Legge regionale 2003/15 per la tutela delle minoranze Pubblico il testo della legge emanata dalla Regione Calabria che tutela la lingua e il patrimonio culturale delle nostre minoranze.
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LEGGE REGIONALE 30 ottobre 2003, n. 15
Norme per la tutela e la valorizzazione della lingua e del patrimonio culturale delle minoranze linguistiche e storiche di Calabria.
Recognition of historical linguistic minorities of Calabria
Article 1 Purpose of the Law 1. The Calabria Region recognizes that the protection and promotion of minority languages \u200b\u200bcontribute to building a Europe based on the principles of democracy and respect for cultural diversity and, in implementation of Article 6 of the Constitution and Art. 56 of the Statute regional letter 'r', with its regional law, under Articles 2 and 3 of Law 15 December 1999, no 482, the protection of the population speak Albanian, Hellenistic and Occitan of Calabria and promotes the use and disclosure of their linguistic heritage, cultural and material.
2. The Calabria Region adapting their legislation to the principles of this law in promoting the assembly and municipal consortia formation in the autonomous community of those minority communities in its territory and in the redefinition of the administrative organization identifies a state guarantee for the enhancement of territory and the recovery of its economic potential and environmental with their cultural heritage.
3. The territorial and sub-city in which the provisions of protection of historical linguistic minorities each is provided for in paragraph 3, Art. A Presidential Decree of 2 May 2001, n. 345 and adopted by the provincial councils in its implementation.
Article 2
Defining cultural
1. In implementing Law No 15/12/1999 482, art. 56, letter 'r' of the regional statute and in harmony with the general principles established by the European and international cultural heritage of Commons are referred to in Article 1 of this law, language, literary heritage, historical and archival, the ritual religious, song, music and folk dance, theater, visual arts and sacred art, the particular features of urban planning, architecture and monuments, the ancient settlements, le istituzioni educative, formative e religiose storiche, le tradizioni popolari, la cultura materiale, il costume, l’artigianato tipico e artistico, la tipicizzazione dei prodotti agro-alimentari, la gastronomia tipica, e qualsiasi altro aspetto della cultura materiale e sociale.
Alfabetizzazione, insegnamento e ordinamento scolastico, formazione
Art. 3
Insegnamento bilingue
1. I criteri generali per l’attuazione dell’art. 4 della legge 482 sono indicati dal Ministero della pubblica istruzione con propri decreti.
2. La Regione Calabria li adotta e si adopera affinche´ nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado in the municipalities of Article. 1 of this law is set up bilingual education within the education and training activities and in accordance with national laws on education. Article 4
speeches in favor of additional educational activities
1. The Region supports and funds projects in literacy and language learning Albanian, Greek and Occitan in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in those municipalities where large groups of people are present alloglot. If it is not possible to include the study of Albanian, Greek and Occitan in the normal school hours, it will be the Calabria region cooperate with municipalities, with their Consortia, the provinces and schools that 'courses are organized in the afternoon. These courses will be held on school premises, with the assent of the school or elsewhere as appropriate.
Article 5
content and organization of teaching activities
1. Projects must be carried out, preferably through the use of minority languages. 2. Language teaching must be kept by the teachers holding a bachelor's degree, umanisticopedagogica area, equipped with formal evidence of actual knowledge of Albanian, Greek, Occitan.
Article 6
Sizing school
1. For the size of educational institutions and for the determination of organic functional of individual schools in the municipalities referred to in Article 1 of this Act, having regard to paragraph 3 of Presidential Decree of June 18, 1998, No 233, priority is allowed to aggregate contiguous areas and vertical field. Article 7
literacy courses
1. The Region, as part of the operations covered by this law, supports the teaching, training and research promoted by the regional university system for the development of language and culture of the Albanian minority, Hellenistic and Occitan in Calabria.
2. The Calabria Region to To facilitate the objectives of this Act program throughout the territory of the municipalities concerned language refresher courses for employees of public institutions referred to in Articles 7, 8, 9 of the Law of 15 December 1999, n. 482.
3. It may set up free classes of linguistic literacy for all citizens of the municipalities referred to in Article 1 of this Act, to be managed by educational institutes, public bodies or associations recognized.
4. It may set up special schools for the training of language and tourism, training in art and music, traditional crafts and other activities aimed at promoting public education and promotion of community linguistic and cultural diversity.
institutions and cultural activities
Article 8
Regional Committee for linguistic minorities
1. For the programming of activities under this Act, for the targeting of resources devoted to the protection and promotion of linguistic communities has established a Regional Committee for the linguistic minorities of Calabria consists of:
a) Councillor for culture or his delegate;
b ) 4 Albanian mayors, two mayors grecanici, the Mayor of Guardia Piemontese proposed by the Conference of Mayors;
c) 4 persons speaking languages subject to protection from the Register of Associations and reported, of which 2 of the Albanian language, a language and a Greek-speaking Occitan,
d) 2 experts selected from the historical linguistics and / or anthropology of the University of Cosenza and Reggio Calabria.
