riacquistare un equilibrio, ma può solo iniziare dopo la fine delle fasi del rifiuto e della collera che avvengono successivamente al decesso. Il processo del lutto segue delle tappe che obbediscono a vari fattori. Le reali tappe del lutto e le sue espressioni sono però legate alla presa di coscienza della perdita che avviene dopo il rifiuto, la ricerca dell'oggetto perso, l'agitazione, l'apatia...
Risulta necessario vincere lo stato di schok. Depending on the case, you notice a sudden worsening health. The first signs always occur at the somatic level, then the effects of the inability adapt to the new dimension of life occur on an intellectual level. The same
is an emotional and. Acceptance is the final step that allows a reconstruction of ego. It 's the time when you can pick up the pieces of the puzzle to piece together scattered and the structure of your personality.

Manicomics Theatre specially for ART
Complications of mourning: mourning and pathological mourning chronic
Mourning is not a disease, but it can become. It is not always clear identification of signs that warn of the transformation of a normal process in the disease process. The manifestations of normal grief sharpen and become chronic and, if they are not understood in time and treated, can become pathological mourning: apathy, absenteeism, indifference total insensitivity to stimuli, including pain ... Grief can manifest itself in situations of acute sudden death (accident) or violent (terrorist attacks, crime, suicide or natural disasters ...), where phase of rejection easily lasts for no apparent way output. On a psychic level, there are many signs not be underestimated.
How to prevent complications of grief?
Dealing and accompany a mourning?
There is a proper process?
Dealing and accompany a mourning?
There is a proper process?
Several factors contribute to the development of the mourning process, those related to gender, age and health status or conditions of death. The complications of bereavement, are of particular importance sociocultural and psychological factors, the cultural and religious background, the type of family and friendships ... Condolences came from cum-ache, that 'suffer with'. Listening, the discreet are the first step. Is essential to understand the person in mourning his reactions are normal. It 's important not to surrender to the refusal of assistance the person in mourning. The presence of those who accompanied be respectful and fraternal, sympathetic and discreet, but real and effective.

remember that every mourning, as each death is unique and so must be considered and respected. At Similarly, following a time that is proper. Accompaniment adapted to the time of person, not imposing it. Grief, like death, is a new birth, always painful and not always successful . Any sign that exceeds the apparent "normality" should be reported to the doctor (which should be formed to diseases of mourning). The comparison with the grief remains one of the last barriers to be removed to regain a healthy relationship with death and dying.
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