Alphonse Mucha was born in 1866 in Ivančice, Moravia (now Czech Republic). Mucha comes
from a large family of the petty bourgeoisie. The child draws a lot and soon get into the habit of doing a caricature of his companions. Good calligrapher and designer, was hired as chancellor in the court where his father was bailiff. A
19 years back to Vienna where he was hired by the home Kautsky-Brioche-Burghardt, specializing in theatrical decor, but continues to paint landscapes, portraits and realizes the inscriptions of tombstones. Count Kluen, the lord of the place, asked him to make the mural paintings in its castle and this work, which found success, he does receive from the local nobility.
Mucha is interested in Photography and illustrations for printing.
In 1894, un concorso di circostanze lo porta a realizzare la sua prima affiche per una pièce di Sarah Bernhardt ; « Gismonda », la sua affiche sarà un vero successo - presso il pubblico come presso l’attrice - e Mucha collaborerà con Sarah Bernhardt per 6 anni con un contratto esclusivo per il teatro.

L’attrice ha una fama internazionale ; i produttori di profumi, di champagne o di biciclette fanno allora la coda davanti alla porta di Mucha. Le sue opere sono ormai su tutti i muri e quotidianamente si incrociano le sue creazioni (sigarette Job, biscotti Lu, champagne Ruinart, etc.) e ciò lo porterà a partecipare all’Esposizione Universale 1900.
In 1908 he produced his last great work of Art Nouveau: the decoration of the German theater. In 1910, Mucha decided to dedicate the rest of his life painting twenty large paintings that are symbolic of an epic Slavic people since ancient times. All his energy is for the Slav Epic.
In 1939, aged 79, Mucha dies in Prague.

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