Pain? No thanks, Regulus is the Padi ART! Doctors pediatricians
The measurement of pain is one of the main provisions of the Law on palliative care and pain treatment ( read the final text of the law ), recently approved by Parliament, which we discussed extensively in the pages of our blog .
The law provides for the simplification of the prescription pain relief medication. It was eventually abolished the recipe speciale per la prescrizione degli oppioidi. La resistenza culturale al suo utilizzo ha contribuito per anni a collocare l’Italia agli ultimi posti per il consumo di questi farmaci, indispensabili per il controllo del dolore severo, in Europa e nel mondo. Ora basterà la normale ricetta del Sistema sanitario nazionale.
Il dolore non è più considerato un semplice sintomo, ma una sindrome da prevenire o curare in modo adeguato. Il dolore, quando non è più un campanello d’allarme, ma una componente permanente della vita, diventa inaccettabile.
Ancora oggi, ogni anno, il 15-20% della popolazione mondiale soffre di acute pain and 25-30% suffer from chronic pain. Limited number of hospitals has begun to draw up programs and to take steps to alleviate the suffering of patients. The World Health Organization, WHO, is committed to promoting the campaigns against the pain at the global level.
ART years has been active in raising awareness and information on topics such delicate and support this cause through the pain without Piacenza Project, created by Amanda Castle, founder of ART
The logo of the Project Piacenza without pain
to address and treat pain adequately, it is necessary to allow quantification of a targeted and effective intervention. not forget that pain and its perception are subjective phenomena: there are people with a higher pain threshold than others. As an individual experience the pain, the and methods used for its measurement are subjective in nature : the level of pain depends on what other people think that the person is suffering, but from what the person says to suffer. For this reason, in 2005 the ART has created and distributed
Some of the expressions of PADI reported on the governor. The drawings are PADI Maria Grazia Di Stefano
La persona è chiamata a valutare il suo dolore scegliendo il disegno che più corrisponde al livello della propria esperienza dolorosa. Il Regolo di Padì – A.R.T. è estremamente utile per rilevare, identificare e monitorare il dolore. Con il Regolo di Padì – A.R.T. è possibile “fotografare” il dolore e prenderlo realmente in considerazione. l'A.R.T. ha realizzato un depliant esplicativo per spiegarne l'utilizzo.
Il Regolo Padì A.R.T. è stato distribuito in questi anni alla popolazione, negli ospedali, in RSA, Case di Riposo e hospice Besides being used in various research projects from ART
Read more about the rules for him or Padi ART, contact us!
The first pediatric hospice in Europe is located in Padua and is directed by Dr. Franca Benini , Head of Service palliative care in children in Padua and consultant Ministry of Health.
In an interview, Franca Benitez complained that "for a long time for the pediatric patient was excluded from palliative care, and still too often palliative interventions aimed at children are limited to individual experiences and isolated. Several reasons have led and will probably affect the persistence of this situation: cultural, emotional, educational, organizational and economic issues. In addition, there is an undeniable emotional difficulties in proposing and face the same problem: it is not easy to talk about incurability and death when the patient is a child, and often slips in situations of excess treatment or neglect.
On the other hand, there is certainly easier to deal with this problem. The skills necessary to propose effective solutions, realistic and applicable are complex and interdisciplinary. But the experiences underway in some Italian centers (very few unfortunately) confirm the possibility of taking care of children with incurable disease with competence and continuity, even at home, while respecting the quality of life and desires of the young patient and his family .
Fortunately, there are many leading figures in Italy who give skills to the cause of humanity and the most seriously ill young people.
