Monday, June 28, 2010

Doorless Walk In Shower Ideas

: 1,180 Km .. walk!

From Saint Thibault des Vignes in Badia Polesine, via Piacenza

game on June 5 from Saint Thibault des Vignes , a town close to Paris, a team composed of two walkers and a driver stopped in the wet Bettola , home of ' Paulo Parra Association for Research on terminality , non-profit organization. The athletes are directed to Badia Polesine , in the province of Rovigo, where arriving the next July 1 . The two are linked by a common twinning agreement signed in 2006.

The logos of the two municipalities on the caravan of marchers

Like the holy Thibault was able to connect a French town with an Italian town?

few years ago a French scholar during his research on the life of St. Theobald , he found the corpse of the saint rested, since the mid-Mille, in the church of Badia Polesine and wrote to the then parish priest Fr Dante Bellinato for more information and, above all, have confirmed of that news. There followed an exchange of correspondence with some people and this first report badiesi slowly curiosity about the history of Badia and his patron grew and the exchange of letters was being transformed into friendship.
You came to know that the church of Saint Thibault des Vignes was preserved a relic of St. Theobald patron of the city and that the church was dedicated to St. John the Baptist .

The church of Saint Thibault des Vignes

These two aspects of historical and religious, the patron saint of the church and the dedication to St. John the Baptist of the two European countries, did the idea matured, in a group of badiesi, to bring the two cities with a twin.

Badia Polesine , today the city of 10,927 inhabitants, lies on the right bank of the river Adige and owes its name to 'Abbey Vangadizza , an important Benedictine monastery founded in the area before Thousand Vangadizza and abolished in 1810 during French rule. It is located in the province of Rovigo , not far from Emilia Romagna, 65 km and 35 km from Bologna to Ferrara.

Abbey of Vangadizza , Badia Polesine

To celebrate the fourth anniversary of the important cooperation and exchange agreement, a French citizen of the town, Georges Tambo, proposed an original and challenging project: to reach the Italian sister walk through mountain passes and plains.

Georges Tambo

The idea seemed impossible, but it's been accepted. From 4 to 6 June, a delegation of Badia, with many students , reached the French national team for the start of the marchers.

Students of delegazione di Badia Polesine

Camminando per una media di 55 Km al giorno , i due uomini che la compongono, hanno affrontato acquazzoni, freddo, grandine e, adesso, sole cocente in nome dell’amicizia franco-italiana.

Frederic Chabin rifocillato durante la marcia nella strada di montagna

La performance, già di per sé unica, lo è ancora di più se si pensa che uno dei due marciatori, nonché promotore ed organizzatore di questa lunghissima camminata, Georges Tambuté, ha 73 anni . Grande sportivo, ha al suo attivo numerose national and international competitions (speed of 24 to 72 consecutive hours).

His companion adventure, a computer engineer, Frederic Chabin, 45, to llenatore athletics.

Chabin Frederic March on a busy road: danger lurking!

The third "musketeer" already a member of the Foreign Legion, Rolf Potke , 69, resident in Belgium, sporty too, is responsible for logistical support and driver of the camper which serves as base camp for athletes traveling.

Rolf Potke

The route is marked by famous names like Chablis, Chalons sur Saone, Bourg en Bresse, Chambery, Mont Cenis (2083 m), Modane and Susa, turin, Pavia, Piacenza, Cremona, Mantova to arrive, finally, Badia Polesine.

The marchers faced gradients of 450 meters in 10 km with gradients of up to 10%.

way to 2083 m: a hard-won victory

Un'exploit sportivo, ma anche, come ha riferito Frederic rispondendo alle numerose domande dei membri dell’A.R.T. presso La Bagnata di Bettola (PC) , “una difficile sfida individuale che richiede profonda serenità, equilibrio interiore, spirito d’équipe e senso di solidarietà.”

I tre marciatori con alcuni membri dell'A.R.T.,
Grazia Di Stefano e Marco Rava

Georges Tambuté sottolinea quanto “questi 1.180 km percorsi a piedi rappresentano un’esperienza umana indimenticabile, che può essere utile ai giovani. Convivere in un camper per quasi a month, facing hard times of danger and on busy roads, no small feat, but a time to know himself, to discover each other, accept one another and grow together in our humanity. "

The "three musketeers"

Rolf adds laughing, "We are like the famous musketeers, one for all and all for one! ".

Rolf ice and snow in June

From July 1 to 4, for the arrival of the heroic walkers, will be in Badia Polesine representation French led by the Mayor of Saint Thibault des Vignes, Sinclair Vouriot .

