Friday, August 27, 2010

Marisa Miller Swimsuit

Our island burn


Often the news has to be on the front page when there are issues of urgency or emergency occurring phenomena that are often the result of lack of planning. I have asked so, personally, to make an initial report to the president of Mirabella AVCPI at the very time when our island burning everywhere, and here it seems to us that the phenomenon of the fires has the character of the second floor. In all, there's a program, and I that I have always appreciated the work of our volunteers, I wanted to highlight those who work daily to Mirabella not jumping on the altars of the news for unpleasant events, I will never cease to thank you guys, you're proud of all mirabellesi, prevention is fontamentale for certain results. Joseph Giustolisi .

Our island burning everywhere.
Unfortunately the man's hand again this year destroyed hundreds of hectares of forest and maquis.
on our territory and the territories falling in the municipalities of San Michele di Ganzaria, San Cono and falling on the SP 65 in the town of Piazza Armerina, this year at the request of the Administration Municipal Imbaccari Mirabella, the Civil Protection Volunteers Association Imakara was triggered by the Regional Department of Civil Protection of Catania, from engaging in active struggle to fires, by patrolling dynamic.
To date, were spotted and subsequently killed, more than 90 fires.
The readiness and speed of our teams have avoided the flames devoured hundreds of olive trees, fruit and woods.
the more than 90 fires on only 2 was necessary to request air support for shutdown. This is a day of fire resulted in the August 16 bosco di Contrada Bubbonia, sul quale sono intervenuti 2 Aerei Fire Boss ed 1 Elicottero, e dell’incendio di giorno 20 Agosto su Contrada Elsa-Camemi sul quale e stato necessario l’intervento di un Elicottero.
Il Presidente dell’AVPC Imakara, Daniele Cremona : “anche quest’anno, grazie alla collaborazione tra il Comune di Mirabella Imbaccari ed il DRPC, abbiamo fatto del nostro meglio nella lotta agli incendi. Purtroppo ci siamo dati da fare con l’aiuto di flabelli, zappe e pale. Solamente su circa 20 incendi siamo riusciti ad intervenire utilizzando l’autocarro Daf su cui è installato il modulo antincendio, in quanto i terreni tortuosi presenti sul nostro territory, are not attainable with the means that we have been kindly loaned for use by the Town Council.
Our association hopes for next season, good sense of all political forces, and the DRPC, eligible for the award of a fire truck that can help and facilitate the operations of fire fighting .
The success of the project for which we have been enabled by DRPC, is the result of full cooperation of all the volunteers who, with enthusiasm, unselfishness, respect and protection of the territory have given their best. Thank you so, my fellow volunteers Joseph Martines e Lavaccara, la collega Concetta, i colleghi sammichelesi Adriana, Carmelo e Rosaria, i colleghi ed amici Salvatore, Mariacristina, Giuseppe Barbuscia, e Sharon, e senza offesa per nessuno, un ringraziamento particolare va al carissimo amico Filippo Nisi, nonché a mia moglie Marisa, che riesce a sopportarmi, condividendo anche lei le finalità associative.
Ricordando che fino al 15 settembre è VIETATO ACCENDERE FUOCHI, ai sensi della Legge 21 novembre 2000, n. 353, si confida nella collaborazione di tutti i cittadini nel segnalare eventuali incendi al 1515, al 115, al Corpo di Polizia Municipale allo 0933-991460, oppure contattando la nostra Associazione.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shaw Direct With Bell Dish

Italian dialogue, the argument goes, the Internet and the crisis in the social system of interpersonal relationships

Today's society is characterized by the constant development of new technologies, allows us to enjoy comfort that only half century ago could be considered pure folly, we think of as the iPod or the iPhone, or the DVD, et cetera
... The birth of capitalism was made possible thanks to several factors, Max Weber has enucleated rational sustainable enterprise, accounting rational in rational law, in attitude and in streamlining the rational conduct of life (1) .
In this historical moment, also called "age of technology" , the enormous technological progress also puts an end to "moral grand narratives", and realizes the crumbling of those gated communities where there is only one truth applies to all the subsidiaries, this phenomenon can be defined secularization (2).
Some authors in this regard, he suggested (by presenting a paradigm) to imagine that an evil spirit, the man appears and offers him a gift, in such a way as to guarantee to any earthly race well that will allow them to improve the quality of life, yet the entity in return, would have required the death of a thousand people (3). This paradigm is strongly rejected by the generality of the subsidiaries, however, in reality this situation is realized, since accepting the humanity to enjoy and dispose of the cars, allows thousands of people lost their lives in road accidents (4 ).
Among the many technological innovations, let me turn my attention to internet, the main means of mass communication, this instrument has revolutionized the way in an integral way of relating to changing inexorably human life.
Internet, of course, made it possible to facilitate the work of man, enabling online commerce transactions across the world by simply pressing a button on the mouse, the benefits of such an instrument, have been enormous and have made a real Copernican revolution, since it has come to talk about new economy .
The network, however, in addition to many benefits, has caused numerous adverse economic effects to humans, in fact often are made by computer fraud, hackers or experts able to access our database of important national and international bodies and appropriate Important information, however, here, I refer exclusively to the damage that the internet has made towards relationships.
The growing success of social network resulted from one side to allow affiliates, to communicate with the other end of the world, in real time, without any financial expenditure, on the other hand, however, has created a sort of virtual reality, where people meet, trust, love relationships, not very often translate in practice such situations in real life. " In the specific context
has crystallized a dichotomy real / virtual , where individuals tend increasingly on ignoring the "real" , and dating in virtual , the gap between the two worlds, a growing tendency to widen, reaching absurd situations, but unfortunately real, where people are at "chat" daily online and when you cross the street acting like two strangers.
This situation is reflected, inevitably, in the dryness that more and more often, you can understand talking to people, they, in their arguments, they realize the defense of cliché and rhetoric, showing a totally superficial about anything ( dalla politica, alla musica, ed anche allo sport ) affrontato ed inoltre, nell’ambito dei colloqui, vengono meno quelle che sono le normali regole dell’educazione, giacché nel momento di difficoltà si ricorre alla sistematica interruzione dell’interlocutore o all’uso dell’arroganza.
Altro punto significativo è quello che si riferisce alla lettura dei libri, in calo vertiginoso nel nostro paese, in tal guisa l’ignoranza ferina è, purtroppo, una presenza forte ed incontrastata, talvolta, mi è capitato di essere a disagio, giacché innanzi a soggetti privi del bagaglio minimo di cultura richiesto dal compimento degli studi obbligatori, previsti ex lege , sono was forced to desist from the conversation, to avoid injuries (or beating).
also love affairs were the subject of a revolution, since it is possible with the advent of social network, meet your soul mate via the network, not to mention the demonstrations of affection that you can send to the person concerned simply by choosing different ways under the different sites, however, again as before, along with manifold benefits conferred by the Internet are discernible also many problems, all the mammoth issue that relates to the difficulty, by the subsidiaries, to forge sentimental, and the consequence to isolate themselves.
In conclusion, I believe that the development of the internet, despite the enormous benefits conferred the "global village" , has brought with it numerous problems, just as huge (and I think unruly), the dichotomy real / virtual crystallized to work of the Social Network has tipped the scales overwhelmingly in favor of size "virtual", but the advent of the network should not be regarded as an absolute evil, the contrary is a Copernican revolution, linked to the common thread economy, which has brought immense benefits and needs, so imperative, in my avviso, di essere “domata” dall’uomo.


