a training response to this need was created by the 'Association Paulo Parra
Padi's character designed by Maria Grazia Di Stefano
Padi is a way for children and adolescents in primary, secondary and high schools designed in 2000 by the founder of ART Dr. Amanda Castle. aim of the course is to help more young people to discuss topics considered taboo in our society: the and difficult emotions, pain, suffering, illness and end of life.
The acronym is derived from PA Padi (word) of (discrete). studies on the experiences and personal requests for assistance received ART led the Dr. Amanda Castle Padi to design the initial assumption that the deal on these issues is a need for young people.
A moment of PADI - Words Discrete ART made at a middle school in the province of Parma (for reasons of privacy the girls' faces were obscured)
La scuola, la famiglia e i luoghi di aggregazione strutturati costituiscono ambienti privilegiati dove il fanciullo può porre delle domande, dove dovrebbe sentirsi libero di parlare e sicuro di essere ascoltato. Privare il ragazzo di questa possibilità significa contribuire al mantenimento di un atteggiamento ipocrita basato sulla negazione di aspetti della vita scottanti che ci si illude di eliminare evitando di affrontarli.
Il successo dell’iniziativa Padì, la richiesta di alcune classi di proseguire con altri incontri, il parere positivo degli insegnanti coinvolti e dei genitori e i dati raccolti within 10 years, are proof that the path meets the students' concrete to speak openly of their fears, emotions, anxieties and curiosities that are unlikely to give to friends, relatives and teachers.
The first Italian training program based on the possibility of opening a dialogue in class about the end of life is born in our city, Piacenza, more precisely in the Wet
I primi percorsi Padì sono stati realizzati nelle scuole Medie Superiori del piacentino: il Liceo Scientifico L. Respighi, il Liceo Artistico B. Cassinari, l’Istituto G. M. Colombini, l’Istituto professionale Commercio e Turismo A. Casali, l’Istituto per l’Agricoltura G. Marcora e il Liceo Ginnasio Statale M. Gioia. In seguito, Padì è stato richiesto in varie città italiane: Milano, Novara, Borgo Val di Taro (PR), Parma, Pavia, Lecce, Roma, Cremona, Crema…
Un momento di Padì - Parole Discrete A.R.T. realizzato in una scuola media superiore A Borgo Val di Taro (PR) (per ragioni di privacy i volti dei ragazzi sono stati oscurati)
Dopo il forte riscontro e le reazioni positive dei ragazzi coinvolti, è stato possibile entrare con Padì anche nelle scuole medie inferiori, superando i timori del mondo adulto. Così, partendo da Borgonovo Val Tidone (PC), passando per Milano, Novara, Varano de Melegari (PR), Bardi (PR), Albereto (PR) e Fornovo (PR), Padì ha coinvolto molti alunni e insegnanti delle scuole medie.
Il 2006 segna l’ingresso di Padì nelle scuole elementari. La prima esperienza in provincia di Pavia dove l’équipe Padì è stata chiamata in seguito ad un evento luttuoso che aveva colpito gli alunni, la scuola e il paese: la morte accidentale di un bambino avvenuta durante l’estate.
Un momento di Padì - Parole Discrete A.R.T. realizzato in una scuola elementare a Pavia (For privacy reasons the children's faces were obscured)
So PADI course Piacenza, reached girls and boys from all over Italy: more than 800 students have been involved since 2000. The number is constantly growing as the next school year, PADI will restart at other institutions: Fornovo Albereto, Bardi, Cremona, Piacenza some high schools ...
fundamental importance is the preparation of operators that lead the program. Training is, in fact, conditio sine qua non to address similar themes. Conditio always first on the priority scale ART: Padi, the team consists of trainers (mostly child psychologists ...) carefully prepared from ART method Padi - ART paths through ad hoc (training, conferences, supervision, work on yourself ...).
Padi allows to experience the ability to share experiences in the classroom difficult. Too often children and teenagers they are silent, hiding behind a mask of apparent serenity of aggression or attitudes toward themselves and others. It 'important as it helps to deal honestly and ask yourself listening to the other without judging. Through an experiential methodology which provides for the active involvement of the teacher and pupils, PADI works on values \u200b\u200bthat can provide a powerful antidote to indifference and abuse that too often plague the chronicles of school today.
Padi - Words Discrete ART in a high school in Novara (for privacy reasons the faces of the children were blacked out)
" It was like drawing out the sword and throw it against the pain and the hatred that makes me sick, how to get rid of a boulder, and found that through a word, a tear and a smile can face the difficult times together and overcome them. Thank you because I found out I was not alone, "writes a girl of 17 during PADI.
of Parma's testimony urges the student to the adult world to go in this direction: "Many times our pain is minimized by saying that we are young and have a life ahead. But our pain is equal if not greater, than adults because often some of the suffering that we experience is the first, and then we do not know how to react. Our pain must be dealt with by people not suffering as a trivial, but as a terrible state of mind ... "
A girl star PADI - Words Discrete ART Piacenza (for privacy reasons the girl's face was obscured)
ART offers through PADI - Discrete Words, a new educational resource to better communicate. With PADI, our boys learn another way to communicate not only information, but social attitudes.
A billboard collects le poesie, i pensieri, le riflessioni degli alunni di una 4° Liceo di Novara scritti durante Padì - Parole Discrete A.R.T.
Padì può quindi rappresentare una risorsa alla quale presidi, insegnanti, educatori e scuole possono attingere per offrire agli alunni un viaggio di crescita alla scoperta di se stessi, degli altri, delle emozioni e dei valori che danno colore e significato all’esistenza.
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