Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Red Checked Italian Tablecloths

Act: a civilized

Dear friends,
With satisfaction we
news approval on March 9, 2010 the Law on Palliative Care.
As you recall, we have often informed about the contents and make the legislative process of this fundamental document on the pages of our blog. An important goal, therefore, has been achieved in what may be called a battle for civilization to guarantee the quality of life and the full dignity of the terminally ill and their families , in which many non-profit organizations, including which the ART, and many professionals are involved in Italy for some time.

the strengths of the law .
cite those highlighted in the joint press release drafted yesterday by the Italian Society of Palliative Care, SICP , and Palliative Care Federation, FCP , in ART is a member, the two most authoritative voices on the Italian theme:

- L 'he affirmed the essential levels of care such as palliative care. Only the establishment of the network of palliative care can offer patients a continuità assistenziale fra domicilio, ospedale e hospice. Unica garanzia del rispetto di un punto fondamentale della filosofia delle cure palliative: che i malati e le loro famiglie non vengano mai lasciati soli.

-L a definizione chiara della rete delle cure palliative, distinta da quella della terapia del dolore. Grande infatti è la confusione tra le due discipline. Il dolore è il primo dei problemi affrontati dalle cure palliative ma non certo l’unico. Nella legge, all’articolo 2, la differenza è ben enunciata.

- La semplificazione nella prescrizione dei farmaci antidolore . Finalmente è stato abolito il ricettario speciale per la prescrizione degli oppioidi. La resistenza culturale al suo utilizzo ha contribuito per anni a collocare l’Italia agli ultimi posti per il consumo di questi farmaci, indispensabili per il controllo del dolore severo, in Europa e nel mondo. Ora basterà la normale ricetta del Sistema sanitario nazionale.

Il Regulus Padi - ART for measuring pain created within the Project ART Piacenza without pain.

- L 'establishment of a ministerial monitoring the implementation of the network .
- The effort to place a form of funding dedicated to the structuring of the network on the national territory .

These last two points are crucial because there are still many differences from region to region in Italy in terms of network deployment and then, at the level of homogeneity in the level of care provided.

But more remains to be done. The law, in fact, to expose some fundamental issues for the implementation and development of the real network of palliative care.
Among these, a particular aspect operator training, has relevant chiaroscuro: on the one hand, the training and retraining of staff find space in the law, through undergraduate and master , from ' others, however, are excluded amendments on the "amnesty" and master professional skills. "This is because there in other specialties are a sufficient number of doctors to care for palliative care and on the other hand, many of those who are competent may not possess, in the words of the law, the requirements for gaining access to public tenders. She hopes these guidelines will be filled this gap. "Stress in the joint press release SICP and FCP. Recall that

the process of creation or adaptation of the structures in a palliative approach goes hand in hand with the training of volunteers and accompanying . The quality of care they provide depends largely on the preparation, human and professional team members. The need training inherent to palliative care is the subject of numerous recommendations, unfortunately, not yet implemented at the institutional level by Italy.

The hospice director The Valley ole S of Borgo Val di Taro (PR), Jose Del Nevo, and the group of volunteers to accompany Association Friends of the Valley of the Sun during the training course led by Dr. Amanda Castle.

"We must be satisfied for approval of the law, but remember that it is a starting point" says dr. John Zaninetti, President of the Italian Society of Palliative Care , after final approval of the measure. "This is a journey that started many years ago. Palliative care has finally acquired the dignity they deserved, as evidenced also by a unanimous vote. We are pleased with the establishment of networks for palliative care and to treat pain, as well as the education part of the operators and the simplification of access to opioids. There are few funds available, but at this time was probably inevitable. " Dr. Zaninetti points out that "networks of hospice are already operating in some regions, but in others lacking. Will decisive in the upcoming State-Regions Conference.
The Palliative Care Federation through the voice of its President , Francesca Floriani Crippa, comment on in an interview yesterday : "This bill, which we hope will soon be law in every respect, is a great achievement and cultural calendar. E ' a good starting point which fills a legal vacuum. This is demonstrated by the fact that it was approved with bipartisan vote in the House, both the Senate. Palliative care, that all those acts that are dedicated and compassionate therapy to patients when they can not be cured but can still be treated and helped, finally become an entitlement for every citizen. "

continue to keep you informed on the topic and to engage so that the valuable information laws to fully materialize.


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