2. The Committee is appointed by the President of the Regional Council on the designation of the competent and shall hold office for the duration of the legislature. Its powers are, however, be extended until the inauguration of the new Committee.
3. The meetings are chaired by the Culture or his delegate.
4. Participation in meetings does not give right to any compensation. The reimbursement of expenses for claimants is to regional budget.
5. The secretariat of the Committee shall be conducted by an official of the Culture of no less than the category D.
6. The Committee shall prepare the draft annual program of educational and cultural activities for the enhancement of community alloglot.
7. The Committee evaluates the proposals and projects received by the Region taking into account available funding, the productivity of operations by distributing resources equitably among the three language communities.
Article 9
1. The Regional Government, on the basis of proposals received by the Committee, approves the action by 1 November each year. Article 10
regional institutes of culture
1. Under Article 16 of Law 15 December 1999, no 482 are set up three regional institutes: a) is established in San Demetrio Corone at the College of italoalbanese Sant'Adriano, the Regional Institute for Community Arberesh of Calabria;
b) is established, based in Bova Marina, the Institute Institute of Regional Studies Ellen-Calabria (IRSSEC) for the Greek community in Calabria;
c) is established in Guardia Piemontese Regional Institute for Occitan community of Calabria;
d) the Regional Council in the regional programming under 'Art. 8 è autorizzata ad istituire nuovi Centri o Istituti di ricerca o Sezioni decentrate.
Art. 11
Conferenza regionale dei Comuni alloglotti
1. Nelle Province di Cosenza, Reggio Calabria, Crotone e Catanzaro è costituita la Conferenza Regionale dei Comuni alloglotti di cui all’articolo 1 della presente legge. Essa è composta dai Sindaci dei Comuni o un loro delegato, dai Presidenti delle Province o da un loro delegato, da 5 rappresentanti delle Associazioni di cui 3 per la minoranza albanese, 1 per la minoranza greca, 1 per la minoranza occitanica.
Art. 12
Funzionamento e gestione degli Istituti regionali e della Conferenza regionale dei Comuni Alloglotti
1. The Regional Conference of Municipalities alloglot referred to in Article 11 and the regional institutes of culture, referred to in Article 10 shall be governed by specific statutes that will indicate the tasks, and any articulation organs of these bodies.
2. Consultation with interested bodies, the statutes will be prepared by CO.RE.MIL Calabria within six months of its constitution and submitted to the Regional Government and, from this, the approval of the Regional Council within ninety days of submission. After sixty days from the deadline, the statutes are deemed to be approved. Article 13
associations and voluntary
1. The Region Calabria recognizes the cultural associations and the local press of the Albanian language, Hellenistic and Occitan and considers them a vital tool of protection, enhancement and promotion of language and cultural-historical heritage.
2. Establishing a special fund for cultural, artistic, scientific, economic, educational, tourist, recreational, social, welfare, solidarity, in favor of the celebrations, exhibitions, conferences and study other initiatives aimed at conserving, enhancing and promoting the linguistic heritage, ethnic, artistic, historical, cultural minorities provided by Article 1 of this law on the entire region and nationally, as well as' in favor of initiatives to meet the needs of migration and relations with countries of origin.
3. Under Article 4 of the AL April 19, 1985 No 16 recognizes the cultural activities of groups operating for the protection and promotion of linguistic communities, establishing an appropriate regional register. Article 14
of associations
1. For the benefits of this law are favored forms of cooperation or partnerships between the municipalities.
2. In accordance with the laws of the State and the Calabria region will be encouraged and enhanced by suitable means the establishment of consortia, cooperatives, non-profit organization or any other form of voluntary to protect the interests of those populations.
3. I'm still favored and encouraged the efforts of private, individual or group for the development of infrastructure, museums, hotels and restaurants. Article 15
speeches promoting cultural
1. The Region promotes and supports, on the basis of specific orientations, cultural and artistic activities in the following subject areas:
a) studies, research and surveys on the state language of the communities referred to in Article 1, creating a database of testimonials and historical materials, archives, ethnology, folklore collection and compilation of linguistic repertoires Albanian, Greek and Occitan, editing and publishing of atlases, maps and other documents of historical areas, cultural and linguistic
organization of seminars, workshops, poetry competitions, literary awards, research, testing and documentation on issues regarding the history, economics, society, traditions and cultural heritage, art and languages,
b) printing and production of audiovisual and other media; editions of newspapers and magazines in Albanian, Greek and Occitan for developing and disseminating knowledge of the history, language , culture and traditions of minority language groups, publications and dissemination of scientific books on culture and Albanian, Greek, and Occitan, information and promotional activities through mass media;
c) information and refresher courses for teachers, competitions among the students and other extra-curricular activities aimed at the knowledge of the history, culture, language and traditions of the municipalities covered by this law;
d) preparation and organization of theater, music and dance for the knowledge and dissemination of cultural heritage Albanian, greek and Occitan;
e) collection and study of place names in local dialects of Albania greek and Occitan and its scientific publications, in order to highlight, through appropriate signs, place names original;
f) cultural exchanges, especially in schools with other communities of Albanian, Greek and Occitan in Italy and abroad;
g) relations between the communities of Albanian, Greek and Occitan and communities of immigrants from Calabria to 'abroad who have preserved and passed down the language and traditions of the original places.
