Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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The illegality of prostitution contract. Orientation of teaching critical thinking and the cases consolidated.

Il commercio delle prestazioni sessuali è un theme that always raises the scandal, although it is "the oldest profession in the world" critical discussion of this phenomenon always involves a number of problems since, not infrequently, they tend to hide the head in front of circumstances that are highly stratified in our society and that should be resolved in an appropriate way.
The phenomenon was expressly governed by l. February 20, 1958, No 75 laying " Abolition of regulation of prostitution and the fight against the exploitation of prostitution," the so-called Merlin Law .
Il legislatore ha voluto porre fine allo sfruttamento della prostituzione da parte individui intenti a commercializzare le prestazioni sessuali di esseri umani al fine di trarre profitti. Nella fattispecie, la norma in parola, va a sanzionare, sotto un profilo penale, il lenone ( ruffiano, vulgo ), ovvero colui che vive dei proventi realizzati da soggetti che sono, da lui, indotti a prostituirsi a scopo di lucro.
Tali soggetti destano notevole disgusto, giacché, sfruttando l’opera di poveri esseri umani, vivono del danaro, da essi ricavato dal commercio delle prestazioni sessuali (1) .
La ratio della suddetta Law is to guarantee the liberty of a prostitute or his dignity, and prevent others, by coercion, to enjoy the income from such activity made it (2) .
In the event that a woman (or man) wants to market their sexual performance, as part of your home, without suffering the exploitation of third parties, the Supreme Court held that the offense is not (3) . This is in keeping not only the law and case law, but also to the preparations for the l. February 20, 1958, No 75 (4) .
From a purely statutory question whether it is possible the meretricious contract concluded between the prostitute and the customer is legitimate. The answer, according to the doctrine is obviously not major (5) . Authoritative doctrine considers that this legal transaction is contrary to morality , and that justification, we should derive directly from Roman law (6) . Another part of the doctrine considers that the pact with the prostitute detriment, obviously, the morality, defining the latter as "that set of rules of social conduct, the violation is considered scandalous and immoral by the general sister of " (7).
Other authors, in line with this guidance, stated that " tolerance of prostitution does not imply legal protection of it through the recognition of the civic value of the contracts which concern him" (...) "the lack public criminal sanction is, therefore, as a counterweight to balance the statutory scheme of nullity of contracts prostitution "(8).
The case law has always held the contract for prostitution void, because contrary to public morality and that void can be detected in every state office del processo (9) .
Dopo avere presentato l’orientamento consolidato, riguardante il tema in parola, nel nostro ordinamento giuridico, vorrei analizzare in maniera critica la suddetta disciplina avanzando alcune obiezioni.
Il legislatore all’ art. 1418 c.c. stabilisce che il contratto è nullo quando è contrario a norme imperative, salvo che la legge disponga diversamente. Come ho già avuto modo di ricordare, il legislatore non considera penalmente sanzionabile il contratto di meretricio, di conseguenza considerarlo illecito condurrebbe ad elidere il principio nullum crimen sine lege ai sensi dell’ art. 25, comma 2, Cost.(10) .
Producono nullità del contratto la mancanza di uno dei requisiti indicati dall’articolo 1325, l’illiceità della causa, l’illiceità dei motivi nel caso indicato dall’articolo e la mancanza nell’oggetto dei requisiti stabiliti dall’articolo ( art. 1418, comma 2, c.c. ).
Questa disposizione, arriva al cuore del problema, giacché giurisprudenza e dottrina ad unanimità ritengono nullo il contratto, in quanto contrario al buon costume.
Peculiare fu il caso di una prostituta che a seguito di un sinistro stradale, che had caused damage by preventing it from working, asked the injurer injury resulting from the liquidation period of inactivity by the profession. In this case, the Supreme Court held that the contract of prostitution, although considered permissible by law, will be null and void, because contrary to morality, and, consequently, the relations arising therefrom shall not obtain legal protection for the illegality of the proceedings art. 1343 cc (11) .
The bone of contention concerns the legal definition you want to give to morality, it can be defined as "the body of ethical rules not formalized pregiuridiche" (12) .
This concept must be established, modified and extinguished by the company in constant evolution. Only subsidiaries, as part of their interactions can actually define the area of \u200b\u200b boni mores. To me it seems hypocritical that you consider the contract void for illegality of prostitution of the case, when the state declares that this transaction is to be subject to tax ex art. Cost 53. On account of ability to pay the prostitute / o.
Consolidated Moving orientation, which considers the contract void of prostitution, as opposed to morality do not understand why other legal transactions, similar to it, are regarded as legitimate. Consider, for example covenant with the operator of the nightclub , it relates to the performance of dancers / s that is laid bare in return for money. Obviously, the custom has it that there are limits to look, in fact, often, the shows in place by the dancers (as well as their male colleagues) of lap dance culminating in explicit sex acts with clients.
It 'clear that the problem is tackled in two ways, first (contract of prostitution), the Court accepts a moralizing approach, imposing the nullity of the transaction, the other (contract concerning the performance of lap dance ) considers this agreement as a interest worthy of protection under the laws (Article . 1321, comma 2, cc ) .
The Rother was one of the first professors at deny that the contract of prostitution was contrary to boni mores , believing that the promise of a sum of money, subject to a sexual performance should be considered lawful (13) .
In the opinion of the writer, the person who, individually , freely and without coercion , wants to market their sexual performance, you need to do, enjoying the tools of private law, since it is the same art. 2 of the Constitution which allows freedom manifestation of the human personality.
The principle contained in that article, a hypothesis is open where you can recognize new values \u200b\u200bthat emerge from society and its evolving jurisprudence should bear this burden.


(1)   ANTOLISEI, Manuale di diritto penale. Parte speciale vol. I , Giuffrè, Milano, 2008, pg. 571

(2)   Cass. pen., 9 novembre 2004, in Guida dir. 2005, 17, 76, con nota di GALDIERI

(3)   Cass. pen., 25 maggio 1969, in Giust. pen. 1970, II, 445, 1012

(4) Antolisei, Handbook of criminal law. Special Section vol. The , Giuffrè, Milan, 2008, pg. 579

(5) Trimarchi, Private Law, Giuffrè, Milano, 2007, pg. 204; SACCO, DE NOVA, Il contract. Second volume, UTET, Torino, 2004, pg. 70

(6) SACCO, DE NOVA, the contract. According Volume , UTET, Torino, 2004, pg. 69

(7)   TRIMARCHI, Istituzioni di diritto privato , Giuffrè, Milano, 2007, pg. 204

(8)   DE CUPIS, Irrilevanza di atti e sanzioni di diritto pubblico nella sfera del diritto privato , in Foro it. , 1951, IV, cit., 145 ss.

(9)   App. Milano, 26 marzo 1954, mass. in FP 1954, II, 22

(10)      FIANDACA-MUSCO, Diritto penale, Parte generale, Zanichelli editore, Bologna, 2009

(11)       Cass. civ., 1 agosto 1986, n. 4927, FI , 1987, I, 493

(12)    SACCO, DE NOVA, Il contratto. Secondo tomo , Utet, Torino, 2004, pg. 66

(13) ROTHER, Sittenwidriges Rechtsgeschäft und sexuelle Liberalisierung , Arch Civ. priv. 1972, 498


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