Today we take you on a real journey through the pages of this addressing sensitive issues such as cancer, serious illness, palliative care, hospice ... and bereavement and its processing. Remember that you must live is testimony to the extraordinary story of Marilu Barontini, a member of the ART, and at the same time, a "manual" to accompany and mourning played dall’Associazione.

Crediamo che l’esperienza della lotta contro il cancro e l’accompagnamento fino all’ultima battaglia di Marilù narrati in questo libro, possano essere un valido aiuto per chi affronta oggi la malattia grave e inguaribile , in prima persona o a fianco ad una persona cara, c ome per chi si impegna, come professionista o volontario di accompagnamento, nelle cure palliative, in hospice, all’interno di reparti ospedalieri…

Remember that you must live
We join in the words of the same Marilu , written to the end of his diary in the book: If these
pages will be read one day by someone, I would like it were a patient to instill hope, or a doctor, because they always stop to think before you speak to those affected by cancer, so as to mitigate the duty to inform a encouragement to hope. As for any other readers for their good fortune in good health, I like to imagine motivated by a deep desire Solidarity and ready to spread their arms to those affected by suffering.

then begin our trip with pages written by Amanda Castle, founder of the Association for Research on Paulo Parra Terminals - ART, author of file ruoge driving the reader to discover the history of Marilu, in the first chapter of the book.
" I almost start like in fairy tales, Once upon a time ... or as a love letter, my love, because, in all cases, what we are per raccontare è nello stesso tempo una fiaba e una storia d'amore che avremmo voluto durasse ancora.
La conoscenza personale, il rapporto di sostegno, il percorso fatto insieme a Marilù si è trasformato progressivamente in una relazione di amicizia e di affetto vero che si è poi consolidata ed estesa alla cerchia stretta dei familiari.
Questa storia è un pezzo di vita tessuto con gioie e dolori, speranze e delusioni, risi e tears, faith and doubt, anger and peace ... the frame of the emotions of every human being, he has lived through the GEU as Marilu was defined in his story, the Great Human Being.
was the end of 1999 that I heard for the first time of what would become over the years, Little Big Woman (...)
A woman fragile and strong, sweet and sharp and hungry for affection, but reluctant to show it, with a great lack of confidence in his abilities, but with the intuition of the infinite possibilities, an eagle dares not take the flight and hovering in the skies. (...) A woman of faith, a Warrior of Light Paulo Coelho would say. My friend, my protege.
(...) I still remember the first time he came to me in May 2000. He took time to decide whether to take the step or not. Marilu did not like to ask. He felt diminished in soliciting the help of others. In her worldview, she had to give support. He had done this all his life, at home with his mother and aunt, then with her husband. Tense face and clenched fists, a combination of nerves, a time bomb ready to explode, walked into my studio.
immediately attacked me and caused me to pass a close examination to which I willingly underwent understanding the distress that the contradictions in which he lived and struggled. I had before me a person split in two: (...) eager to trust, but more can not be as suspicious and proud as a beast.
(...) At the end of the meeting, I was "promoted" and Marilu school teacher told me she would return.
was the beginning of our story and our history of love ... "

who want to continue to discover and read "Remember that you must live" can do it on pages ART where you can also order one or more copies on-line .