Tuesday, April 6, 2010

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An essential book to read: when life changes color

"nacosta There is a force within us that makes us
also absorb the blows of the most violent ,
change the way we to see things
back on the boat and the life. "

by When life changes color
of Lisa Galli

An appointment that can not miss !

We invite you to
presentazione di un libro speciale

Quando la vita cambia colore

di Lisa Galli

Venerdi 9 Aprile 2010
ore 17.30

a Borgonovo Val Tidone
in provincia di Piacenza

presso la Biblioteca Comunale di Borgonovo V.T.

Piazza Garibaldi, 2

Ingresso gratuito

followed by a refreshment with the author and the authorities

With gentleness and respect, Dr. Lisa Galli speaks of the "bolt from the blue" that falls on a person and his family at the time of diagnosis and confusing life itself. Gently tells the difficult day of a patient and loved ones, explaining the need to restore meaning to life, despite evidence that the disease is. Tell us how can we help the patient to move from "passive person affected" to "active person can understand, process" ... and maybe even win.

The meeting will be introduced by Dr. Itala Orlando,
Project Manager of Hospice Borgonovo VT

and moderated by Dr. Amanda Castle , founder of a
Paulo Parra Association for Research on terminality , ART onlus

you there!


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