We quote a friend of ours, Franca Fossati-Bellani , historical children's oncologist at the I NSTITUTE National Treatment and Research on Cancer (INT) of Milan and today new president Section of the Milan Provincial LILT (Italian League for the Fight Against Cancer) after the death of Professor Gianni Ravasi, on 24 January.
already president of the Child Care Committee, Franca Fossati-Bellani is known as the 'angel' of children with cancer. For years, met every week the parents of young patients in his department to talk, brainstorm sui rapporti nuovi tra genitori e figli che una malattia grave sconvolge, sui rapporti tra il piccolo malato e i suoi amici…
"Io considero i genitori", spiega la dottoressa Fossati , "come parte integrante dell'équipe terapeutica e, per quanto è possibile, corresponsabili con i medici della gestione della malattia: ma quando il bambino è a casa, i genitori "sono" l'équipe terapeutica principale. Il nostro compito nei loro confronti è di fornire tutte le informazioni utili sull'andamento della malattia e sulle cure. In questa prospettiva le riunioni comuni sono importanti perché servono a conoscerci meglio e a stabilire un rapporto più stretto di collaborazione”.
In this spirit, today medicine works more closely with the non-profit organizations , indisputable strength for proper support, which is sanctioned active presence in the new Law on Palliative Care.
Association Onlus Bianca Garavaglia, collaborated since 1987 with the Department of Pediatric Oncology of the INT, said Franca Fossati-Bellani, "Join with others in the financing of the research laboratory related to the department, the implementation of psychosocial services in the service of hospitalized children and their families, providing scholarships study, medical equipment, social assistance. "
Among the "Angels of the sick children" - and fortunately there are many - one is struck by another dear friend, Moncilo Jancovic , The "doctor smile" as he called a child.
Milanese, simple operational head of an outpatient pediatric hematology Ospedale San Gerardo di Monza and teacher contract in pediatrics at the University Milano-Bicocca , has worked for years to bring palliative care at home of his young patients.
addition to numerous scientific publications, Dr. Jancovic wrote books to testify and to inform his fellow citizens on this issue. The proceeds of his the Ibro "Andrea you look at the San Siro" serve, for example, to support his project that the new law should be facilitated.
Moncilo Jancovic he favors the therapeutic alliance between the medical and voluntary associations of settore.
In un’intervista, dichiara “A partire dagli anni ‘80, l’alleanza terapeutica, cioè quella comunione di intenti che gli operatori sanitari da una parte e le famiglie e i volontari dall'altra portano avanti con un unico obiettivo ideale che è quello di poter guarire il maggior numero di bambini possibile, è diventata fondamentale. Oggi circa il 70-80 % dei bambini che si ammala di tumore può guarire, non per caso, ma per quello che è stato fatto. E guarire vuol dire lasciarsi alle spalle l'esperienza della malattia e avere una reintegrazione psicologica e sociale equivalente a un soggetto normale nell'ambito della nostra società, quindi una guarigione, secondo i criteri dell'OMS, completa.”
“I malati in generale e i bambini in particolare hanno bisogno di persone che trasmettano qualcosa di positivo. Una speranza sulla quale lavorare ogni giorno», ripete spesso Jancovic ed è in questa dinamica che si iscrive l’approccio terapeutica al giovanissimo paziente.
Quando partecipò ai convegni organizzati a Piacenza e a Novara dalla nostra Associazione , i n occasione della Giornata Nazionale contro il dolore inutile della persona inguaribile c ui tema quell’anno era “Il bambino sofferente e la sua famiglia” , dr. Jancovic told her assistance with his humanity and simplicity, explaining what was central to dialogue with sincerity with sick children and attention to provide the brothers and sisters involved, and they also often bound in the second floor in the family drama.
on Facebook was founded the group "Who loves Momcilo Jankovic" sign of the esteem and affection enjoyed by the Doctor of Smiles among many relatives and friends who have found him not only a doctor but a friend.
ART has often collaborated with dr. Jancovic that supports our work and believes in the work of PADI-words Discrete , a successful project that since 2000, offers support to young people in managing their emotions.
The Posters PADI - Words Discrete submitted to the National Congress of the Italian Society of Palliative Care Issues in 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008
Not all children and teens heal. Their suffering and that of families during the difficult course of illness and the management of the suffering of family and friends after the departure of the young man be underestimated. Our society is not prepared to accompany the death of a little child. The families, friends, to schools, religious institutions, the community often do not know ... what to do or what to say. The the mourning of the child or a child's disturbing because we do not know to handle it. And this is where the ART has the skills to intervene.
