Monday, October 6, 2008

Samoan Bible For Sale

Popoli islamici

arms! To arms! The bell person:
Turks on them arrived at the marina!
For centuries, this cry has echoed down almost all the Italian coasts, and with particular intensity along our own. Remained in the historical memory of the elderly, the memory of the raids "Saracen," which has led to much of our history, influencing the language and culture.

in Calabria both raids (for over a millennium since the early 800 AD, is recorded on the last attempted incursion in 1842 off Punta Stilo!) which, with temporary workers and the establishment of small emirates in various locations (Squillace, Santa Severina, Amantea, etc..), the "Arabs" (variously known as Turks, Saracens, Moors, agareni, and in other ways) were not really such.
What unified them was the common religion of Islam, but actually came from a huge area stretching from the far West and Far East of the Mediterranean basin.
Although they were raiders and plunderers, shook intense commercial and economic relations with Calabria, which passed on not only terror, but also culture and technological knowledge. With them came
crops such as jasmine or several citrus bergamot, and perhaps oranges, mandarins and lemons.
were still one of the factors that caused the loss of our land, not least the impoverished population, with the capture of slaves, and abandoning the coast.
must be said that the capture and the slave trade was also practiced by Christians toward the Muslim population. And one must also add
che in alcuni casi gli stessi calabresi, oppressi dalla miseria, si facevano catturare, nella speranza di un futuro migliore, o quanto meno di non morire di fame.

Uluj Alì (Occhialì)
Emblematica in questo senso la vicenda del pirata Occhialì, che, catturato dai turchi, si convertì all’islam, raggiunse posizioni di prestigio e guidò svariate incursioni in quella che una volta era la sua terra.
Oppure di Scipione Cicala (sebbene per alcuni fosse siciliano o genovese), sul quale resta una strofa di un antico canto popolare:
Arrivaru li turchi, a la marina
Cu Scipioni Cicala e novanta galeri.
Na matina di maggiu,
Cirò vozzi coraggiu
Mentre poi a settembri, toccò a Riggiu.
Genti fujiti, jiti a la muntagna,
Accussì di li turchi nessuno vi pigghia!

Dei rapporti e della dominazione testimoniano molte parole entrate nel nostro vocabolario: zirru, giarra , tafareda (contenitori); articoli commerciati erano fjannacca (collana) e juppuni (camicia femminile), e del linguaggio commerciale fanno parte anche magazeni e tamarru (venditore di datteri); tùmanu (unit land), mazara (stone to crush the food prepared in salting), gebia (basin irrigation), farruba (carob), zàccanu (enclosure for animals), seine (fishing net) show the influence techniques in food, and words like Guajara (hernia) and limbiccu (still, to produce the ' alcohol) belong to the medical and pharmaceutical field.
Finally, turcju ( turculus small turkish =) was the child died without baptism, surace ( syriakè = Syrian) were the beans.
are traces in the names of some countries: Saracen , Bagaladi (from Baha'llah = Splendor of God), and Alton was originally called Brahalla ( Baraka'llah = Blessing of God) and many districts and towns: Saracen Tower variously present Stone Caliph to Stylus, and many others. Of the remaining
Muslims or descendants of those who were the first masters or slaves captured by pirates "Christians" are some names: Ali, Morabito, Modafferi, Alfaro, etc.. and perhaps Armocida; source "Turkish" could be the ancestors of many Turkish families, Saraceno, Lomoro.
According to some, the past of invasions remains a distrust of Forastera, and the ancestral remains of Islamic and submit resignation to fate, but this is an area much more difficult to deal with.

Today we witness a return of Arab and Muslim elements of a completely different kind: the Kurds, Iraqis, Afghans, Somalis and the Maghreb.
E 'the phenomenon of migration: the movement of peoples have always happened and always will occur, we can not but be pleased that today we do not carry out illegal immigration as peaceful and "annoying."
In this area, Calabria, next to all the problems that we know, shows the phenomena of integration with mutual cultural enrichment, and economical.


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