Thursday, February 3, 2011

American Test Kitchen

Brief notes on the legitimacy of the sovereign legal systems ancient and medieval

The man from the moment he decided to live in a society with others like he had to deal with the identification of rules that to ensure peaceful coexistence.
From ancient times until today have been many types of rules that cultures all over the world have developed in order to achieve this goal. For many centuries, they were religious in nature, think about Abraham, the founder of the Jewish population, which bases its legitimacy on the social pact signed by him, in behalf of the tribe Jewish, with God the same way the Roman emperors received their right to rule by virtue of a divine investiture. In the period following the barbarians who conquered Europe in the Roman Catholic Church found a valuable ally for "teach" the people . And even the Arabs in the Middle East led by the Prophet Muhammad in the Islamic religion found a common denominator that allows' them to become the first in a few decades the military and political power in the Mediterranean.
Each of these cultures, thanks to power given by faith in the supernatural, has been able to organize a pseudo-centralized. The population complied with laws, not di rado dispotiche e barbare, emanate dal monarca.
Viceversa la società dei Gentili era acefala, infatti in tale contesto erano presenti varie tribù o clan, ognuno dei quali rappresentato da taluni capi, i quali al di sopra della loro autorità non riconoscevano alcun potere. Tuttavia, poteva accadere che costoro si unissero con altre tribù al fine di condurre una guerra in comune per procacciarsi sia ricchezze, sia nuovi territori.
Sotto un profilo giuridico è possibile domandarsi in quale modo tali società regolassero i loro rapporti privati come ad esempio i contratti, la responsabilità civile o le successioni. Ogni peculiare cultura adottava differenti soluzioni, ad example, in medieval Christian Catholic area, was in force, a clear distinction between canon law and civil law, one and the other sphere demarcated from the temporal and spiritual power. The civil law was based on ius commune, (thanks to Inernio who had revised the Code of Justinian, bringing to it of the glosses, or comments of the same regulatory body). Within the purely penal, there was a mingling of crime and sin, it was torn down only thanks to the enlightened thinking that process guarantees that still exist in the system, procedural and substantive, which adhere to the principle of legality, fault principle, contrary to the death penalty, and the inhuman torture, et cetera ...
of fundamental importance for the subsequent development of both legal positivism, both of natural law, was the thought of Hobbes. The English philosopher saw that the men were in a state of permanent war against each other and that that is not possible to ensure social peace. The only remedy was the union of all persons in a state, represented by a monarch who, like the Leviathan (mythological monster of biblical origin) could be used to achieve social peace. Moreover, the sovereign, in the opinion of Hobbes, was to be accentrare in se i tre poteri: esecutivo, giudiziario e legislativo ed esercitarli monocraticamente in maniera assoluta (1). Anche per l’autore la legittimazione derivava direttamente dal soprannaturale, giacché il sovrano sarebbe stato investito del suo potere direttamente da Dio e di conseguenza il cittadino avrebbe dovuto ottemperare alle leggi da lui emanate (2).


(1)    HOBBES, Leviatano , Laterza, Bari, 2010

(2) Hobbes, Leviathan , Laterza, Bari, 2010


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