The term "global village" (1) , represents the continued expansion of markets, first from the national point of view, then at the transnational level, which has resulted in the formation of a single world market, or globalization (2) .
With the reform of company law of 2003, although the Italian system, in the wake of the experiences common to other countries, has introduced the possibility to choose, to businesses, as a model of corporate governance taken.
The first tier is , of \u200b\u200bGerman origin, the statutes may provide that the administration and control are exercised by a board of management ( administrative body) and a council surveillance in accordance with the following rules (Article . 2409octies, cc).
Firstly what is important is that this system, compared with that of ordinary administration, does not provide the auditors, however, to ' art. 2409duodecies, DC , it is expected that there is a supervisory board composed of a number of members not less than three, unless of course that the statute does not provide more.
the second paragraph of that article, the legislator provides that except for the first components that are named in the deed, and except as provided in Articles 2351, 2449 and 2450, the appointment of members of the supervisory board meeting it, after determining their number within the limits established by the Statute.
The members of the Supervisory Board remain in office for three years, and termination to take effect from the expiry of the period when the supervisory board has been reconstituted ( art. 2409duodecies, paragraph 3 ° , cc ).
The legislature, in order to ensure the reliability of the components of the supervisory board, requires that at least one of them must be chosen from those listed in the register of auditors at the Department of Justice ( art. 2409duodecies, paragraph 4 °, cc).
The members of the supervisory board be re-elected, unless otherwise provided by the statutes, and may be revoked by the Assembly at any time by resolution adopted by the majority provided by the fifth paragraph of Article 2393, even if appointed in the articles, except the right to compensation if the withdrawal is without just cause, it is clear that the guarantees of impartiality are lower than those provided for the auditors (Article . 2409duodecies, paragraph 5 ° , cc ).
The legislature, evidenziando, l’importanza dei requisiti di requisiti di onorabilità, professionalità e indipendenza, stabilisce che lo statuto può subordinare l’assunzione a tali condizioni, la ratio sottesa alla norma, ha l’obiettivo di garantire, in particolare modo, gli azionisti di minoranza, o come lo ha definito qualche autore “capitale di risparmio” (3) ( art. 2409duodecies, comma 6°, c.c).
Nel caso in cui, nel corso dell’esercizio vengono a mancare uno o più componenti del consiglio di sorveglianza, l’assemblea provvede senza indugio alla loro sostituzione.
Il presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza è eletto dall’assemblea.
Lo statuto determina i poteri del presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza.
Non possono essere eletti alla carica di componente del consiglio di sorveglianza e, se eletti, decadono dall’ufficio:
a) coloro che si trovano nelle condizioni previste dall’articolo 2382;
b) i componenti del consiglio di gestione;
c) those that are related to the company or its subsidiaries or under joint control of an employment relationship or an ongoing relationship advice or the provision of paid work that compromise their independence.
The statutes may provide other grounds for disqualification or ineligibility and incompatibility, and the limits and criteria for the number of offices (art. 2409duodecies, 7 th paragraph, DC).
Article. 2409terdecies Code, sets out the powers of the supervisory board:
a) nomina e revoca i componenti del consiglio di gestione; ne determina il compenso, salvo che la relativa competenza sia attribuita dallo statuto all’assemblea;
b) approva il bilancio di esercizio e, ove redatto, il bilancio consolidato;
c) esercita le funzioni di cui all’articolo 2403, primo comma;
d) promuove l’esercizio dell’azione di responsabilità nei confronti dei componenti del consiglio di gestione;
e) presenta la denunzia al tribunale di cui all’articolo 2409;
f) riferisce per iscritto almeno una volta all’anno all’assemblea sull’attività di vigilanza svolta, sulle omissioni e sui fatti censurabili rilevati;
f-bis) se previsto dallo statuto, delibera in ordine alle operazioni strategiche e ai piani, industriali e finanziari della società predisposti dal consiglio di gestione, ferma in ogni caso la responsabilità di questo per gli atti compiuti.
Il secondo comma della norma in parola, stabilisce che lo statuto può provided that in case of failure to approve the budget or if it requires at least one third of the board of management or the supervisory board the power to approve the financial statement is attributed to the assembly.
the legislature imposes on the part of directors, a duty of care, having regard to the nature of, if not, they should respond jointly and severally liable with the members of the board of management for the facts or failure of these when the damage would not have occurred if they had supervised in accordance with the obligations of their office (Article . 2409terdecies, comma 3 °, cc )
The members of the Supervisory Board may attend meetings of the board of management and must participate in meetings ( art. 2409terdecies, paragraph 4, cc )
the deliberations of the Supervisory Board which was approved the financial statements, Article 2434bis, and it can also be contested by shareholders in accordance with Article 2377 (Article 2409quaterdecies, paragraph 2, cc.)
With regard to the management board (board ) 'S art. 2409novies, cc, down to it it is exclusively the management of the company, will be comprised of a number of components, including non-members, not less than two ( art. 2409novies, paragraph 2, cc )
The members of the board of management may not be appointed supervisory board, and shall hold office for a term not exceeding three years, expiring on the date of the meeting of the supervisory board convened to approve the budget for last year of their office (Article . 2409novies, paragraph 4, cc )
components of the management board may be reappointed, unless otherwise provided by the statutes, and may be revoked by the supervisory board at any time, even if named in the articles, except the right to compensation if the withdrawal occurs without just cause (Article . 2409novies, paragraph 5 °, cc )
If during the year, one or more members of the Board, the Supervisory Board shall immediately replace them ( art. 2409novies, paragraph 6 ° cc).
in respect of the Management Board, you can bring an action for liability, which is presented by members or by the same company ( art. 2409decies, cc), or by a resolution of the supervisory board, taken from them by a majority, and where the majority is two thirds of its members to withdraw care from the office of the Management Board which is against the proposal, which the same shall replace the supervisory board (Article . 2409decies , paragraph 2, cc ).
Such action may be exercised by the supervisory board within five years the termination of the administrator from office (Article . 2409decies, comma 3 °, cc).
(1) McLuhan, Powers, The Global Village , cit.
(2) F. Galgano, Lex mercatoria , Il Mulino, Bologna, 2010, pg 273 ff.
(3) F. Galgano, Commercial Law, Companies , Zanichelli, 2009, pg. 149 ff.
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