If, as says Dr. Marcello Orzalesi "in Italy there are over 11,000 children (0-17 years) with incurable diseases who need specialist palliative care (because of head) for periods sometimes Prolonged third suffering from cancer pathology and 2 / 3 by other pathologists, often rare and complex, "the law just passed us by then the tools necessary to successfully intervene to help the seriously ill children.
But the battle is far from being won and ended. Die today about 1100-1200 children, equal to 1 in 10,000. Where? For the majority of wards. What I want the families and professionals is that it is making available all perfect assistance in the field of pediatric palliative care, not only in hospitals that already exists, but at home!
The home is the place where the child lives with his family, where his bedroom is his refuge, where he built his life, is a place of exchange, acceptance of their loved ones, friends, games, and where everyone has their references and the reflection of its identity.
Home care in pediatric palliative care el'hospice allow the child and his loved ones to maintain peace and dignity, warmth and love, quality of life with the certainty of receiving the same professional care that a hospital.
Marcello Orzalesi report the situation to date has been the reality of the majority of seriously ill children "1.6 million days in hospital per year and 580,000 days in hospital intensive care units. "The future, however, now appears more favorable to our plans for assistance in pediatric palliative care. In fact, if this is an issue, these costs of home care is an incentive to the rapid implementation of Law 1771 .
Orzalesi explains how "in any case the choice to manage the disease at home falls on families, health care costs, economic and organizational often unsustainable. In addition to decisive improvements in the quality of life of young patients with their care through a dedicated network, it also highlighted the likely savings to public health: the estimated cost is € 80/90 million per year, compared with current spending of 650 million for hospital management. "
L 'law enforcement depends attention of everyone. Must come together and collaborate more and more in this "Holy Alliance therapeutic" involved in protecting the rights and needs of our children and their families.
It 'important that the candidates currently running for the regional elections, to commit publicly to ensure that in any region where they will be called to work if they are elected, their first engagement in the health sector is to implement as quickly as possible to the Law 1771.
In the next post ... 'll tell you a wonderful theatrical experience created by a book written by Gianpietro Scalia, medical Piacenza, recently staged in Piacenza: "A very short story about a girl and a cat who wanted to live clinging to the Moon "
Previously we reported the particular aspect which is the situation of children suffering from incurable and the specific needs of these children, teens and their families.
We now return to one aspect of the Law No. 1771 concerning its the care and protection of these children .
Orzalesi Marcello, senior lecturer in child care and children's clinic at the University La Sapienza of Rome, as well as the scientific coordinator of Maruzza Lefebvre D'Ovidio Foundation Onlus , mentioned by us, indicates that Article 5, paragraph 3, the Act provides "a hospital network, dedicated land and home to the child, separate from that of the adult, and must ensure that adequate palliative care for children patients suffering from incurable diseases (life-limiting and life-threatening) with the creation of new Pediatric Hospice , involvement of pediatricians in hospitals, outpatient and family, training of skilled health workers and recognition of skills acquired in the field. "
Italy is set to make a big step to be welcomed . They have been years of battles, campaigns and awareness, pressure to achieve this goal and ART . is one of the realities that have commit. But a law is not enough to transform today's reality. The length of time in which adults, children, teens and their families continue to angustiarsi because of incurable diseases and full of suffering will decrease only if Law operating will be made quickly.
Dr. Orzalesi, which is also director of the department of neonatology and medical surgical and critical care division of the primary Neonatal Paediatric Hospital Bambino Gesu 'in Rome, pointed out that currently the only region where it exists and works is a Pediatric Hospice Veneto .
news approval on March 9, 2010 the Law on Palliative Care.
As you recall, we have often informed about the contents and make the legislative process of this fundamental document on the pages of our blog. An important goal, therefore, has been achieved in what may be called a battle for civilization to guarantee the quality of life and the full dignity of the terminally ill and their families , in which many non-profit organizations, including which the ART, and many professionals are involved in Italy for some time.