The Mayor of Saint Thibault des Vignes, Sinclair Vouriot ,
with members of the municipal council and staff at the start of the first marchers

But how this fits in stopping adventure in our province?

A thin wire connects the history of this team and the Association ART which is headquartered there. The V ice Mayor of Saint Thibault des Vignes, Mireille Verger, in fact, State of the ART for years

The V ice Mayor of Saint Thibault des Vignes, Mireille Verger

The work of Piacenza does not stop at Italian borders, but it is also very developed in Europe, especially France.

W Italy (nonostante. ..)

occasion of the visit of the marchers, the founder of ART, Amanda Castle , outlined the many projects of 'Association volunteer and asked them to be ambassadors for the municipality of Badia Polesine forging of links between the territory of Piacenza and the rovighese.

From left, Georges Tamba, Frederic Chabin and Amanda Castle
to The Wet

The three French friends have taken charge of the mission, bringing with their important material on palliative care the fight against the needless suffering of incurable person, support for families and, of course, the project Padi - Discrete Words for schools. At the same time, the marchers wanted to become a member of the ART

After the picnic approximations made during their journey, athletes have particularly enjoyed the delicacies of Piacenza, especially the ravioli with butter and sage, and the cup, Of course, as good French, have given a good rating to ' Ortrugo and Gutturnio of our hills.

Departure from wet Bettola (PC)
Monday, June 28 in the direction of Cremona, Mantua and
then, finally, Badia Polesine.
Congratulations and good luck!

Domani pubblicheremo anche un filmato che documenta l'impresa epica dei tre "moschettieri" per la celebrazione del gemellaggio tra la città francese di Saint Thibault des Vignes e la città italiana di Badia Polesine.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

What Food For Babies Sensitive Stomach

The City of Mirabella Imbaccari


Civil Protection Volunteers Association "Imakara"

Citizenship of the

which is active in our area of \u200b\u200bservice monitoring for spotting fires.
That is strictly forbidden to throw from a vehicle, or leave, matches, cigars or cigarettes and other material on and / or hot.
that in the period from June 15 to October 15 is not allowed near the woods and bushy land falling on our land:
- fires;
- Use flame devices;
- Smoking in the woods or land where there are bushes, grass, scrub, stubble, weeds,
- Burn stubble, grass and weeds.
who violate these provisions are subject to an administrative fine of € 51.00 to € 258.00 per hectare or fraction of a hectare fire, according to the LR 16 of April 6, 1996, in addition to criminal prosecution under Articles 423, 423 bis and 449 of the CP.

anyone had spotted a fire can contact the following numbers:
Municipal Police 0933/991460
Civil Protection Volunteers Association 349 1364363 - 320 0227139 .

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Frequence Bollywood Astra

important event for Italian palliative care: elected a new Board of Directors of the Federation Palliative Care

Si è svolta a Milano il 4 Giugno scorso l'Assemblea Generale della Federazione Cure Palliative FCP onlus . Grande la partecipazione delle associazioni aderenti che provengono da tutta Italia. Tra queste anche l'A.R.T., membro della FCP da 10 anni.

La Federazione Cure Palliative

(FCP) è una Onlus di secondo livello che coordina, sul territorio

nazionale, 63 organizzazioni non profit impegnate nell'assistenza

ai malati inguaribili e alle loro famiglie.

La FCP è un punto di riferimento per tutti coloro che entrano in contatto con il mondo

delle cure palliative e della terapia del dolore per professione, per necessità,

per studio o per semplice interesse.

Scopo della FCP is, among others, to protect the institutions and civil society, individual rights
incurable or terminal and the quality of care.

through their delegates, the ONP and the voluntary associations took part in a g ay particularly important: n ell'occasione Assembly, in fact, there were the elections of the new Board of Directors who will lead the Federation in the coming years, as we had anticipated on the site ART few weeks ago.

An important moment in the life of an organization as authoritative, as evidenced by the number of applications came from members of all FCP Italy. ART decided not to propose its representatives, but to put his trust in the candidates present.

Some of the most representative members of the outgoing Executive Council wanted to leave room for a renewal with the intent to promote a change that could further boost the activity of FCP. For this reason, famous names such as the Chairwoman of palliative care Francesca Floriani Crippa and directors Claude Fusco, Arnaldo Minetti, Daina Petracchi, Cristina Rebuck and Furio Zucco were not in the pink of applications.

The significance of this choice and the value of the transition is well illustrated by dr. Furio Zucco, former President of the Italian Society of Palliative Care SICP, director of Hospice Garbagnate (MI) and President of the friendly presence, among the "fathers" of the founders FCP has always been at the forefront in the battle for the diffusion the palliative care network on Italian territory, in the letter to all members on the eve of the day :

Carissimi amici,

in molti mi avete chiesto perché, per la prima volta, non abbia riproposto la mia candidatura per il prossimo Consiglio Direttivo della Federazione Cure Palliative.