(1) M. Weber, Storia economica , Donzelli, Roma, 2007

(2) C. Tripolina, Il diritto nell’età della tecnica, il caso dell’eutanasia , Jovene, Napoli, 2004, cit. p. 3; H.T. Engelhardt, Manuale di bioetica , il Saggiatore, 1999, p 37

(3) G. Calabresi, Il dono dello spirito maligno , Giuffré, Milano, 1996

(4) G. Calabresi, Il dono dello spirito maligno , Giuffré, Milano, 1996

Merc G Wagon For Sale Malaysia

Competition Law, profili generali

Il nostro ordinamento giuridico ha emanato la disciplina antitrust con legge 10 ottobre 1990, n. 287 rubricato “Norme per la tutela della concorrenza e del mercato” , la prima apparizione di tale norma, risale al 1890 e prende il nome di Sherman Act , negli Stati Uniti d’America, allo scopo di porre fine allo strapotere del petroliere John Davison Rockefeller e contro l'American Tobacco Company.
L’obiettivo del diritto antitrust è quello di tutelare la concorrenza, avoiding that economic actors are pursuing attitudes aimed at creating a system of monopoly or oligopoly, and that those posts already in this position do not abuse.
doctrine considers that a competitive market is characterized by the fact that none of the operators will be able alone to influence prices, or all operators have full access to all relevant information and where there are no barriers that limit the 'access to that market (1) .
Our legal system, in line with others, prefers the competition, because this situation is the best for the consumer who can get the best quality of goods at the lowest price, and on the other hand, allows the stimulus to producers for the technical progress.
The territorial scope of application of the rules in antitrust is both national and international one, and in this case the EU, the subjects referred to by the l. 287/90 are companies, however, this term means that provided a broader understanding of art. 2082 cc, in fact it refers to all persons engaged in commercial activities , with or without legal personality, and is indifferent to the requirement of non-profit (2).
Antitrust law also applies to public companies and those with predominantly state-owned , the guidelines do not apply under the EC Treaty ( art. 86, paragraph 2 ) and the Italian law (Article . 8, paragraph 2, l. 287 / 90 ) "to companies which, for the law, engaged in the operation of services of general economic interest or operating a monopoly on the market, everything is closely linked to the achievement of specific tasks entrusted to them."
control, in Italy, is entrusted to a body called Authority of competition and market , equipped with extensive powers, with the independence requirements, and is appointed by the government or parliament. The criminal case
were typed, first of all are prohibited agreements restricting competition, or cartels and abuses of dominant positions , ie, conduct liable to restrict competition played by people in a situation of oligopoly or mopolista Finally we have the aimed at reducing concentrations of the operators in the market.
remedies provided by the legislature, shall, as regards the agreements and abuse, the invalidity of the act and the damages , however, this situation is problematic, since it is not easy quantify the harm caused to the injured party, not to mention that the company which have undergone this procedure, could it visible directly on to consumers by raising prices on products, therefore we should keep in mind that situation.
Finally, casting his eyes towards the United States, we can see, in the field of comparative law, that the legal system also provides for criminal penalties , while our system is not provided for that possibility.


(1) V. Di Cataldo, A. Vanzetti, Handbook of Industrial Law, Giuffrè Editore, 2004 pg 485 ff ..

(2) V. Of Cataldo, A. Vanzetti, Handbook of Industrial Law, Giuffrè Editore, 2004 pg 485 ff ..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bigest Boobs In Wolly Wood

Licenziamenti individuali e ambiti di tutela

I individual dismissals present a layered framework, you can configure the first stage, in this system, in the period from 1942 to 1966 in this time it was referred to the standards set by the Civil Code, respectively, and all ' art. 2118 cc establishing "each of the parties may terminate the employment contract of indefinite duration, by giving notice within the time and manner established practice, custom or in equity.
In the absence of notice, the withdrawing party is bound to pay the other party compensation equivalent to the amount of wages that would be paid for the notice period.
The same allowance shall be payable by the employer in the event of termination by death of the employee. "
The second provision is that contenuta nell’ art. 2119 c.c. che dispone “ciascuno dei contraenti può recedere dal contratto prima della scadenza del termine, se il contratto è a tempo determinato, o senza preavviso, se il contratto è a tempo indeterminato, qualora si verifichi una causa che non consenta la prosecuzione, anche provvisoria, del rapporto. Se il contratto è a tempo indeterminato, al prestatore di lavoro che recede per giusta causa compete l’indennità indicata nel secondo comma dell’articolo precedente”.
Dalle norme in parola si desume un perfetto equilibrio tra i contraenti, nell’ottica fascista, che all’epoca, considerava su un piano di completa parità datore di lavoro e lavoratore, entrambi perseguivano “l’interesse superiore”, la disciplina era volta, peraltro in modo riprovevole, a porre fine, alle rivendicazioni sociali, ricordo, che in quel periodo, sciopero e serrata erano considerati reato dal codice penale Rocco e il conflitto tra le parti era negato (1).
A questo punto il datore di lavoro, poteva in qualsiasi momento recedere dal contratto con il solo obbligo di dare il preavviso al lavoratore, salvo che si fosse verificata una giusta causa, in caso contrario costui avrebbe dovuto versare all’altra parte un’indennità.
After the entry into force on 1 January 1948 of Constitution, is guaranteed the right to strike to ' art. 40, addition, some authors have argued that conflict is a manifestation of the will of the people and then someone took the view that art. 2118-2119 cc be in conflict with the Constitutional Charter, as contained within them there was a sham, in consideration of equality between employer and employee (2) .
The second stage refers to the adoption of legge 15 luglio 1966, n. 604 "Norme sui licenziamenti individuali" , tale norma opera in due distinte direzioni:

a)       viene introdotto il principio di giustificatezza del licenziamento, d’ora in poi il licenziamento non potrà più ritenersi libero, occorre sottostare a tre presupposti giustificativi:

i)                     cause
ii) subjective justification
iii) justified objective reason

b) when introducing a requirement in terms of motivation is important to act on the plan sanctions if the dismissal is not provided evidence of his condition then is unlawful, is invalid, and therefore it is necessary to intervene with the protection measures for the benefit of the employee.

L 'art. 8 of l. 604/66 provides the protection required, ie, in circumstances where the dismissal was unlawful, the employer is condemned to choose between the takeover of the lender or pay compensation for an allowance, which is estimated between 2.5 to up to 6 months, which can be raised further by the court depending on the employee's or other factors.
At this point we must ask what difference there is between just cause and just cause, we can distinguish:

a) for just cause , please refer to art. 2119 cc, which still now defines this situation, it will cause so 'serious " that does not allow the continuation, even provisionally, the report .." , the Court stated that it is very serious breach of contract or conduct going to permanently damage the confidence of the employer for the following procedures.

is believed that these behaviors may also be beyond the shortcomings of direct relevance to the work tasks, eg. a bank clerk who is discovered to issue checks, or a job in a supermarket that is aimed at stealing a store, et cetera ...
The court must contextualize the just cause, referring to the work task, and especially to assess whether the confidence of the employer is not subject to the completion of the fact sanctioned by the legal system.

b) regard to subjective justification is important to assess both the quantitative case, namely the severity of the offense was committed, given the subjective element, is the qualitative , ie, should be considered the second failure the three obligations under the Civil Code to the employee: diligence, loyalty and obedience.
If you adopt the dismissal justified by subjective reasons, you must give notice and the employer must instruct the employee that the termination will take effect from the expiry of the notice itself.

c) finally objectively justified reason, this is not the employee, but rather 'regards the organization of production, it is considered that there is a crisis, or a technological innovation.
For this measure is legitimate you will need to consider three profiles:

i) ; effectiveness and non pretext of objective justification, to be legitimate, must be real, but the court can not assess the opportunity, otherwise infringes 'Art. 41 of the Constitution
ii) the judge must evaluate the causal link between the choice of the dismissed worker and the subjective reasons
iii) ; finally asks the employer to try to move the employee to another job existing company

The legislature has provided for three causes of disability of individual dismissals:

a) annulment, or when there is no evidence the assumption
b) nullità , cioè quando il licenziamento è discriminatorio
c)       inefficacia , caratterizzata dalla presenza di vizi di forma nel licenziamento

Il nostro ordinamento giuridico ha previsto due ambiti di tutela, per garantire il lavoratore che ha subito un licenziamento illegittimo, quella reale e quella obbligatoria.
La tutela reale è quella che ha origini più remote, apply in production units with less than fifteen employees in production units within the same common reach a total of fifteen employees and businesses who have in their entirety less than sixty employees (3).
In the event of unjustified dismissal, the employer may choose to summarize the employee or pay him an allowance ranging from 2.5 to 6 months, the variation of this amount relates to ' seniority of the employee, and the level of employment on the other fattori.
Il legislatore ha utilizzato il termine riassunzione, giacché in questo caso si fa riferimento ad imprese di piccole dimensioni, il rapporto interpersonale è importante, pertanto ha voluto salvaguardare il lavoro, lasciando libertà di scelta al datore di lavoro.
La tutela obbligatoria trova applicazioni in tutte le imprese che abbiano più di sessanta dipendenti nel loro complesso , in tutte le unità produttive che abbiano più di quindici dipendenti.
Occorre sottolineare che per unità produttiva si intende un’articolazione dell’impresa che è in grado di funzionare autonomamente e tale circostanza si valuta sia dal punto di vista tecnico produttivo che da quello amministrativo.
La tutela obbligatoria è più forte, nel caso di licenziamento ingiustificato, il legislatore,  prevede la reintegrazione sul posto di lavoro del lavoratore ed in più ( e non in alternativa ) un’ indennità commisurata al periodo che va dalla data di licenziamento a quella di reintegrazione effettiva.
La giurisprudenza, successivamente, considerando anche la lunghezza dei processi ( dieci, quindici anni ), ha ridotto l’effettiva scope of the indemnity to the employee, as the ' art. 18 SDL. speaks of "compensation commensurate" , so guidance has recently imposed a compensatory in nature and not pay compensation (4).


(1) Tosi - Lunardon , Introduction to employment law , Laterza, Bari, vols. 1 and 2, 2005

(2) Tosi - Lunardon, Introduction to the Law of work, Laterza, Bari, vols. 1 and 2, 2005

(3) Tosi - Lunardon, Introduction al diritto del lavoro , Laterza, Bari, voll. 1 e 2, 2005

(4)       Tosi - Lunardon, Introduzione al diritto del lavoro , Laterza, Bari, voll. 1 e 2, 2005