- L 'he affirmed the essential levels of care such as palliative care. Only the establishment of the network of palliative care can offer patients a continuità assistenziale fra domicilio, ospedale e hospice. Unica garanzia del rispetto di un punto fondamentale della filosofia delle cure palliative: che i malati e le loro famiglie non vengano mai lasciati soli.
-L a definizione chiara della rete delle cure palliative, distinta da quella della terapia del dolore. Grande infatti è la confusione tra le due discipline. Il dolore è il primo dei problemi affrontati dalle cure palliative ma non certo l’unico. Nella legge, all’articolo 2, la differenza è ben enunciata.
- La semplificazione nella prescrizione dei farmaci antidolore . Finalmente è stato abolito il ricettario speciale per la prescrizione degli oppioidi. La resistenza culturale al suo utilizzo ha contribuito per anni a collocare l’Italia agli ultimi posti per il consumo di questi farmaci, indispensabili per il controllo del dolore severo, in Europa e nel mondo. Ora basterà la normale ricetta del Sistema sanitario nazionale.
- L 'establishment of a ministerial monitoring the implementation of the network .
- The effort to place a form of funding dedicated to the structuring of the network on the national territory .
These last two points are crucial because there are still many differences from region to region in Italy in terms of network deployment and then, at the level of homogeneity in the level of care provided.
But more remains to be done. The law, in fact, to expose some fundamental issues for the implementation and development of the real network of palliative care.
Among these, a particular aspect operator training, has relevant chiaroscuro: on the one hand, the training and retraining of staff find space in the law, through undergraduate and master , from ' others, however, are excluded amendments on the "amnesty" and master professional skills. "This is because there in other specialties are a sufficient number of doctors to care for palliative care and on the other hand, many of those who are competent may not possess, in the words of the law, the requirements for gaining access to public tenders. She hopes these guidelines will be filled this gap. "Stress in the joint press release SICP and FCP. Recall that
the process of creation or adaptation of the structures in a palliative approach goes hand in hand with the training of volunteers and accompanying . The quality of care they provide depends largely on the preparation, human and professional team members. The need training inherent to palliative care is the subject of numerous recommendations, unfortunately, not yet implemented at the institutional level by Italy.
The hospice director The Valley ole S of Borgo Val di Taro (PR), Jose Del Nevo, and the group of volunteers to accompany Association Friends of the Valley of the Sun during the training course led by Dr. Amanda Castle.
"We must be satisfied for approval of the law, but remember that it is a starting point" says dr. John Zaninetti, President of the Italian Society of Palliative Care , after final approval of the measure. "This is a journey that started many years ago. Palliative care has finally acquired the dignity they deserved, as evidenced also by a unanimous vote. We are pleased with the establishment of networks for palliative care and to treat pain, as well as the education part of the operators and the simplification of access to opioids. There are few funds available, but at this time was probably inevitable. " Dr. Zaninetti points out that "networks of hospice are already operating in some regions, but in others lacking. Will decisive in the upcoming State-Regions Conference.
The Palliative Care Federation through the voice of its President , Francesca Floriani Crippa, comment on in an interview yesterday : "This bill, which we hope will soon be law in every respect, is a great achievement and cultural calendar. E ' a good starting point which fills a legal vacuum. This is demonstrated by the fact that it was approved with bipartisan vote in the House, both the Senate. Palliative care, that all those acts that are dedicated and compassionate therapy to patients when they can not be cured but can still be treated and helped, finally become an entitlement for every citizen. "
continue to keep you informed on the topic and to engage so that the valuable information laws to fully materialize.
"Palliative care the new frontier of medicine that looks at the person, not the patient. The oldest, the true calling of medicine that looks at the man, "said Gianni Letta, Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council during the conference or" Paediatric palliative care: the law on child "organized by Lefèbvre Maruzza Foundation in Rome, which we have already spoken on our blog.
"We are at a point of arrival and departure," said Gianni Letta, "because the care is not and can not be just a series of treatments and prescriptions, but the full interest and attention of care they which commits the soul. "
We note the good willingness of the authorities and expect the new law and the practical measures for implementation as soon as possible.
Dear friends, seems extremely important to spread the initiative to follow regarding protection of the rights of patients and attention to rare diseases.