Art Festival 16
Arberesh and music center 1. The Calabria Region recognizes the special feature creative, promotional and International Song Festival Arberesh and therefore the need for special annual funding for the continuation and strengthening of the event.
2. Establishing the region of Calabria the center of music and popular song Arberesh as a means of historical documentation, research and preservation of music cataloging singing songs.
3. The Calabria Region promotes similar initiative referred to in paragraph 1 for the other two linguistic communities. Article 17
printing, publishing, radio, television
1. The Calabria Region grant special financial support to press, the editorial part of the linguistic and cultural communities, subject to fees under the law for publishing. Article 18
Television programming
1. On the basis of agreements to be concluded between the Region and the regional headquarters for the RAI Calabria and commercial broadcasters felt the CO.RE.COM. Calabria, the regional radio and television programs have included cultural programs, education and entertainment in minority languages \u200b\u200bAlbanian, Greek, Occitan. Article 19
Intervention Special
1. For 2003-2004, the region of Calabria is a special fund of C 1,000,000.00 which economic fund for a special action plan aimed at the following activities:
a) recovery of the original forms of names and last names of the languages \u200b\u200bof interest of this Act. Every citizen resident in the region can obtain a refund from their municipalities of charges for the exchange of master name, in accordance with Article 11 of Law 15 December 1999, no 482, provided that 'demonstrable authenticity of the claim;
b) survey the entire region, with arrangements for the census, the population alloglot;
c) cataloging and archiving of local dialects of the municipalities referred to in Article 1 of this Act. The project, believed to be pressing for the preservation of forms of expression at risk of extinction, will be made by cultural institutions and associations recognized. The same action is then extended to attendance at places of emigration foreign language;
d) funding Provinces and municipalities for study, design and installation of bilingual road signs, road and place names of bilingual road, the recovery of ancient place names used in popular language;
e) special benefits through grants for the installation of advertising signs bilingual. Article 20
cultural exchanges with countries of origin 1. The Calabria Region, the provinces and local authorities facilitate and encourage the relationship between language communities and nations of origin.
Protection of socio-economic and environmental interests
Article 21
Protection socio-economic
1. The protection of cultural and linguistic communities also affects the regional socio-economic and environmental interests that form the basis of their existence and preservation. Of this interest takes into account the region of Calabria in the preparation and approval of regional plans of development, zoning, housing plans and building economies and populations in developing plans for environmental protection and forestry, in the consolidation and expansion the road system and road network.
2. The plans for economic planning, social and urban planning and their implementation in the territories inhabited by populations of the current law should follow the principle of not altering the ethnic and cultural areas. Article 22
religious artistic heritage
1. For the sacred buildings and places of worship in the liturgy of the Greek Church, under this law will set up a dedicated special fund to complete, consistent with applicable laws and protection of constraints, the work of architecture Orientalisation Eastern iconography and sacred. Article 23
ancient settlements
1. Are protected and safeguard the centers of the ancient settlements of cultural and linguistic communities. Particular attention is paid to the protection of Italian-Albanian gjitonia Greek organization and anthropological, social and urban Italian-Albanian village, scientifically recognized as a unique blend of urban and social life of the oriental type. Article 24
key services
1. The locations and levels of any school, health facilities, post offices and administrative services are considered essential to the defense of culture and territory of the municipalities referred to in art. 1 of this law.
TITLE V Final provisions Article 25
financial rules and final
1. Obligations arising from Article. 10 of this law, certain for 2003 in C200.000, 00, is provided with the resources available all'UPB of the estimates of expenditure of the budget itself, the inherent Provisions for pending legislation bearing on current expenditure "whose allocation is reduced by the same amount.
2. The budget of the preceding paragraph is used in the current year by putting the power of the charge to UPB of the estimates of expenditure of the 2003 budget. The Regional Council is empowered to make such consequential changes to the technical documentation referred to in Article. Regional Law 10 of February 4, 2002, No 8.
3. For subsequent years la copertura degli oneri legislativi relativi è assicurata con l’approvazione del bilancio di previsione annuale e con la legge finanziaria di accompagnamento.
4. La presente legge entra in vigore il giorno successivo a quello della sua pubblicazione nel Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione. La presente legge regionale sarà pubblicata nel Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione Calabria.È fatto obbligo, a chiunque spetti, di osservarla e farla osservare come legge della Regione Calabria.
Catanzaro, lì 30 ottobre 2003
Il Presidente