The measurement of pain is one of the main provisions of the Law on palliative care and pain treatment ( read the final text of the law ), recently approved by Parliament, which we discussed extensively in the pages of our blog .
The law provides for the simplification of the prescription pain relief medication. It was eventually abolished the recipe speciale per la prescrizione degli oppioidi. La resistenza culturale al suo utilizzo ha contribuito per anni a collocare l’Italia agli ultimi posti per il consumo di questi farmaci, indispensabili per il controllo del dolore severo, in Europa e nel mondo. Ora basterà la normale ricetta del Sistema sanitario nazionale.
Il dolore non è più considerato un semplice sintomo, ma una sindrome da prevenire o curare in modo adeguato. Il dolore, quando non è più un campanello d’allarme, ma una componente permanente della vita, diventa inaccettabile.
Ancora oggi, ogni anno, il 15-20% della popolazione mondiale soffre di acute pain and 25-30% suffer from chronic pain. Limited number of hospitals has begun to draw up programs and to take steps to alleviate the suffering of patients.
The World Health Organization, WHO, is committed to promoting the campaigns against the pain at the global level.
ART years has been active in raising awareness and information on topics such delicate and support this cause through the pain without Piacenza Project, created by Amanda Castle, founder of ART
to address and treat pain adequately, it is necessary to allow quantification of a targeted and effective intervention. not forget that pain and its perception are subjective phenomena: there are people with a higher pain threshold than others. As an individual experience the pain, the and methods used for its measurement are subjective in nature : the level of pain depends on what other people think that the person is suffering, but from what the person says to suffer. For this reason, in 2005 the ART has created and distributed
It is a visual analogue scale VAS type WONG BAKER: It consists of a series of drawings that represent the variations of gravity pain. Padi, the character that represents the work that the ART is pursuing with the younger , gave face to the facial expressions that represent the various levels of pain.
Il Regolo Padì A.R.T. è stato distribuito in questi anni alla popolazione, negli ospedali, in RSA, Case di Riposo e hospice Besides being used in various research projects from ART
Read more about the rules for him or Padi ART, contact us!

The World Health Organization, WHO, is committed to promoting the campaigns against the pain at the global level.
ART years has been active in raising awareness and information on topics such delicate and support this cause through the pain without Piacenza Project, created by Amanda Castle, founder of ART
to address and treat pain adequately, it is necessary to allow quantification of a targeted and effective intervention. not forget that pain and its perception are subjective phenomena: there are people with a higher pain threshold than others. As an individual experience the pain, the and methods used for its measurement are subjective in nature : the level of pain depends on what other people think that the person is suffering, but from what the person says to suffer. For this reason, in 2005 the ART has created and distributed
Regulus PADI - ART for the measurement of pain

It is a visual analogue scale VAS type WONG BAKER: It consists of a series of drawings that represent the variations of gravity pain. Padi, the character that represents the work that the ART is pursuing with the younger , gave face to the facial expressions that represent the various levels of pain.

Some of the expressions of PADI reported on the governor. The drawings are PADI Maria Grazia Di Stefano
La persona è chiamata a valutare il suo dolore scegliendo il disegno che più corrisponde al livello della propria esperienza dolorosa. Il Regolo di Padì – A.R.T. è estremamente utile per rilevare, identificare e monitorare il dolore. Con il Regolo di Padì – A.R.T. è possibile “fotografare” il dolore e prenderlo realmente in considerazione. l'A.R.T. ha realizzato un depliant esplicativo per spiegarne l'utilizzo. 
Il Regolo Padì A.R.T. è stato distribuito in questi anni alla popolazione, negli ospedali, in RSA, Case di Riposo e hospice Besides being used in various research projects from ART
Read more about the rules for him or Padi ART, contact us!
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