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mysore Mallika Watch Online

La selezione all’ingresso della discoteca

Un tema che mi è particolarmente caro è quello che attiene alla selezione all’ingresso della discoteca , molto spesso, mi è stata interdetta la possibilità di trascorrere la serata con friends in a room, by the action of so-called "bouncer".
This unpleasant situation, at least sometimes, has been experienced by all citizens, the reason behind the "selection" that takes place at night clubs, covers, according to some, good name, reputation and prestige of the local itself.
On the other hand, the fact of granting the possibility of entry by the operators, in a nightclub, only to those who have decent clothing, allows many advantages, such as improving the quality of customers, or prevent problems peaceful coexistence within the room and finally increase the appreciation social, ie the income of that business.
In most cases, who, finding himself denied the chance to enter the room, gives up, without any challenge put in place, partly because the situation is now common and, as noted by some writers, the customs, you are, terminate or modify, much faster than the law and consequently associates comply more strictly with the use (1) .
In this instance, the dancing, to urge consumers to participate in their events, print the invitations, by which you can identify the local, location and cost of the same entry, of course, to this point, it is easy to say that the present case concerns a contract, covered in Book IV of the Civil Code, specifically, to ' 1336 article, entitled "public offer" .
the United States, the doctrine has been employed to distinguish between offer and invitation to offer, in our country, the issue has been thoroughly studied by F. Galgano (2) .
In terms of written sources, should be drawn Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods , for a similar interpretation in our case, a proposal sent to specific persons is an offer indicate the contract if the goods and contains procedures for determining the quantity of the goods and the price obviously must also give the will of the declarant bind of wanting ( art. 14, 1 ).
In terms of logic, it is necessary that the declaration should contain the essential elements of the contract However, this is not enough to identify the offer, there must be the will of the offeror to be bound.
Party doctrine says that from the moment a proposal is made public and contains an offer is worth the price (3) , as the ' art. 1336 cc , says "offered to the public, when it contains the essential details of the contract at the conclusion of which is directed" , however, other authors reach the opposite view (4) since, always art. 1336 cc, down "unless stated otherwise by the circumstances or customs."
In our case, the invitations printed, that the same premises, they emit large scale, with the aim of encouraging their associates to travel to the same business, listing: location, price, opening and closing, et cetera ... and represent, in my view, the will of the operator commercial activity to be bound.
At this point, without considering the merits of the various lines of doctrine, comes to the rescue ' art. RD No. 187 May 1940 635 (Approval of regulations for the implementation of the Consolidated June 18, 1931, No. 773 of the laws on public safety) which states:

"Except as have Articles. 689 and 691 of the Penal Code, operators can not without a legitimate reason to refuse the performance of your exercise to anyone who asks for it and pay the price "

The legislature, of course not to leave too much freedom of contract to the parties that prejudicing the consumers, intervened, however, someone might wonder if the ' art. 187, TULPS may or may not relate to the dancing, the question has provided a comprehensive response to the Constitutional Court in a sentence.
the Court by the Government, was asked to comment on the content of a law of the Region of Tuscany, with which it was intended to punish the obligation of those who deny the provision for discriminatory reasons. In this regard, the Court, with the ruling No 253, July 4, 2006 said, inter alia, that:

"This rule (that of Tuscany) prohibits per gli operatori commerciali appartenenti a determinate categorie di rifiutare la loro prestazione, o di erogarla a condizioni deteriori rispetto a quelle ordinarie, «senza un legittimo motivo e, in particolare, fra l’altro per motivi riconducibili all’orientamento sessuale o all’identitàdi genere».

Dalla sentenza si desume che, è fatto divieto agli “esercenti”, intenso in senso ampio ( sia gestori di bar, ristoranti,commercianti, et cetera… ), di rifiutarsi di fornire la prestazione, senza un motivo legittimo, a causa di motivi discriminatori , o che attengono, all’ orientamento sessuale , in caso di non ottemperanza i trasgressori shall be punished with administrative fine of a minimum of Euro 516.00 to a maximum of Euro 3,098.00 (5).
Another provision, enacted by the legislature, consumer protection, is related to 'art 43 Leg. July 25, 1998, No 286 "Consolidated text of provisions governing immigration and the status of foreigners" which states:

"For the purposes of this Chapter, any behavior that constitutes discrimination, directly or indirectly involving a distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin, religious beliefs and practices, and has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on equal terms ', human rights and freedoms' fundamental in the political economic, social, cultural and any other field of public life "

the second paragraph of that article provides:

" In any case performs an act of discrimination Whoever imposes conditions more 'unfavorable or refuses to provide goods or services being offered to a stranger only because of his status as a foreign or belonging to a particular race, religion, ethnicity or nationality '"

And the third subparagraph of the provision in question also extends protection to Italian citizens:

"This Article and Article 44 shall also apply to the xenophobic, racist or discriminatory perpetrated against Italian citizens, stateless persons and nationals of other EU Member States present in Italy. "

It is not easy, at this point to say that in this case, namely the selection, put in place at the door of clubs from the security personnel involved in the club, is unlawful because it violates the first principle of equality established by ' art. 3 of the Constitution, since, you make a systematic discrimination among those who have a decent clothing (according to them of course), compared to others who can not afford the same clothes.
Secondly, the rules laid down by ' art. 43 Leg. July 25, 1998, No 286, el ' art. RD No. 187 May 1940 635, do ban on such discrimination, and if not, in the first case the order of the court will put an end to this situation, while in the latter case, the offenders will be punished with administrative penalty.
Thirdly, in my view, prohibit access to the disco, in a totally arbitrary, not to a person who has engaged in any harassment, or can not be held dangerous, is to configure a fault and tort in this case, a non-pecuniary damage, since the ruling by the United Sections 24 June to 11 November 2008, n. 26972 argued that the non-pecuniary damage under Article. 2059 cc receives compensation claims, outside the cases provided by law, when there is a infringement of a person's inviolable right , the damages will be granted if it exceeded the level of tolerance, it is found that the gravity of ' offense and the seriousness of the injury, resulting from injury of constitutionally guaranteed rights.
In this case, prohibiting entry to a nightclub in a subject, not only for fitness clothing (which very often goes to mask the intent to allow local access to only certain people), is an attitude that goes to frustrate the dignity of a person, especially those "inalienable human rights" that the Republic recognizes and guarantees all ' art. 2 Of course it will be the interpreter of the Constitution
/ applicator (6) , identify where you can recognize a tort, however, consider, as noted by some authors, that the law hominum case was originated developed and consolidated, that is strettamente collegato alla vicenda umana (7) .
Pertanto, come ha osservato taluno, si dovrà immergere il caso concreto nella “storia vivente”(8) , di conseguenza, a mio avviso, non è possibile, in un moderno sistema giuridico, consentire di vietare l’accesso nei locali pubblici, per il solo motivo, di non presentare un abbigliamento idoneo ( sempre a loro modo di vedere ), un moderno Stato, pluralista e democratico dovrebbe porre fine a tali situazioni e considerare meritevole di tutela, la pretesa risarcitoria di chi, come spesso avviene a molti, viene discriminato in maniera del tutto arbitraria all’ingresso dei locali pubblici.
Per concludere, vorrei citare the distinction between jus and lex that masterfully analyzed Gustavo Zagrebelsky, taking the configuration of rights written by Thomas Hobbes:

"Lex had said the authoritarian control to which all subjects are tested, namely the right ex parte principis; jus was instead of what freedom was recognized by the law to individuals, the right civium ex parte. "
"With contemporary constitutions, the Hobbesian distinction of lex and jus ceases to be merely a conceptual clarification or exhaust moral ... It becomes operational principle of law ... In the presence of catalogs of rights set forth in rigid constitutions. .. We can theorize a double-sided legal experience: that of the law, which expresses the interests and intent, the programs of political groups and the majority of the inviolable rights, which are attributed directly by the Constitution as its legal dotazuibe of their owners, independent of the law " (9).


(1) R. Sacco, Legal Anthropology , Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, as well: P. Grossi, First Lesson of law , Laterza, Bari, 2009; or N. Rouland, Legal Anthropology , Giuffrè, Milano, 1992

(2) F. Galgano, Bonds, cit., 35.

(3) R. Sacco, G. De Nova, The contract, Tome second , UTET, Torino, 2004

(4) F. Galgano,

Bonds (5) M. Bombi, The requirement to sell goods on display , cit., Http:// 20of% 20vendita.pdf

(6) P. Grossi, First lesson of law, Laterza, Bari, 2010

(7) P. Grossi, First lesson right , Laterza, Bari, 2010, cit. Hermogenes steps available in the Corpus Juris Civilis, pg. 11 ff.

(8) P. Grossi, First lesson right , Laterza, Bari, 2010

(9) G. Zagrebelsky , mild law, Einaudi, 1992, Torino, cit., Pg 62-63

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sample Email For Baby Arrival

Il sistema monistico di amministrazione

The legal system of the United States of America, after the end of World War II, represents, with its strengths and weaknesses, the model for much of the world, the American way of dressing, American music, and also the right, have been forged in the Old Continent (1) .
An authoritative commentators have noted, as regards the movement of law, that the model giuscivilistico U.S. has prevailed in Europe, thanks largely to two factors: the first would be the common language, English, known to all, the latter is due to prestigious universities where students learn the method to use in their legal system of origin (2) .
With the reform of company law of 2003, our legal system, imitating the American system, provides for the possibility of adopting different types of corporate governance , including, what tier.
This model of administration, is based on the U.S., according to ' art. 2409sexiesdecies cc, the statutes may provide for the administration and control are exercised respectively by the board of directors and a committee set up internal.
Obviously the power to manage it to the Board of Directors (Article . 2409septiesdecies cc), also at least one third of the members, must possess the independence requirements provided for auditors, in respect of those required by the codes of conduct drawn up by trade associations or management companies of regulated markets (Article . 2409septiesdecies, paragraph 2, cc ).
Upon the appointment of members of the Board of administration and before accepting the assignment, will be made known to the assembly's directorship and control they held in other companies ( art. 2409septiesdecies, comma 3 °, cc).
The determination of the number and appointment of members of the Committee for the management control lies with the board of directors, unless otherwise provided (Article . 2409octiesdecies cc)
In societies which use the capital market risk, the number of committee members shall not be less than three, the committee also consists of Directors who meet the requirements of integrity and professionalism established dallo statuto e dei requisiti di indipendenza, che non siano membri del comitato esecutivo ed ai quali non siano attribuite deleghe o particolari cariche e comunque non svolgano, anche di mero fatto, funzioni attinenti alla gestione dell’impresa sociale o di società che la controllano o ne sono controllate ( art. 2409octiesdecies, comma 2°, c.c. ).
Almeno uno dei componenti del comitato, al fine di garantire i requisiti di professionalità, per il controllo sulla gestione, deve essere scelto fra gli iscritti nel registro dei revisori contabili ( art. 2409octiesdecies, comma 3°, c.c. ).
In caso di morte, rinunzia revoca o decadenza di un componente del comitato per il controllo sulla management, the Board shall without delay replace the other from among the directors in meeting the requirements set in the preceding paragraphs, if this is not possible, shall without delay in accordance with article 2386 of the chosen people, has the above requirements ( 2409octiesdecies, paragraph 4 °, cc).
The Committee for the management control:
a) elect from among its absolute majority of its members, the President;
b) ensure the adequacy of the organizational structure of the internal control system and the administrative system and accounting as well as its ability to correctly represent the facts gestione;
c) svolge gli ulteriori compiti affidatigli dal consiglio di amministrazione con particolare riguardo ai rapporti con i soggetti incaricati del controllo contabile ( 2409octiesdecies, comma 5°, c.c. )
Al comitato per il controllo sulla gestione si applicano altresì, in quanto compatibili, gli articoli 2404, primo, terzo e quarto comma, 2405, primo comma, e 2408 ( 2409octiesdecies, comma 6°, c.c. ).
Il sistema monistico, sarà scelto dalle società che operano in vasti mercati internazionali, ed in particolare da quelle che operano nel Nord America, giacchè questo è il modello di corporate governance prevalente tra le società che agiscono in quei mercati (3) .
should consider that our audit committee, has fewer powers than the U.S., this may appoint, dismiss and control the auditing firm, while our legal system, the powers of appointment and removal, belong to the shareholders (4) .


(1) E. Great, the third strike, the prison in America, Sellerio Editore, Palermo, 2007

(2) E. Great, Imitation and law: assumptions about the circulation of models, Torino, 2001, pg 4 ss

(3) F. Galgano, Business Law, Corporations, Zanichelli, 2009, pg. 351 ff.

