"That image of the world is safe is a certainty for the Austrian, in all his feelings, and this remarkable depth of thought of our well-known frivolousness, no one, from the baroque, the ' has never explained to us with such splendor and with such elegance as Klimt. Klimt painted a woman [...] like a jewel, it sparkles, but the ring of his hand seems to breathe, and live more than his hat her, her mouth opens, but does not think that it may also speak, and her dress seems to whisper. Or if you paint a sunflower, it seems the blink of an eye benign mature man. Again, however, he paints a tree that appears embossed in gold, and when apocalyptic shiver in front of the faces of his great paintings, it may be that in them he had simply wanted to play with colors. "
Hermann Bahr, 1903