Il momento è particolarmente significativo e quindi ho ritenuto opportuno scrivere a tutti voi per darvi una risposta e soprattutto perché la mia decisione non venga vissuta come l’abbandono della FCP al suo destino proprio da parte di chi, nel lontano 1999, ha voluto e contribuito fattivamente alla sua fondazione. La motivazione della mia scelta è una sola ed è sostenuta dalla stessa, forte motivazione di quegli anni: è tempo di cambiamento nella continuità.

a complex organism such as ours Federation today needs new energy, creative energy and continued commitment on the part of those who have the ability and age to keep pace another volunteer. Activity that overlaps with that constant, daily, is lavished on each one of us is in the workplace in the management of our volunteer organizations, to reach those goals from the outset that we have in common is convinced us, 11 years ago, founded the Federation : protecting the rights of patients in advanced stage because of illness incurable and their families, speaking on the cultural, ethical, communicative, regulatory and institutional reforms.

Just when the law must be applied 38, many of which claim the exclusive paternity or maternity, the FCP always inextricably to the side of the Italian Society of Palliative Care, will maintain its role as a "transmission belt" of the needs of the population towards the institutions, avoiding the drift of the predominance of economic logic and lobbyists svuotino the contents of the movement for palliative care must take precedence when their ethical values \u200b\u200band quality.

So off to the young, especially if you love it!

Enthusiasm, commitment and renewal in the continuity: these short, the cardinal points that should guide the route of the new Board of Directors at the helm of FCP.

In its letter, the dr. Zucco wanted to mention and thank some people who have shown their commitment to the FCP and reality of belonging in their , helping them to 'p OSSIBLE achieve unimaginable results . " Among the members of Boards of Directors of FCP 1999 to 2006, was recalled the founder of ART, Dr. Amanda Castello, years at the forefront, as a volunteer and as a professional, in the battle for spread the culture of palliative care in Italy.

from left, Dr. Patricia Buddha, Dr. Amanda Castle, speaker at the XII National Congress SICP, dr. And Dr. Luigi Grassi. Augusto Caraceni.

Un'altro ringraziamento importante va a Daisy Gay, segretaria FCP, punto di riferimento per tutti gli aderenti, al quale l'A.R.T. si unisce pienamente:

"Un caro abbraccio a Daisy Gay. Senza di Lei e senza il suo impegno, il suo entusiasmo e il Her smile for all the FCP, all these years, he could count on a unique historical memory and operational. "

Daisy Gay , right, with Lucia Tagliaferri during the National Congress of SICP 2009

The 47 associations present in the assembler , through their delegates, elected between 17 Candidate the 10 members of the new Board of Directors we are pleased to present, associations with their city of origin and beyond that, where possible, pictures.

Giovanna Bacchini, AVD Reggio Emilia - Secretary

Marta Bottino, Ass Gigi Ghirotti Genoa

Rocco Ditaranto , Fondazione Lu.V.I. Milano

Vittorio Guardamagna , Ass. Presenza Amica Garbagnate Milanese

Anna Mancini, ADVAR Treviso

Luca Moroni, Ass Friends of 'Hospice Abbiategrasso (MI) - President

Giorgio Trizzino , Samot Palermo - Vice

Paola Serra , The Fellowship of the Stars Reggio Calabria

Daniela Galimberti, M. Ass Cloak Comense (CO) - Treasurer

Louis Massaglia , ACCP Alfio Privitera Crema (CR)

Del Board is also part of the dr. John Zaninetti as President of the Italian Society of Palliative Care SICP.

The same Directors, which met for the first time on the same day, elected among the members of the new CD the person who will lead the FCP as President : dr. Luca Moroni.

With official letter sent to all members, our President gave impetus to the work of the new Council.

A votazioni concluse, il dr. Giovanni Zaninetta, Presidente della SICP , ha presentato un’interessante relazione dal titolo La prima legge italiana sulle cure palliative (L. 38/2010): un punto di arrivo , ma anche un punto di partenza .

This is one of the most significant achievements thanks to the contribution of all those who fight for palliative care in Italy. The FCP, among them, has played an important role in the definition of the law, working with the Ministry for the preparation thereof.

As highlighted by the title of the dr. Zaninetti, and as we were able to highlight multiple times in the pages of our blog, the law can only be a starting point and it is important to continue this battle of civilizations.

Considering the value of the reflections of dr. Zaninetti, we want be shared with those who were not posting on this blog excerpts.

We will do it in the next post
stay tuned!