(4) F. Galgano, Business Law, Corporations, Zanichelli, 2009, pg. 351 ff.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Online Create A Wwe Title

I modelli alternativi di corporate governance: il sistema dualistico

The term "global village" (1) , represents the continued expansion of markets, first from the national point of view, then at the transnational level, which has resulted in the formation of a single world market, or globalization (2) .
With the reform of company law of 2003, although the Italian system, in the wake of the experiences common to other countries, has introduced the possibility to choose, to businesses, as a model of corporate governance taken.
The first tier is , of \u200b\u200bGerman origin, the statutes may provide that the administration and control are exercised by a board of management ( administrative body) and a council surveillance in accordance with the following rules (Article . 2409octies, cc).
Firstly what is important is that this system, compared with that of ordinary administration, does not provide the auditors, however, to ' art. 2409duodecies, DC , it is expected that there is a supervisory board composed of a number of members not less than three, unless of course that the statute does not provide more.
the second paragraph of that article, the legislator provides that except for the first components that are named in the deed, and except as provided in Articles 2351, 2449 and 2450, the appointment of members of the supervisory board meeting it, after determining their number within the limits established by the Statute.
The members of the Supervisory Board remain in office for three years, and termination to take effect from the expiry of the period when the supervisory board has been reconstituted ( art. 2409duodecies, paragraph 3 ° , cc ).
The legislature, in order to ensure the reliability of the components of the supervisory board, requires that at least one of them must be chosen from those listed in the register of auditors at the Department of Justice ( art. 2409duodecies, paragraph 4 °, cc).
The members of the supervisory board be re-elected, unless otherwise provided by the statutes, and may be revoked by the Assembly at any time by resolution adopted by the majority provided by the fifth paragraph of Article 2393, even if appointed in the articles, except the right to compensation if the withdrawal is without just cause, it is clear that the guarantees of impartiality are lower than those provided for the auditors (Article . 2409duodecies, paragraph 5 ° , cc ).
The legislature, evidenziando, l’importanza dei requisiti di requisiti di onorabilità, professionalità e indipendenza, stabilisce che lo statuto può subordinare l’assunzione a tali condizioni, la ratio sottesa alla norma, ha l’obiettivo di garantire, in particolare modo, gli azionisti di minoranza, o come lo ha definito qualche autore “capitale di risparmio” (3) ( art. 2409duodecies, comma 6°, c.c).
Nel caso in cui, nel corso dell’esercizio vengono a mancare uno o più componenti del consiglio di sorveglianza, l’assemblea provvede senza indugio alla loro sostituzione.
Il presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza è eletto dall’assemblea.
Lo statuto determina i poteri del presidente del consiglio di sorveglianza.
Non possono essere eletti alla carica di componente del consiglio di sorveglianza e, se eletti, decadono dall’ufficio:
a) coloro che si trovano nelle condizioni previste dall’articolo 2382;
b) i componenti del consiglio di gestione;
c) those that are related to the company or its subsidiaries or under joint control of an employment relationship or an ongoing relationship advice or the provision of paid work that compromise their independence.
The statutes may provide other grounds for disqualification or ineligibility and incompatibility, and the limits and criteria for the number of offices (art. 2409duodecies, 7 th paragraph, DC).
Article. 2409terdecies Code, sets out the powers of the supervisory board:
a) nomina e revoca i componenti del consiglio di gestione; ne determina il compenso, salvo che la relativa competenza sia attribuita dallo statuto all’assemblea;
b) approva il bilancio di esercizio e, ove redatto, il bilancio consolidato;
c) esercita le funzioni di cui all’articolo 2403, primo comma;
d) promuove l’esercizio dell’azione di responsabilità nei confronti dei componenti del consiglio di gestione;
e) presenta la denunzia al tribunale di cui all’articolo 2409;
f) riferisce per iscritto almeno una volta all’anno all’assemblea sull’attività di vigilanza svolta, sulle omissioni e sui fatti censurabili rilevati;
f-bis) se previsto dallo statuto, delibera in ordine alle operazioni strategiche e ai piani, industriali e finanziari della società predisposti dal consiglio di gestione, ferma in ogni caso la responsabilità di questo per gli atti compiuti.
Il secondo comma della norma in parola, stabilisce che lo statuto può provided that in case of failure to approve the budget or if it requires at least one third of the board of management or the supervisory board the power to approve the financial statement is attributed to the assembly.
the legislature imposes on the part of directors, a duty of care, having regard to the nature of, if not, they should respond jointly and severally liable with the members of the board of management for the facts or failure of these when the damage would not have occurred if they had supervised in accordance with the obligations of their office (Article . 2409terdecies, comma 3 °, cc )
The members of the Supervisory Board may attend meetings of the board of management and must participate in meetings ( art. 2409terdecies, paragraph 4, cc )
the deliberations of the Supervisory Board which was approved the financial statements, Article 2434bis, and it can also be contested by shareholders in accordance with Article 2377 (Article 2409quaterdecies, paragraph 2, cc.)
With regard to the management board (board ) 'S art. 2409novies, cc, down to it it is exclusively the management of the company, will be comprised of a number of components, including non-members, not less than two ( art. 2409novies, paragraph 2, cc )
The members of the board of management may not be appointed supervisory board, and shall hold office for a term not exceeding three years, expiring on the date of the meeting of the supervisory board convened to approve the budget for last year of their office (Article . 2409novies, paragraph 4, cc )
components of the management board may be reappointed, unless otherwise provided by the statutes, and may be revoked by the supervisory board at any time, even if named in the articles, except the right to compensation if the withdrawal occurs without just cause (Article . 2409novies, paragraph 5 °, cc )
If during the year, one or more members of the Board, the Supervisory Board shall immediately replace them ( art. 2409novies, paragraph 6 ° cc).
in respect of the Management Board, you can bring an action for liability, which is presented by members or by the same company ( art. 2409decies, cc), or by a resolution of the supervisory board, taken from them by a majority, and where the majority is two thirds of its members to withdraw care from the office of the Management Board which is against the proposal, which the same shall replace the supervisory board (Article . 2409decies , paragraph 2, cc ).
Such action may be exercised by the supervisory board within five years the termination of the administrator from office (Article . 2409decies, comma 3 °, cc).


