"We are optimistic duty and habit " always says the founder of ART , Dr. Amanda Castle. But sometimes, things happen exceed even the most optimistic expectations of irreducible optimistic as the volunteers of Paulo Parra for Research on Terminals, engaged in palliative care, support to terminally ill patients and loved ones, as well as in training and informing the public and health professionals. It is a example CenARt the Munt held Sunday, July 18, 2010 .

Photo courtesy of the daily Freedom
The dinner began with the intervention of Chiara Marenghi who started the evening by thanking all those present on behalf of the Association and members of the Board of Directors of ART who organized the evening: over to her and dr.sse Lucia Tagliaferri and Francesca Volta , c oadiuvate by Lara Ferrari , as well as volunteers from the employee of the restaurant.
"were banned from the evening speeches," said Lucia Tagliaferri which then passed the word "because believe that the spirit behind CenART is about friendship, conversation and exchange personal . In these more intimate spaces and has been given direct Then r account of activities and projects of the , in addition to material distributed to all present.
"Only two things we feel must be said also formally: the thanks to all those who made possible the realization of this event, we leave for the final with a little surprise and the purpose of the evening : promote awareness on the activities of ART and raise funds to support projects of the Association for the help of smaller tackling the delicate experience of serious illness of a loved one and grief. " A short space, then, was devoted to the illustration of the initiatives ART for children and adolescents.
There are some experiences which are not easy to talk, especially to children or adolescents. The difficult emotions, suffering, serious or incurable illness and end of life are among these. For this, the ART pays particular attention to young people, parents, schools and teachers who are faced with delicate moments of life. Many aid applications by teachers, parents and young people themselves that the ART test to give an answer through paths of individual and group support.
So you came alive in the evening and the protagonist has become the delicious menu prepared by the restaurant the Munt . The flow rates that have followed, from appetizers to desserts, were worthy of a special occasion and were particularly apprezzate dagli ospiti. I deliziosi piatti sono stati preparati con fantasia e cura dalla cuoca della Muntà, Imma, e dall’aiuto cuoca Nahir.
Il servizio ai tavoli ha riservato sorprese inattese. Alle esperte Nicoletta e Lar a , che collaborano da tempo con il ristorante piacentino, si sono affiancati anche i tre membri del Consiglio direttivo A.R.T. Chiara, Francesca e Lucia . Gli invitati hanno apprezzato l’impegno e si sono divertiti seguendo le “prodezze” delle improvised waiter. Thanks to Nicole and Lara, who led professionalism and patience with the "colleagues" not competent, any unpleasant unexpected was averted!
The music quality is not missed. By offering sophisticated pieces of European folk tradition, the San Lorenzo duo, consisting of Francesco Bonomini, DIATRON organ, and John Casati, violin , has helped to create an enchanting atmosphere.
Among those present at the event, many faithful friends Association. Many also people participating for the first time an event ART Among them some are affected by the work done in a sensitive area but important as palliative care and help for the terminally ill, wanted to join ART becoming a member supporters.
"It 's been a beautiful evening and it was a pleasure to be there," said a young participant Piacenza. "Knowing that they can contribute to the creation of a task as important as the aid to children who live in bereavement or illness of a loved one, spending a wonderful evening is a rare pleasure. Next year I want to take a lot of friends in addition, you can not miss CenART "
One funny chats, exchange on initiatives and projects in preparation for ART, drink and great music to end the evening time.
"I too heard the thanks tonight to let a simple list of names and roles" Francesca Volta debuted in the final part, "For this we thought a real own awards for Best in Solidarity with CenART "
for the generous and immediate adherence to the CenART Munt, have been awarded to the ddette the kitchen. La prima ad essere chiamata per la premiazione è Claudia , che ha sistemato la cucina e lavato piatti e posate in tempi record.
"They have given up their one night of rest per week to help us tonight : Imma, the cook, and Nahir, help cook. Thanks to their skills have been able to taste these delicious food! "said Francesca, giving them a certificate of Champion Solidarity CenART.
management impeccable room service was provided by Lara and Nicolas , awarded due recognition. Both offered their performance in a totally volunteer, giving up their hand to help the ART
From Munt staff of the focus has spostata poi sugli artisti coinvolti in CenART.
Il duo duo San Lorenzo, composto da Francesco Bonomini, organetto diatronico , e Giovanni Casati, violino , è stato premiato tra i calorosi applausi tributatigli dal pubblico “La raffinata musica che hanno magistralmente eseguito durante la serata ha creato un’atmosfera magica” ha affermato Francesca consegnandogli l’attestato "e anche la loro prestazione è stata donata all'A.R.T."
"Another artist that you have not seen him at work tonight but he gave us was really a great help Isabella Milani, who made the beautiful posters, logo and menu CenART " said Lucia, rewarding the talented graphic Piacenza to this evening.
" Without their support we would not be here tonight. joined with immediate enthusiasm and generosity of our proposal to create a charity dinner. Their industry experience, valuable advice, logistical support combined with the great work that you have taken charge h years ensured the success of CenART .
With these words were awarded the "hosts" Leonardo Beltran and Paul Balestrazzi, restaurant managers, who received well-deserved certificate Samples of CenART solidarity.
Finally, it has been awarded a sincere recognition to all those present.
"CenArt was a gamble. It 's the first event of its kind that realizes the ART. E 'on your own if proved to be a winning bet. Thank you on behalf of the ART and volunteers who have worked to make the event possible.
Thanks, also, on behalf of all children and young people that through your contribution tonight we can continue to help. " have concluded organizations.
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