The complementary therapies are holistic disciplines working on the inconvenience and discomfort of the person. The term complementary underlines the intent of these disciplines to be supportive traditional medicine and focusing on the welfare and quality of life of the person
will depart 'in Rome from February 5, for the first time in Italy, the application of Shiatsu as complementary to the Palliative Care patients at home. The project, in Rome and 'promoted by the cultural IKI with the active participation of the Vice-President Daniel Piola, and the association Birch onlus with Dr. Stefania Celli (Head of Health) and the President Giorgio Valentini, fara 'Reporting nt and will be' coordinated by Dr. Augusto Caraceni, Director of Hospice Virgilio Floriani at the 'National Cancer Institute of Milan .
The application of Shiatsu at home will serve patients' well to collect more data to study promoted hospice Virgilio Floriani, supported by the Floriani Foundation on Shiatsu and Palliative Care. The purpose of the study and 'evaluate the effect of shiatsu techniques to improve the state of relaxation and well-being of terminal cancer patients, alleviating their psychological and physical disorders related to clinical conditions. Research in Milan and 'covers the period from November 2006 to March 2007 and continues today: We have treated 16 people for a total of 66 sessions Shiatsu (average of 4 sessions per person) for a period of about 50 minuti ciascuna, con una frequenza di tre incontri alla settimana. Una ricerca che ha gia' dato risultati incoraggianti.
Dal progetto romano, nasceranno ulteriori dati che, elaborati, potranno dire come e se tale pratica interviene su umore, ansia e dolore determinando il miglioramento delle condizioni del malato. La Betulla e' una associazione onlus operante a Roma dal 2005. Attraverso una rete di medici, infermieri e cittadini volontari, assiste malati terminali oncologici e non oncologici presso il loro domicilio del tutto gratuitamente, non solo fornendo assistenza medica, ma affiancando e sostenendo malati e famiglie anche sotto il profilo psicologico.
Oltre allo Shiatsu are many other complementary therapies help to ease the pain and suffering due to disease and curb the symptoms among those best known, music therapy, art therapy , pet therapy, and among the most innovative 's EFT, for which the proposed ART two seminars last year.

The application of Shiatsu at home will serve patients' well to collect more data to study promoted hospice Virgilio Floriani, supported by the Floriani Foundation on Shiatsu and Palliative Care. The purpose of the study and 'evaluate the effect of shiatsu techniques to improve the state of relaxation and well-being of terminal cancer patients, alleviating their psychological and physical disorders related to clinical conditions. Research in Milan and 'covers the period from November 2006 to March 2007 and continues today: We have treated 16 people for a total of 66 sessions Shiatsu (average of 4 sessions per person) for a period of about 50 minuti ciascuna, con una frequenza di tre incontri alla settimana. Una ricerca che ha gia' dato risultati incoraggianti.
Dal progetto romano, nasceranno ulteriori dati che, elaborati, potranno dire come e se tale pratica interviene su umore, ansia e dolore determinando il miglioramento delle condizioni del malato. La Betulla e' una associazione onlus operante a Roma dal 2005. Attraverso una rete di medici, infermieri e cittadini volontari, assiste malati terminali oncologici e non oncologici presso il loro domicilio del tutto gratuitamente, non solo fornendo assistenza medica, ma affiancando e sostenendo malati e famiglie anche sotto il profilo psicologico.
Oltre allo Shiatsu are many other complementary therapies help to ease the pain and suffering due to disease and curb the symptoms among those best known, music therapy, art therapy , pet therapy, and among the most innovative 's EFT, for which the proposed ART two seminars last year.
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