(1) McLuhan, Powers, The Global Village , cit.

(2) F. Galgano, Lex mercatoria , Il Mulino, Bologna, 2010, pg 273 ff.

(3) F. Galgano, Commercial Law, Companies , Zanichelli, 2009, pg. 149 ff.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Who Does Lala's Weaves

La legittima difesa nella responsabilità civile, alla luce della riforma apportata dalla l. 13 febbraio 2006, n.59

The issue of protection of their physical integrity or that of others has always posed major problems, and has involved lawyers, philosophers, theologians, the theory of self-defense dates back to Thomas Aquinas, who developed the concept through the example of self: "If a man is attacked and killed his assailant, his intention is to defend itself, although the effect of its action is to take the life " (1) . Our
Civil Code provides that "whoever is not responsible for the damage to legitimate defense of himself or others" , this is what has the ' art. 2044 cc , however, with regard to this discipline justifications, the Supreme Court held that reference is made to the rules of criminal law governing the institution (2) .
L ' art. 52, paragraph 1, cp , states: "It is not punished those who committed the act, to be forced by the need to defend a right to own or others' offense against the present danger of unfair, provided that the defense is proportionate to the offense ".
First, the threat must come from a ' human action, may also come into being as an animal or something, but only if it is identified with respect to the subject that is bound to surveillance, exonerating both can be applied in case react against the person assaulted the animal or thing, or if he echoes its action against the person who has the duty of custody, though the threat may also arise from an omission (3) .
A key element of self-defense is the offense that the danger is present , so the reaction is immediate and dell'aggredito may be the only way to protect the legal interest threatened.
the case law and the prevailing doctrine, consider that the effectiveness of self-defense is not extenuating circumstance in cases where the danger is voluntarily made by the person attacked, the extenuating circumstance, therefore, can not be applied to those who agree the challenge, the provocateur or who takes part in a brawl (4) .
The reason for this is obvious, those who decide to fight, can not be considered in the same situation who it is attacked and has the ability to invoke the aid of public authorities, therefore, the legal system can not grant protection to such conduct.
The law states that in certain situations, very exceptional, admits the possibility of applying the exonerating self-defense in cases of danger caused intentionally, or when a person runs out of the fray only corrissanti defend itself from a previous assault, or when a corrissante threatens a more serious violence than initially planned (5) .
The Criminal Code speaks of unjust offense, with this concept is meant to be caused in breach of the rules that protect the interest threatened (6) , the reaction to the attack is considered legitimate only when it is necessary, ie when it is inevitable to protect the legal right against the danger posed to be an aggressor and a possible escape, would cause more harm (to self or others), compared to the immediate reaction.
With regard to the proportionality between defense and offense, the dominant approach in teaching is what makes a comparison between conflicting goods, it must refer to a balance between good and threatened to infringe, therefore, will be effectively guaranteed only extenuating circumstance that allows the reaction of infringing goods is higher than that placed at risk by the aggression (7) .
The defense has been innovated with l. February 13, 2006, No 59 , has introduced two new ones, this amendment by the legislature, has sparked strong controversy within the scenario of the doctrine of criminal law.
The first innovation is the introduction of the 2nd comma , dell’ art. 52 c.p. , che dispone: “Nei casi previsti dall’articolo 614, primo e secondo comma, sussiste il rapporto di proporzione di cui al primo comma del presente articolo se taluno legittimamente presente in uno dei luoghi ivi indicati usa un’arma legittimamente detenuta o altro mezzo idoneo al fine di difendere:
a) la propria o l’altrui incolumità
b) i beni propri o altrui, quando non vi è desistenza e vi è pericolo d’aggressione”
La seconda innovazione riguarda l’introduzione del 3° comma , che stabilisce: “La disposizione di cui al secondo subparagraph shall also apply where the event took place in any other place where business activity is commercial, professional or business ".
First of all, consider that the two new ones have some common elements than those contained in the first, as it still is the 'current from danger, is the need to defend from offense into being the aggressor. The elements that have sparked bitter controversy in the doctrine, characterizing the changes introduced by the legislature, are two: the presumption of proportion use of a weapon as a means of defense.
This concerns the context, it is necessary that there may be elements of an offense provided for in the ' art. 614 cp ., Namely trespassing, so the standard will be applied when an intruder is introduced illegally into the home of others.
The purpose of the provision appears to allow a man who surprised an intruder in your home can use a weapon (or other suitable means) to prevent the infringement of its "own safety", although the actual situation could have taken other appropriate to protect their legal right.
The controversy stems from this Such an interpretation, according to some authors would allow a legitimate defense "extended", ie, citizens would be granted "private license to kill", so everything would have a greater aggressiveness on the part of offenders, would be seriously threatened by violence and "legal standing" placed in the hands of the "potential" victims.
It 'easy to detect that such a context, it could generate a escalation of crimes that seriously endanger the peaceful coexistence of affiliates, and as observed by some author would be more similar to the scenery of the old Wild West, compared to a company civil and democratic (8) .
To avoid tragic situations, some authors suggest that to balance this situation through a rigorous assessment of the requirement of need to defend themselves (9) , this solution seems acceptable, according to another theory, however, that interpretation would be to circumvent ratio the standard, which provides for the presumption of proportionality between defense and offense (10) . Many more problems
presents the interpretation of the part of ' art. 52, paragraph 2, cp , which allows the reaction to defend 'own property or another, when there is no withdrawal and there is danger d’aggressione” , il legislatore sembra voler garantire “licenza di uccidere” al soggetto che scopre un intruso nella propria dimora, non soltanto in cui il bene giuridico da tutelare attenga alla vita o all’integrità fisica, ma anche quando possa essere leso un diritto patrimoniale.
Questa tesi non può essere condivisibile, in quanto sarebbe in contrasto non solo con i nostri valori costituzionali che garantiscono i diritti inviolabili dell’uomo , ma tale orientamento andrebbe anche a collidere con la l’ art. 2 della Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo .
L’interpretazione, che suggerisce qualche autore, and which I believe is the most reasonable extenuating circumstance is that the effectiveness can be granted only when there is an injury affecting the life ol ' physical integrity of the person assaulted, and that transcends the assets (11 ) , of \u200b\u200bcourse, that approach would also be in line with the values \u200b\u200benshrined in our Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights.


(1) Chiara Tripolina, The right age of technology, The case of euthanasia, Novenas, Naples, 2004, cit. pg 47

(2) P. G. Monateri, La responsabilità civile , Utet, 1998, in Trattato di diritto civile , diretto da Rodolfo Sacco, Cass. civ. 26-11-1976, n. 4487, cit. pg 183 ss.

(3) Fiandaca-Musco, Diritto penale, Parte generale, Zanichelli editore, Bologna, 2009, pg 283

(4) Fiandaca-Musco, Diritto penale, Parte generale , Zanichelli editore, Bologna, 2009, Cass. pen. 10-01-79, Cass. pen. 28-03-1973, cit. pg 285

(5) Fiandaca-Musco, Diritto penale, Parte generale , Zanichelli editore, Bologna, 2009, Cass. pen. 4-07-1980

(6) Antolisei, Manual, cited above. pg 271

(7) Fiandaca-Musco, Criminal Law, General Part , Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 2009; CF Grosso, voice Legitimate defense, cit, pg 29 ff.; V. Antolisei, Manual, cited above. pg 271; Magliaro, Principi, cit. pg 457

(8) Pisa, Legitimate defense between Far West and Europe, in dir. Pen. and proc., 2004

(9) Cadoppi, The self-defense at home , pg 438 ff.

(10) CF Grosso, voice Legitimate Defense, pg 28 ff.

(11) Fiandaca-Musco, Criminal Law, General Part , Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 2009, pg 296; Cadoppi, Legitimate Defence home , pg 439; Viganò, On the new self-defense, pg 216

Friday, August 6, 2010

Matshita Ujda760 Firmware

Mourning: a process of formation and growth can

Rainbow in the mountains of Ladakh (Indian Tibet)
Photo of Amanda Castle

share with you a reflection on bereavement drawn by Dr. Amanda Castle, founder of 'ART The abstract was presented at several conferences on the subject organized by the artist at Piacenza and its province.

All of us, one day or another, we face difficult and painful experience of losing a loved one. Too often, we have to live alone suffered the consequences of the absence. We feel so lost, misunderstood, abandoned ... No one has ever prepared specifically event and the death sentences of banal and discounted cost are not helpful.

What to do?

In the case of illness or old age, mourning is not a "job" to begin after death. Must begin earlier, at the stage where the awareness of the disease dell'inguaribilità replacing mental attitude of the struggle for healing. to mourn for oneself is a difficult task and unfortunately often underestimated by the GP and family. We often complained of the damage he is responsible for the infamous "conspiracy of silence" that leads only to isolation of the dying person, incommunicableness between family members, the irrecoverable loss of precious moments to live between the one who goes away and those that remain, and fosters a sense of guilt which may persist for a long time, a source of psychological and somatic problems.

After the death

First we must understand the grief. Develop their own bereavement takes time and energy, and
when possible, a competent guide. It is unreasonable to impose regole, tempi o metodologie standard. Si può soltanto ascoltare, accogliere, condividere, accompagnare e poi, quando ci sembrerà il momento, proporre delle linee-guida. Vorremmo offrire agli operatori, e a chiunque si avvicini alla situazione del lutto, alcuni punti di riferimento per essere in grado di riconoscere una normale elaborazione ed individuare i segni che preludono all'installazione di una situazione di lutto cronico o patologico.

Il lutto normale: è spesso considerato dagli autori che su di esso hanno riflettuto come avente una certa similitudine con la melanconia. Nel 1911, Karl Abraham lo definì una "emorragia interna" e spinse Freud a lavorare sul problema. Per Freud, quello che viene definito il lavoro di lutto, è indispensabile per riacquistare un equilibrio, ma può solo iniziare dopo la fine delle fasi del rifiuto e della collera che avvengono successivamente al decesso. Il processo del lutto segue delle tappe che obbediscono a vari fattori. Le reali tappe del lutto e le sue espressioni sono però legate alla presa di coscienza della perdita che avviene dopo il rifiuto, la ricerca dell'oggetto perso, l'agitazione, l'apatia...

necessario vincere lo stato di schok. Depending on the case, you notice a sudden worsening health. The first signs always occur at the somatic level, then the effects of the inability adapt to the new dimension of life occur on an intellectual level. The same
is an emotional and. Acceptance is the final step that allows a reconstruction of ego. It 's the time when you can pick up the pieces of the puzzle to piece together scattered and the structure of your personality.

Actor Mauro Mozzani in the show "The Echo of the Rain" produced by
Manicomics Theatre specially for ART

Complications of mourning: mourning and pathological mourning chronic

Mourning is not a disease, but it can become. It is not always clear identification of signs that warn of the transformation of a normal process in the disease process. The manifestations of normal grief sharpen and become chronic and, if they are not understood in time and treated, can become pathological mourning: apathy, absenteeism, indifference total insensitivity to stimuli, including pain ... Grief can manifest itself in situations of acute sudden death (accident) or violent (terrorist attacks, crime, suicide or natural disasters ...), where phase of rejection easily lasts for no apparent way output. On a psychic level, there are many signs not be underestimated.

How to prevent complications of grief?
Dealing and accompany a mourning?
There is a proper process?

Several factors contribute to the development of the mourning process, those related to gender, age and health status or conditions of death. The complications of bereavement, are of particular importance sociocultural and psychological factors, the cultural and religious background, the type of family and friendships ... Condolences came from cum-ache, that 'suffer with'. Listening, the discreet are the first step. Is essential to understand the person in mourning his reactions are normal. It 's important not to surrender to the refusal of assistance the person in mourning. The presence of those who accompanied be respectful and fraternal, sympathetic and discreet, but real and effective.

remember that every mourning, as each death is unique and so must be considered and respected. At Similarly, following a time that is proper. Accompaniment adapted to the time of person, not imposing it. Grief, like death, is a new birth, always painful and not always successful . Any sign that exceeds the apparent "normality" should be reported to the doctor (which should be formed to diseases of mourning). The comparison with the grief remains one of the last barriers to be removed to regain a healthy relationship with death and dying.

A landscape of Ladakh (Indian Tibet) at 5000 m altitude